Chapter 5: Learning the truth

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Cyril still had his face buried into his hands when Benedict and the rest found him sitting on the hospital bench closest to the Emergency room

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Cyril still had his face buried into his hands when Benedict and the rest found him sitting on the hospital bench closest to the Emergency room. Benedict touched Cyril's shoulder and the latter looked up. Jun had to look away when he saw the mix of helplessness, desperation and guilt etched on the face of their strong leader.

"Aunt and Uncle are coming. I called them on the way here."

Cyril murmured a thank you to Benedict before raking his hand through his hair. Benedict sat beside Cyril, "My cousin's a fighter. She won't die."

"She...she told me not to miss her too much..." Cyril replied as a lone tear made its way out of his eyes.

Mick bit his lips as he felt tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Tyrone placed an arm around Mick and held him close while his other hand patted Jun's back lightly. Jun gave a grateful smile, "I'll go get some drinks for us."

Jun walked away just as couple came rushing in..." Where's He Ran?"

Benedict and Cyril stood to welcome Mr. Choi and the now tearful Mrs. Choi. Benedict answered in behalf of Cyril who was wiping traces of tears on his face. "Aunt, Eira's inside the Emergency room."

Mrs. Choi sobbed after hearing Benedict's answer. Mr. Choi calmly rubbed his wife's back then looked at Cyril "Son, can you tell us what happened?"

Cyril stiffened when he heard Eira's father call him son, "Eira... she... we were having a picnic then... she turned pale..." tears streamed down his cheeks and he hastily wiped them before he continued. "E-Eira wanted to go home... b-but I took her here because she can't breathe..."

Mr. Choi gave Cyril a genuine smile, "Thank you Cyril."

"Sir... I don't..."

Mr. Choi shook his head "I am thanking you because you made our daughter happy. You took care of my little girl and I'm grateful."

Cyril's supposed reply was halted when the doctor came out of the Emergency room. He was serious and his mouth was set into a thin grim line.

"He Ran's heart stopped

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"He Ran's heart stopped..."

He paused and looked intently at Mr. Choi before continuing... "but she's okay now. Dong Min Choi, your daughter's very strong. It was not her usual attacks, but she survived. She needs to stay for observation though. I have arranged her room and she'll be moved there in a few minutes."

The doctor then grinned at everyone who released relieved sighs one after the other. Mr. Choi released his wife and playfully hit the doctor "Jung su, I can kill you now for scaring everyone"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or Hee Young noona."

MHL In Love Book 1: Falling RainWhere stories live. Discover now