Chapter two

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"When do you think she'll wake up?"

"Hehe, look, she's drooling"

"Oikawa leave her alone."

"Aww she looks like a puppy!!"


My head is spinning. What's happening. Where am I. What are those voices? Y/N thought to herself.

Y/N was starting to wake up. Her eyes blinking numerous times to adjust to the light. Her head was pounding. She went to rub her head only for her to realize her hands were tied down to a chair.

"What the hell..?" She spoke.

"SHE'S AWAKE!!" A man with orange hair spoke

His loud voice made her wince from the massive headache she had.

"Hinata, calm down." The man with black hair said

"Who are you and where am I?" She questioned

There were four men in front of her all staring at her.

"Hi there, sorry for them. My name is Sugawara." The man in front of her said while untying her.

He had grey hair and a beauty mark by his eye. He seemed very sweet but she couldn't let her guard down now.

She stood up from the chair and rubbed her wrists.

"Who tied me in the chair?" She asked

"I did. I'm really good at tying things up.." The brown hair boy spoke

"Okay, you're gonna die" She said while running towards him

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down there missy." The guy with black hair held me back

"Ohhh, she's feisty, I like her." The brown hair man spoke again

"I'm sorry please excuse them." Sugawara said. "That's  Kuroo" He pointed to the one with black hair holding her. "That's Oikawa" He then pointed to the brown hair boy "And that's Hinata" the orange haired boy beamed a smile at her.

She pushed off Kuroo.

"What do you want with me?" She questioned

"We want you to join our squad!" Hinata beamed

"Ha... No thanks i'm good, thank you anyways but I should get going" She said while walking towards the door as all four boys eyes followed her.

Only for her to run into one soft squishy door.

"HEY, HEY, HEY, AKAASHI SHE'S AWAKE!!" A owl looking man yelled.

He picked her up with her arms pinned down by her side swinging her around.

"H-Hey!! Let me go!!"

"Bokuto, put down the girl." A soft voice spoke

After being put down. She grabbed her head from the headache that just got ten times worse due to owl man.

When she looked up she saw that there were more men in here than there were before. There was now nine.

Feeling like a lost puppy. She was going to try to make a run for it until she saw Oikawa close and lock the door. She never wanted to kill someone so bad.

"Who are you and what do you want with me?" She asked

"I assume you already know these four idiots." A guy with brown hair said

"Hey!" Sugawara swatted his arm

He sighed and continued. "My name is Daichi. That's Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Atsumu and Akaashi." He pointed to all the men with their corresponding names.

"What's your name little kitten?" Kuroo spoke

She cringed at the nick name given to her.

"Y/N L/N"

"Now what do you want with me."

"Well we have an offer." Akaashi spoke. "We want you to going our squad."


"Yes." Kuroo said





"Enough!" Daichi cut them off.

She huffed. "What's in it for me?"

"You get to stay safe. There are many other assassin affiliations out there that we are friends with. If you join us you won't have to worry about killing one of them and then be killed." Akaashi spoke softly

"Say bye bye to your old squad." Oikawa came around and whispered in her ear

"I swear i'm going to beat the shit out of you" She hissed at Oikawa

All he did was smirk at her temper.

"I don't work in a squad. I work alone." Y/N said

"Even better! Don't gotta worry about other fools!" Atsumu said as he decided to join into the conversation

"If I say no?..." She asked

"Be prepared to watch your back and be careful who you kill." Akaashi warned

It was silent for a couple of seconds before she spoke up.

"Fine. I'll going your squad."


Hopefully this one was a little longer to your liking

Hope you enjoyed!!

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