Chapter five

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"I had a feeling i'd be seeing you soon." Yuji talked with his back faced towards the guys and Y/N

"Wish I never had to see you again." She spat

"What? Don't miss my face and my words?" He mused as he turned around to face them with his hands in his suit pockets

She shivered from his 'words'. The guys all looked at her confused expect for Bokuto, he watched Yuji wanting to rip his head off.

"What is he talking about Y/N?" Oikawa asked looking at the girl

"Nothing." Bokuto spoke for her not wanting her to continue the conversation anymore

"Pitty you're with these men now. I sure did miss your pretty little mouth." Yuji smirked at her

"But I see i've been replaced. Which one do you let fuck you for their pleasure? Or is it all of them?" He asked coming close to her

The boys watched as all this was happening. Slowly understanding what had happened between the girl and Yuji.

Yuji came up to Y/N and grabbed her chin to make her look at him. Smirking as they made eye contact.

Atsumu was about to pounce at him until Kuroo held him back. He didn't know if Yuji had any weapons on him and could kill Y/N in an instant.

"Hmm, I missed your pretty face, seems you got a little decoration paint on it." Yuji said looking at the blood splattered over her face. Taking his thumb and running it across the blood on her face.

"Rot in hell, bitch." Y/N spat as she took her pocket knife swiftly and stabbed him in his gut.

He groaned and swiftly grabbed her neck starting to choke her until Oikawa took the shot and aimed it to his head.

With that, he fell to the ground. Blood spreading out on the floor. More blood landed onto Y/N face.

She stood there looking at him on the floor. Afraid to turn around and be bombarded with questions from the guys.

"Y/N..." Akaashi finally spoke

She sighed and turned to face them.

"I...erm...I used to be Yuji's whore..." She said hanging her head low. Ashamed of what she just said.

Akaashi walked up to her and grabbed her shoulder. Dragging her into a hug.

Shock written all over her face not knowing what just happened. But when she understood she was being hugged she hugged him back.

Breaking the hug she smiled at Akaashi.

"Thank you..." She smiled

He just nodded in response. All the guys watching them.

"If you ever want to talk about it Y/N, we're here for you." Daichi explained to her sincerely

She smiled at the guys and thanked them.

They all made their was back to the car where Iwaizumi was waiting for them. They all got in and drove back home.


She smiled internally. Maybe this wasn't some sick punishment, maybe she was glad she actually got caught. Just maybe.

As they arrived back to the base. Exhaustion was written all over her. The adrenaline she had facing Yuji worn her out.

They made it back inside. Placing their weapons on the racks near the door to let the servants come grab them and clean and restore them.

"Great job guys! And Y/N of course!" Sugawara came up to them with Hinata following behind smiling at them.

Assassins (Haikyuu X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora