Chapter seven

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"No, no, no, not today seriously?!" She groaned looking around for any pads or tampons in the bathroom drawers.

She kept looking and her eyes sparkled seeing the box of tampons all the way in the back and grabbed the box and took one.

As she was finishing up she heard a knock at her door.

"Y/N? You in there?" It sounded like Akaashi.

"Uh yeah! One moment!" She yelled from the other side of the door.

She changed into a new pair of underwear and put her pants back on. She went over and opened the door.

"Oh, Akaashi, hi. Is everything alright?" She asked flustered hoping he didn't hear her groaning at herself in the bathroom just earlier.

"Yeah. I came to check on you. You seemed... disheveled?" He asked.

"Yes i'm great! Better than ever!" Y/N smiled at him trying not to focus on the cramps in her lower stomach.

Akaashi eyed her up and down confused as to why she looked in pain.

She may have not shown it on her face but her eyes told another story.

"Do you need anything?" She spoke causes Akaashi to look back into her eyes.

"No...Dinner will be ready in a few. So whenever you're ready just come on out." He spoke to her before dismissing himself and walking away.

She sighed and closed her door. She then walked over to her bed and laid down grabbing onto her stomach.

"Curse you world..."

After some time she decided to take a nap to help her distract herself from the pain. She didn't want to tell the guys not knowing how'd they take it and treat her like she's some delicate flower.

It's been some time now and dinner was ready they were all prepared to eat but one person wasn't there. Y/N was still sleeping.

"I'll go get her." Kuroo spoke getting up from his seat and making his way to Y/N's room.

He knocked on her door gently not wanting to disturb her. He heard no noise on the other side of the door. He got worried thinking something might've happened to her, so he opened the door.

When he opened it his eyes landed on the tiny figure curled up into a ball on her bed.

He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. He took in her face and body. He could see she was gripping her stomach in her sleep and her eye brows were furrowed.

He tapped her leg gently. "Y/N, dinner is ready time to get up." He pushed her hair behind her ear and out of her face.

She stirred in her sleep. Her eyes opening to the gesture Kuroo just did.

"I'm not hungry...I'm just going to stay here..." She mumbled into the blanket she was on.

"Come on Y/N, you can't go to bed on an empty stomach. What's wrong."

She finally turned to look at him. Her face scrunching in the process due to the pain.

"I'm just not hungry. I don't want to get up." She finally spoke.

Kuroo didn't want to force her to get up but he also didn't want her sleeping on an empty stomach.

"What's wrong Y/N? Your face has pain written all over it." He asked her worriedly.

She didn't know if she should tell him or make some dumb excuse up.

"I'm..." She trailed off thinking of what to say.

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