.°• Chapter 12: The Finale •°.

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Once and for all.

Is this what it felt like, Jimmy wondered, as he looked at Pearl, and then Etho, and then Pearl again, to get so far?

He would much rather be a canary.

The rain had finally began slowing down by the time he had attempted to get up, pushing from the stone wall to support himself. His whole body was shaking with some sick combination of cold, adrenaline and fear.

Once and for all.
Once and for all.
Once and for all.

This was it. All of everything had been building up to this. All of everything- does that even make sense? It made sense to him, his whole world had collapsed into itself for this.

And if anyone just stabbed him, all of that work would just die.

He threw off his leather jacket.

It was hard to ignore the red glow on his arm now. 00:51:23.

He had just over 50 minutes to win this thing. He had to meet them at the bread bridge, where it would all end. And, if you think about it, where it all started too.

If he had just fell off of the bridge at the very beginning a couple of times, none of this would've happened. The watcher wouldn't have spoken to him, Joel would've never decided to let Jimmy keep that time at the very start.

Jimmy should've just given all his time to Joel and Grian and let himself die.

He was never going to hear 'Tim' again, he was never going to call Joel 'babe' again. So there wasn't much use on dwelling. He could win and reset. That's all he's ever wanted, that's all he worked for.

Two shapes stood at Bread Bridge.

"Once and for all." Jimmy hissed under his breath, gripping his sword and marching his way to the end.

The outlines of Scott and Martyn became more apparent as he got closer. They were further apart than usual, but it made sense. There could only be one winner.

Scar emerged from a different side of the bridge, looking scruffy, but well prepared. Dressed head to toe in enchanted diamond armour, brandishing a sword that glinted with magic.

Scott hadn't made eye contact with Jimmy, not once. It's funny, Jimmy once trusted him. Instead Scott's wary eyes were on Scar's equipment.

"How much time is everyone on? We want this to be as fair as possible." Scott said flatly. He revealed the numbers on his own wrist: 03:04:28.

How many people had he killed?

Martyn had a similar number. How did they feel, being an absolute plague on everyone else's time?

Scar was on two hours.

"Let's get down to our last life. Then we can fist fight, that makes it fair," Scott eyed Scar again, "No armour, no tools."

Scott poured some lava on the ground, letting everyone burn their items. Jimmy watched miserably as his armour folded in on itself, the lava gurgling happily as it consumed it.

The three wandered off to drown themselves until they reached their last leg, leaving Jimmy at the bridge.

He had let himself believe he was useless for so long, useless at combat,  useless at defending himself. Glancing over at what used to be the Nosy Neighbours' Tower, he realised that wasn't quite true. He had proven himself. He was no canary.

He was still yet to burn his sword. It shined in the glow of the lava, just begging not to be burnt. A fist fight, no armour, no tools. No tools. Jimmy slipped the sword in his back pocket, the tip grazing him slightly. It was no use burning it, he knew Martyn would play dirty.

Scar was back first, nodding at Jimmy. He didn't utter a word. He used to be so chirpy, but he's spent days alone, stewing in anxiety from ticking time. It still made Jimmy's heart knock against his chest looking at the time on his wrist, his brain automatically calculating the time he had left in this world. But this was going to be it, he thought as Scott and Martyn made their way across the bridge, he wouldn't need to worry about time for much longer.

There was silence for a moment until a magpie cried from a nearby tree. What was the game plan? Dodge and run? Go and attack? But who?


The words hadn't even fully processed until Scar bolted in the opposite direction, Martyn yelling a quick, "No you don't!" Before running after him, sword raised high. As predicted, he cheated too. Typical. Jimmy instinctively whipped his sword out from his back pocket in all the chaos.

Scott took an elegant step back, baring his fists, but his eyes found Jimmy's sword.

"You both- you cheated?" Scott croaked, searching Jimmy's eyes. Ever observant. "How could you?"

Scott's eyes bore into him, and it shouldn't have made him feel so guilty. I mean, it wasn't just him. Martyn did it too, Scott lived with Martyn, why did he care so much if Jimmy cheated? "This is a fight for survival, Scott." Jimmy murmured, his grip on the sword faltering.

"Is that all it was to you, Jimmy?" Scott cried, his lip trembling slightly, "Is that all it was to you?"

Lightning crackled. Goodtimeswithscar has ran out of time.

Jimmy looked up to the sky, Scott following his gaze. Then Scott laughed.

"I'm such an idiot. I should've realised," He threw his hands in the air in resignation, "All this talk of you breaking the cycle. You've been speaking to the watchers haven't you?"

"How do you-"

"Did you really think they'd do any good for you?" Scott yelled, "The watchers couldn't care less about what you winning, all of this, everything we've ever done was just entertainment. They don't care if you're a- they don't care if you're a mean gill or a bad boy or a neighbour or a clocker," Scott keeled over, burying his face in his hands, "Just kill me, Jimmy."

What? No, no chance, no way, he wasn't going to just end him like that. He couldn't- it'd be- it'd be wrong. Jimmy shook his head to himself, whispering, "No, no I can't."

"Fine then, if you won't, I will." Martyn emerged from behind Scott, god knows how long he had been waiting there. Lava flashed before Jimmy's eyes as Martyn poured it on Scott's head.

The lava enveloped Scott, melting his flesh down to the bone. It had consumed his whole body within seconds. Scott went down like a broken ship, without a single scream.

"NO, NO." Jimmy shrieked, jumping at Martyn, thrashing about like a wild animal, but Martyn was quick. Every attack Jimmy made was quickly deflected.

"YOU HEARTLESS- YOU-" Jimmy tried to drive his sword into Martyn's chest, but he grabbed Jimmy's wrist and spun it back, making a shallow slit in his stomach.

"None of these niceties, this is a deathmatch for a reason." Martyn snarled, kicking Jimmy in the stomach and propelling him backwards.

The lava began to reach the bridge's frame, enveloping the wooden structure and setting it ablaze. Jimmy was only vaguely aware of his head hitting the wood forcefully, only vaguely aware of the fire making it's way along, singeing his hair. His world danced around him, spinning. Three Martyns stumbled above him. There was no sensation in his fingertips as he lifted his sword up, the tip glowing red from the direct contact with the fire. He pressed the hot blade onto Martyn's leg, letting it scar his skin.

Martyn's yowl was muffled, he stepped back. The flames grew hungrier.

As far as he was aware, Jimmy wasn't controlling his legs; they had a mind of their own. They lifted him up, dragged themselves to Martyn and kicked him into the lava Scott had drowned in.

Inthelittlewood has run out of time.

Jimmy collapsed, clutching his stomach. The fire was too loud for his thoughts. The bridge splintered.

And then it fell.

Word count: 1338

Out Of The Birdcage • Limited Life Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن