Chapter VIIII || My dear Henry...

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TW: disturbing themes and gore appear in this chapter, so please be wary!

*Elizabeth's POV*

"He's the one who started this!" Clay looks up at me, and I continue my sentence, "We need to go now...actually, after I get changed!" Urgency fills my tone, and I ball my fists up.

"He's the only one who would know the answer." My dad says, I look into his eyes, a dark violet spills into his iris, hardly any of his original emerald green color remained.

"I'm not coming with you.. the thought of seeing him again is too much to bear.. you know?" Micheal steps away, and Clay nods, understanding.

Clay sighs, his breath shaking. "Okay.." he pulls his truck keys out of his pocket. "Let's go."

*Henry's POV*

"When was the last time you slept, Henry?" Clay glances over at me for a moment, turning his attention back to the road.

"I can't sleep." I mumble, looking at my dark undereyes in the mirror of the passenger seat. Clay's eyes narrow, as he grabs my hand and squeezes it gently, rubbing his thumb across my hand.

"Gosh! Do you mind?" Elizabeth comments, and I quickly pull my hand away. "Anywho, I asked Carlton and Jessica to come over for backup, but Carlton is at home resting, obviously. Jessica says she's waiting for us there!"

I purse my lips, annoyed. Not everyone needs to be let in on this little 'mission' I think, but I don't comment on it. When we pull into the abandoned lot, Jessica is outside her car waiting. I'm the first one to get out of the car, and Jessica waves to me. I can't be bothered enough to wave back. Elizabeth hops out of the truck, running up to Jessica to hug her. They finally release the hug, and Jessica's eyes widen as she looks at me. "Why would you want to get rid of that? It's such a gorgeous eye color." She raises her eyebrows, mesmerized by my dark violet eyes. Clay finally hops out of his truck, his gun and tazer both strapped to his belt. He was in his full-blown police uniform, and I caught myself staring. He observes the crowd, "Let's head inside."

"Don't get too mesmerized, dad." Elizabeth noticed me staring and playfully elbow bumps me. I nod, following the rest of the group inside.


I'll admit, I'm pretty damn nervous. I thought as I jumped down from the vent. We all knew exactly where to go. Clay lead the crowd, keeping his right hand close to his gun. We reach Parts & Service, Clay looks around at the group first, glancing at me and nodding.

The door swings open. "Oh! I thought you'd never come back!" William exclaims. "Ugh, you came back with your boy toy, didn't you, Henry...Whatever you want to say, Mr. Burke, I don't care! I'll only talk to Henry." He crosses his arms.

"We just want to talk, William..." Clay says, and William has no response. Rolling his eyes, Clay nudges me into the room. What am I? Bait? I think, but I rub it off.

"If you'll only talk to me..." I say, walking over to the counter and leaning on it, "then talk. What do you want to say to me, William?" I questioned, and he sighs.

"I don't want them here." William declared, and I look back at the group.

Clay narrowed his eyes, unsure, but I shoo them out of the room, closing the door on them. God, I'm crazy...I think, glancing back at William. He walks toward me rather quickly despite my injuries. William grabs my chin, forcing me to look up at him. From how close he is, he almost pins me to the wall."What a nice color, Henry.." he smiles.

"Have you experienced any other symptoms? I'm very curious." He smirks as he turns back around to grab a notepad.

"What do you actually want to talk about, William?" I cross my arms, not daring to look him in the eye. Glancing around the room, I take note of any objects I could possibly use as a weapon against him. A chair...a clean syringe, a scalpel... the list goes on.

"I'm so sorry..." He admits after what seems like years of silence. I raise an eyebrow as he gets onto his knees before me.

You're the one in control, Henry. Make him feel powerless... my mind whispers to me, and I try to push the thoughts away.

"If I could undo everything, I would.. I love you so much, Henry!" He exclaims, almost shouting the words. "You have no idea how long I've been lusting for you...I've been waiting all these years, and you just get whisked away by some police officer! I can't loose to him..." He growls, and my eyes widen at what just came out of his mouth.

"I can't even begin to talk about how much I just worship you." William giggles, grabbing onto my leg. "Please...just give me one more chance, darling. That is all I need to make you my husband..." William vowed, and I feel absolutely disgusted.

I try to shake him off of my leg, but he just wont let me go. "Oh, William..." I say in a flirty tone, crouching down to his level. I grab the right side of his face. "Only if there were someone out there who loved you quite as much as you love me." Using my other foot, I kick him in the chin, and he falls back. "You are INFERIOR to me, William Afton! You don't deserve anyones love!" I shout at him.

"Look at what you did to me..." I say, grabbing the syringe for my defense as I untuck my shirt, showing him the damage. He looks up at me in awe.

William grins as he sees my scars, "It WORKED!" He exclaims, struggling to stand. "Those scars...what a great sign.. HA..HAH..." He cackled, "I've got you right where I want you, my dear Henry... Just us, and now you're immortal, just like me." I grip the syringe harder as he approaches me, trapping me against the wall again. While he's occupied, I stab him in the neck with the syringe, kicking him back away from me. Purple liquid drips down his neck, and I go stab him again, on the other side of his neck, and then where to his ribs would be located, just below his heart. I hear him choke, and scream. God, that scream was the most terrifying thing I had heard to this day. The gurgle of the blood escaping his throat. I drop the syringe, running out the door and slamming it behind me.

With a bewildered look, Clay looks at me. "We need to go." I panic, running to the main dining room.

"Henry, wait! What happened back there?" Clay demands answers, running after me as I climb up into the bent.

"Save it! Just get everyone out of here!" I say, and I crawled through those vents faster that I ever had before.

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