Chapter four

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"Wake up, wake up, wake up.."

Still groggy from her deep sleep, she felt something poking her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open to see Hinata staring at her telling her to wake up.

"Seriously? it's so early." She huffs and turns away from him

"We have plans today! We need to get ready! They sent me to wake you up" The boy exclaimed

"A few more minutes please..." She groaned into her pillow

"Nope. Time to wake up sunshine." Atsumu came into view leaning against her door with his arms crossed

"God take me away at this very moment please." She praised

"I came to check on what was happening because you were taking too long." Atsumu said walking over to Hinata and Y/N

"She won't get up she wants to sleep longer." Hinata explained

"Well, times up, let's go.."

"H-HEY!!." Y/N exclaimed being lifted into the air over Atsumu shoulder

Hinata followed behind them laughing at Y/N punching Atsumu's back to put her down.

As they enter the meeting room everyone's eyes lay on them and see Y/N swung over Atsumu shoulder.

"What happened?" Sugawara asked curious why she was over his shoulder

"She didn't want to get out of bed so I forced her." Atsumu explained to them.

Setting her down to her feet. She sighed and straighten herself.

"Cute outfit, Y/N." Oikawa joked seeing she was still in her pajamas.

They had little bunnies on the pants and a pink top.

Looking down at herself and noticed she was indeed still in her pajamas and hide her face in embarrassment.

"Enjoy your pretty face while you still have it. A bruise on your eye would compliment it even more." She crossed her arms

"You think I have a pretty face?" Oikawa mused

"What? No. Shut up. What am I doing here so early in the damn morning?."

"Well we have a couple things to go over before we invade Yuji's base." Daichi explained being their leader

"Is everyone going to his base?" She asked wondering if she had to go or not

"No, some stay here and keep look out and help us by hacking into their cameras." He explained more

"The people who will be going is, me, Oikawa, Akaashi, Bokuto, Atsumu and Kuroo. Iwaizumi will drive us and stay watch for us on the outside." Daichi continued

"And me...?" Eager to know her role

"You will be coming...but, you will not be alone. You will have someone with you at all times. No offense but we just don't trust you yet."

"Yeah, yeah, I figured." She stretched. "I need to go change then."

"There is an outfit for you in your bathroom. It's for missions like this. Change into that." Akaashi informed her putting on his black gloves

"When you're back we will head out and we'll explain the plan to you on the way there." He continued

"Okay..." She said before exiting and going to change

-Time skip to going to the mission in the car-

"So, Y/N you will be with Bokuto for this mission. Wherever he goes you follow, understand?" Daichi said sternly

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