The phonecall

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As weeks pass by, all I can do is torment myself over the fact I'll see him soon. The father figure that abused me and my mom for years. Monica has tried to get me a therapist, but I can't. Vada sleeps in here with me sometimes, but I can barely remember since I've been so high. She did wake me up at one point because Ryan was here, not that I give a fuck anymore about him.
I'm done with anything else that could put me in harm.

Finally, I force myself to get up and take a shower. The scabs on my legs are almost forming into a scar now, but it still burns. I guess that's probably from the hot water I refuse to let be any cooler.
When I get out, my brain hurts and I make the smarter choice to not take anything else. After getting dressed back into my room, I go through notifications from the random number. At first this seemed like a cruel joke, but I didn't expect it to go on this far.

Unknown: May I call you?

Unknown: don't fall down the same path as your dad, Roxie.

Unknown: did you block me?

Unknown: I want to meet you

Me: i didn't block you. Tell me who you are or I will

Unknown: I want to get you and Vada out of there before David gets out.
Can we meet?

I pause, before typing back. Who does this person even think they are? I mean seriously how creepy they know my actual first name and my father's name? I yell for Vada, who comes up almost instantly, suprised im even awake.
"What's going on? Are you okay?" She sits on my bed, staring at me.
I hesitate on telling her because maybe she'd tell Monica. Or maybe I was scared because I might be making a terrible mistake. After all, this could just be one of my grandparents. But the more I think about it, the more it just doesn't make sense why they'd even bother after such a long time. I don't know many people, and I'm the one that does half online school, half in person school, and nobody who had any problem with me or seemed weird enough to do this stood out.

I glance at Vada, who's still waiting for me to say a single word. I swallow, before thinking about how to tell my sister that a random person knows stuff from our past.

"This person keeps texting that they wanna meet up. Can you please just trust me on this? I want you to come with me.." she stares in disbelief.
"You almost got me..haha" she jokes, but I can tell she knows I'd do something dumb like this.
"Vada I'm not joking this person knows who you are too." I can't seem to tell what she's thinking anymore.
"Im not getting kidnapped with you, that's your choice dude" she sits up, going to spray one of my perfumes on herself, fixing her hair.

She is right. After all, I'm known to be impulsive and make stupid decisions that I'll regret later. Ryan is a good example, and so is 90% of the choices I've made in the past 2 weeks too.
When she sits back down, she hugs me. I don't know what it is with sisters, but one look can feel like they read your mind, and they know how you're feeling. In my professional opinion, it's even better than the saying "one picture is worth a thousand words".

"Wanna go downstairs and watch pretty little liars? Monica's at work and I think she's just gonna leave us alone." She takes my hand, and I follow her down the stairs. After all, it's been a long time since just me and her hung out together.
"I just don't really know if I will wanna live in the same house as him again, not now and not in the future. She doesn't get that." I sit down, letting the couch devour my body.

"She'll never get it. She's not ready to believe her brother was a shitty person." She knows deep down, she never will.
"More than a shitty person Vada, my sworn enemy." I lay on her lap, and we both get consumed in the show.
After around 3 bowls of popcorn, 4 episodes and a lot of yelling about the show, I realize it's now dark outside. We spent the whole day watching this show.

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