Chapter one

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It was a chilly, breezy night. As she was walking down the path she kept tripping over small things given it was hard to see. When coming to the end of her path there he was.

The man she had to kill. Under a light post that lit up the tiny area he was in.

"My one hundredth kill can't wait!" Y/N exclaimed under her breath

As it was something not to be proud of, but as for Y/N, she was an assassin and she couldn't be more excited.

As she aimed her gun up to shoot the man. She felt a pair of eyes on her. She shrugged it off but as she did it came back but felt like it wasn't just one pair.

She aimed to take the shot. It landed right in the guys skull.

Walking over she pulled her hood over her so no one could make out it was her.

"You could've showered or something before you came here? You stink man." She said to the dead man while walking over.

Just as she was about to flip him over. She heard foot steps. Taking out her knife ready to fight, she turned around and saw six figures in the dark while she was under the light.

She didn't know if they were pedestrians, so she had to put on an act incase... putting her knife into her back pocket..

"Oh no! This man, this poor, poor, smelly old man. Has died! Right in front of my virgin little eyes!" Y/N saying bending down and fake crying.

"Cut the act." One of the shadows say to her.

She turns around to face them. Not being able to make out their faces.

"Or what? You gonna hate on me for mourning my beautiful besties death?" She joked

"If that's your bestie... You need better taste hunny.." Another shadow spoke.

As they spoke a gust of wind threw her hood off her head. Revealing her face under the light and her long hair.

"YOU'RE A GIRL?!" A loud shadow spoke this time

"God, you're an idiot aren't you?" One of them said to the loud shadow.

Just as she was about to speak. She hadn't realize that the six shadow men turned to five. Without her noticing he came up behind her and put a mask over her face to make her fall asleep.

She tried to fight them off. But her fighting and moves were getting slower by the second. Before she knew it her eyes were closed and she could only pray that when she woke up she was still alive.


Sorry for the really short chapter! I'm trying to remember all the stuff i put into the chapters before they got deleted but i hope it's catching your attention!

Enjoy reading!!

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