Chapter 1: Eira's secret

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It was raining... the sky was dark, heavy drops of water was falling everywhere. The trees were swaying not so gently because of the violent wind that came with the rain. The place was pretty much a ghost town because not many people were on the streets despite it being a regular workday.

"Are you all right?"

Benedict flinched when he heard his name. He closed the curtains and faced the owner of the said voice.

"Yes, I'm okay. Do you need anything Cyril?"

"Nothing" he shrugged. "It's just that you've been staring outside for 20 minutes already."

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking about something."

"Did anything happen to Eira? I know she just had her checkup, but she won't tell me anything."

Benedict shrugged and looked down, "I'm sorry Cyril but I can't tell you."


"Is it still raining?" you asked.

"Yeah. It still is... I don't think it would let up soon. How about you take some rest first?"

You shook your head and answered, "Ben I'm not tired yet."

"The doctor said you need lots of rest. If you don't have enough rest, you won't get better Eira."

You chuckled and gave a small smile to your cousin, "I know the truth, Cuz. You don't need to lie to me anymore you know."

Benedict flinched and looked at Eira with disbelief.

"I overheard the doctor and mom talking. He said that if I have another attack, it could be my last".

Benedict sat on his cousin's bedside and took her hand "Eira, you just need to have that operation. You'll be fine. Don't think too much."

You gave a small smile and squeezed your cousin's hand, "it's not going to make a difference. Besides, it's not like I'm not ready to die."

Benedict pretended to not hear what you said. He gave your hand one more squeeze. "When are you going to tell Cyril?"


Your cousin released your hand and exhaled exasperatedly. "Eira, he's your boyfriend and he has all the right to know!"

"I need his love not any form of pity. I want him to remember the strong, healthy me not the weakling that I am now. "

"He never pitied and will never do that. We both know how much he loves you."

You beamed and Benedict knew he will give in soon... "I know Cuz. That is why I won't tell him anything. I don't want him to get hurt. Can you promise me?"

"I...I don't know. Eira, he's my best friend..."

"And I'm your favorite relative. You love me... right big brother?"

Benedict raked his hands on his hair, "you know I do Eira..."

"I love you the most!"

"You don't..."

*chuckle* "okay...I love you next to Cyril."

================End flashback======================

"Benedict! Are you listening to me?"

Benedict was roused out of his musings when he heard the authority in Cyril's voice. "Ah... No, nothing's wrong with your girlfriend. She just needs some rest."

Cyril plopped on the couch and heaved a relieved sigh. "Thank God! I've been worried sick because she won't tell me anything!"

"You know how she is..."

"Yeah, which is why I am worrying like this. She's too selfless."

Benedict leaned on the couch and stared at the ceiling. He felt bad for lying to his best friend, but he has to... for the sake of his beloved little sister/cousin.

 for the sake of his beloved little sister/cousin

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*ring* *ring* *ring*

Benedict and Cyril looked at each other, surprised at the sudden ringing of someone's mobile. "Oops, that's mine. Girlfriend calling..." Cyril grinned and flipped his phone open. "Yes love?"


"Eira! I've been thinking of calling you, but you beat me to it. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay... can we go to the park tomorrow?"

Cyril smiled gently, "the park where we always go?"

"Yes! That park." Eira chuckled. 

"I want to go there with you."

"Of course, I'll pick you up at 8 okay?"

"Okay... I'll see you then. I love you so so so so much!"

Cyril smiled softly, he loves the way Eira tells him she loves him, "You know I love you much more. Tomorrow then. Sleep early kay?"

He closed the phone still smiling. Benedict who was sitting beside him was still in deep thought.

 Benedict who was sitting beside him was still in deep thought

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MHL In Love Book 1: Falling RainWhere stories live. Discover now