Chapter IV || College..? Ugh! Don't remind me.

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*Henry's POV*

"Hello, you mind if I sit here?"  I look up, a man with black hair and icy blue eyes looks down at me. He looked older than me, maybe a year above me. As a college freshman on my first day, I didn't know any better. I let him sit down, and he smiled at me. "What's your name?" He asks me with a heavy English accent.
"Henry Emily, what's yours?" I had just moved to Berkeley , California from the deep south to pursue my dream in children's entertainment.
"My name is William Afton...I see you have a heavy accent, are you from Texas or something like that?"
"Ah, actually I'm from Louisiana. This was the best college that I applied to, and thankfully I got in. Lafayette, Louisiana to be specific." William nods, he is impressed, clearly.
"My family and I moved to Hurricane, Utah a few months ago from England. What a coincidence we met..." He smirked, and I hold my books closer to my chest. "What's your first class, Henryy?" He asks, and he lets my name drag out.
"AP Calculus II."  I ask him the same question, and he has the same answer. The bus stops, and he gets up. I'll see you there, mate."

"I'll tell you the rest later, alright? For now, we have to get out of here bef-" A scream roars through the pizzeria before I can finish my sentence. I stand up quickly, and so does Elizabeth.

"What was that, dad..?" Elizabeth asks, jogging toward the door. I follow her, not having an answer. She opens the door, and we run out to the main dining room.

A 7 foot tall rotten, yellow rabbit stands in the dining room, holding Clay by the throat, and Jessica  and Carlton are backed into the corner,  Carlton holding Clay's gun. "I thought you got rid of him?!" I whisper to Elizabeth.

"Well apparently not!" Elizabeth and I approach the scene, the smell foul. "Put him down, William!" Elizabeth yells, and William turns around, his icy blue eyes still piercing through the bunny mask. He smiles, and I see him loosen his grip on Clay's throat. Thank God.

"What do you two think you're doing here?" William leers, his eyes wide as he looks at us. He lifts his chin, seeming powerful.

"Let Clay go, father." Elizabeth demands, stomping her foot down.

"Oh, so now you call me father now that you want something from me...of course." William rasps, "Only if I get him in exchange." He points to me, and my eyes widen.

"No! Not my dad." Elizabeth tells him, blocking me from William's grasp. His grip on Clay's throat tightens, and I see him go red again.

"You wouldn't dare kill Clay." I move out of Elizabeth's line of vision, presenting myself to William. His eyes narrow, and he puts down Clay, grabbing me by the wrist. I dangle a couple feet above the ground.

"No! What are you thinking?!" Elizabeth asks, Jessica goes to Clay's aid as Carlton starts to shoot Clay's gun.

"Let him go, you bastard!" Carlton yells, but the bullets just ricochet off of William's metal skin. He smiles, knowing he is invincible. William runs, with me in arms, trying to get away from everyone. I try to squirm out of William's grasp, but his grip is too tight. After William realizes the group lost him, he slows down. I try not to breathe in the foul stench of the fursuit, afraid I might throw up from the stench of it. We walk into a room which smells like ash. He locks the door, sighing.

"It's been a while, hasn't it, old friend?"  He grins as he backs me into a corner. "I just need to ask one thing of you, and then I'll let you go, alright?"

*Elizabeth's POV*

"What the hell was that, Clay?!" Jessica demands, "You just let him get away!" Clay sighs, still recovering his breath.

"I'll send some other officers over here, but I'm exhausted..." Clay says, putting a hand to his head. "We need to go, it's dangerous to stay here. If I would've known about him, I would've strayed far away from this place!" Clay walks toward the walk with the vent, boosting himself up. "Oh, and Elizabeth, when you see your dad, tell him I'm upset at him." He says, making room for the others to climb into the vent. I have no time to say anything back to him, even though I want to call him bad names I shouldn't. Following them through the vents, we leave the place and we go back to Clay's home.


"Elizabeth. I need to talk to you." Clay says, leading me to his office. I sit down on the other side of the desk as Clay sits down in his office chair. Deja Vu. I shiver. "Where are those files?" Clay asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Only William would know that question. I handed them off to him and then never saw them again. Isn't the police station smart enough to have extra copies?!" I exclaim, almost shouting the last sentence. His eyes widen, and he scoots back a couple inches.

"No...but maybe now I will." Clay raises his chin, crossing his arms.

I sigh, putting a hand to my forehead. "Look, I want to get my dad back as much as you want to get your love back, but that won't happen if we don't involve more people. I know William very well, and one thing about him is that he will not give up. Now that he had the one thing he wanted, he's going to keep it."

"He's basically invincible now, so there's not much we can do..." Clay worries, and I smile hopefully.

"I know we'll get him back. I just know."

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