Just an Update !!

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Hey y'all !! I'm alive lol. Just wanna say something and update y'all.


I would like to make it known that yes, I am aware of Shelby's reveal regarding her abuse from Wilbur. I would also like to make it known that I am aware of the cosplayer on tiktok(I do not remember their username so please don't ask) who said that they dated Wilbur in 2021/2022 and was neglected and sexually assaulted by him when she drunk. I just wanted to make it known that I am not going to delete the fanfic.

If you find it wrong that I won't, I'm going to list my reasoning on why I won't.

REASONS: I wrote this about C!Wilbur, not the person he is behind the screen. I wrote this fanfic using the character Wilbur played and not using the person he truly was in real life. That's what I did for all the characters in this story. This fanfic gives Wilbur no profit, no money, no nothing. It may mention him and someone may start watching him now, but I highly doubt the people reading this fic haven't already interacted with Wilbur's content before. I also know how if feels when someone deletes and wipes their content due to it including and/or mentioning someone who was revealed to be a bad person(example: JaidenAnimations video titled, "I beat Minecraft" that was deleted because she worked and played Minecraft with CallMeCarson in that video, a YouTuber that allegedly sexted and traded nude photos with two minors when he was an adult. He's also been accused of "grooming" one of the underaged fans.) It sucks.

Just yapping now regarding the situation, scroll down to the next all-caps if you don't want to read it.

In my honest opinion, there were so many signs that completely flew over everybody's radar, including mine, about Wilbur being abusive. Nikki saying that Wilbur kept biting her, Tommy making the joke that if Wilbur wasn't as handsome as he was then everybody would think he was a wrongun(British(?) slang for a bad person), him telling Nikki to tell the stream how bad he was treating her(a common phrase used by abusers), him biting Tommy in a video, him saying his neighbors would probably think he was abusing his non-existent girlfriend(oddly specific). 

I don't take sides unless there is an obvious answer. In this case, there is. I am in complete support for Shelby and all the others that have been hurt by Wilbur. I'm proud of Shelby for speaking out about Wilbur and revealing how he was mistreating her and hurting her and going against her boundaries, it's a scary thing to just reveal to the internet about a famous person. Especially regarding how some people react when someone who is so loved is revealed to be a bad person, like the first time Colleen Ballinger was revealed to be creepy with minors.

I'm not at all surprised that Wilbur acted like this. I was also uncomfortable with his remarks regarding how women would cower and back away from him, even if it was a joke, it's still not a very good joke. There have been a lot of people being outed as bad people, like Georgenotfound, Dream, Colleen Ballinger even though that's old by now. But I'm happy that these people are finally getting the hate they deserve and the victims are speaking out about their behavior towards them rather than just keeping their silence. It takes some bravery and courage to do that and I admire them for that.

Also, his 'apology' was not really an apology. He started the post by defending himself, which was not needed since he actually did all that stuff to Shelby. He can't defend or justify his actions just because he wasn't in a good headspace or that he lived in filth, as he claims, it's not an excuse for his actions. His actions aren't and will never be excusable for any reason in any reality. He then claimed to have been getting help and going to therapy and that he was better. If that is true, then good to him for that. But he has not shown any proof that he's actually better than he was before. If evidence is not shown or listed, then I have no reason to fully believe it.

When he 'apologizes' in his writing, he isn't really apologizing. He says that he wants to "extend my sincerest apologies for any pain that I've caused." He isn't apologizing to Shelby, the person that he's hurt and should be apologizing to, which is one of many people he should say sorry to. He didn't take accountability for his actions. That was one of the things about his post that through me off. He says he's sorry for what he's done but when he actually 'apologizes', he doesn't even say what for. He just says sorry for any pain that he's caused. He also doesn't even state who he's apologizing to, which in this case it should very obviously be Shelby.

I'm not using this for free reads or clout or anything of the sort. I would just like to educate some about the situation who are oblivious to it and state my own opinion. In my account, I believe my opinion regarding the situation matters because my most famous story, this one, includes a persona of Wilbur's as one of the main characters. I just also want to make it clear in case anyone on here makes false claims about my view on the matter, which I doubt would happen because who am I kidding literally nobody knows who I am, but that is also a factor in why I am taking the time to write this out. I am not on Wilbur's side, nor am I defending him or justifying his actions. I am doing the exact opposite of that. I'm critiquing his response and the way he handled this. He should be held accountable for his abuse and the hurt he's caused for multiple people, not just Shelby.


Anyways, sorry for the random update but yeah, I'm good and well. Doing good in school, I got into three high school credit classes for next year !! I'm going into the 8th grade. I've probably lied about my name and age on here but I'm just going to say I am between 10 and 20. Not gonna be specific at all because I love my privacy. Also, I use She/Her pronouns so please use those when mentioning me and right now my preferred name is Adam !! It changes with every other interest I have, but just do what you will with that.

Good morning !! Good afternoon !! Good evening !! Good night !! I love y'all ! 

Bye-bye !! 😸

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