Prom dress

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It's 11 am, and I'm already freaking out. Why did I think I would be okay with going to prom? Realization sets in that Sydnee will be there, and Mandy. That they said they will ruin my life. Does that mean they're going to do something to me? Specifically Carrie style? I don't really want to be humiliated in front of the whole school.

Regardless, I continue with my day. I take a hot shower followed by actually putting on lotion for once, so at least I'll smell good for longer. I pace around my room, thinking about every bad possible thing that could and might happen tonight.
"Hey honey, what time are you guys leaving?" I hear my mom's voice coming from my door, startling me.
"I don't know, I have to figure out how to ask Vada." She sighs, and I'm guessing she also experienced first hand the demon that possesses Vada. Seriously, what crawled up her ass and died?
After my mom leaves the room, I make sure I get all of my prom stuff fully together so that I'm sure I don't forget anything. Honestly losing or forgetting a single bracelet would ruin my entire week. Now, I just have to prepare myself for Vada. Taking a deep breath, I stand up and start walking to her room. Carefully, I prepare for the worst when I knock on the door. I hear her voice telling me to come in, but I still hesitate when I actually open the door. All I'm thinking is what if it's a trick like in a horror movie, and what's really behind the door is my worst nightmare?

"What's up?" My sister asks, like she didn't full blown almost rip my head off yesterday.
"When are we leaving?" I say slowly, determined not to make her upset again, which so far is going good.
"Like...7? Nick wants us to take pictures. Can I do your hair and stuff?" She begins getting up, not waiting for my answer. What is going on, and why is she being so nice all of the sudden?
I watch as she walks across her room, grabbing multiple bags and hair supplies, all while i just stand there frozen like I'm witnessing a miracle. Finally my legs decide to work again, and we go back into my room and start getting ready, doing everything from curling and straightening to all the pizazz of makeup. I keep getting scared to ask for something, not sure if the smallest thing will piss her off again and I don't really want her to back out of going.

By the time we're finished, it's almost 7 and we haven't even gotten dressed. Trying to be as fast as possible, she rushes into her room and I struggle to put on my dress.
I hurry around my room, applying different sprays to smell good and put all my jewelry on. My heart is racing, and I'm scared that I won't look as good as I thought I would if I look in the mirror. Finally, I put in my earrings and hear the front door open, that must be them. I take a couple more deep breaths, before finding the worst part of my outfit, the shoes. But finally, I am ready. I open my door, to see that Vada must be still finishing up. I push my hair back, and take one look in the mirror before I leave. Honestly, it's amazing how much work my sister did to make me look this fancy. I start to walk down the hallway, listening to any conversation that's happening in hopes that no one will notice me come down the stairs. But as soon as I take the first step, I hear my mom get excited and tell Evan I'm coming down. Fully expecting my family to be disappointed, it seems like my mom and Evan haven't stopped staring at me. It felt like it was all slow motion when I walked down the stairs, and it actually made me feel a lot more confident seeing the way Evan looked like he saw an angel. My heart is already racing, and I'm not even all the way down the stairs yet, meaning I'm going to have to stop myself from having multiple heart attacks tonight. When I see him, he's wearing a black suit with a tie, and he looks so formal it makes me think maybe I'm underdressed. Finally when I reach the last step, my mom comes over all excited and telling me how beautiful I look. Do I believe it? Not really, but it does feel nice to be called that.

"Are you guys ready? I wanna take lots of pictures too!" My mom pulls out her phone, barely containing her excitement before Vada even comes down. Luckily, Evan grabs my waist, pulling me closer to him like he knew I was a little nervous. My mom takes her time taking millions of photos, and although my cheeks are beginning to hurt from smiling I still love being able to stand this close to Evan, blissfully taking my time inhaling his scent.
Finally Vada heads down the stairs, turning the attention on her as my mom begins freaking about her and Nick too. I grab Evan's hand, going into the kitchen so I can at least drink a little water before we leave, and prepare myself for tonight.
"You look very beautiful" Evan grabs my hand, doing the thing with his thumb. I can't help but feel all warm inside, and feel the butterflies turning into birds in my stomach with every second that passes.
"I got you something. I know it'll look so pretty on you" he smiles, as he picks up a box on the table.
"You didn't have to do that Evan.." I try not to blush, but honestly I think my makeup will cover it, and if not I hope he at least can't tell how much he makes my insides feel rearranged, because right now my heart is in my stomach.
He proceeds to hand me the box, and with my hands shaking I open it. Inside, was a silver necklace with a luna moth pendant on it. I try to not act like a kid on Christmas opening the best present, but I know he can tell how excited this made me.
"Why a moth?" I ask, turning around so he can put the necklace on me. He moves my hair out of the way, securing the necklace chain on the hook.
"Because butterflies are too basic, you're the moth in every room that only some people can really be able to see how beautiful you are and how you stand out." I start to feel like I'm about to cry, but I won't let that happen. Just because he told me the cutest thing I've ever been told does not mean it's going to mess up my makeup.
Before I turn back around, he grabs my waist and kisses me on the neck, that warm feeling giving me butterflies even stronger than the ones already there. As I turn back around, he has a huge smile on his face exactly like someone who just ate their first piece of candy, and it's contagious. Everyone else is still in the front room, and even though we have to leave in a couple minutes I wish I could freeze this moment forever. Trying to be bold, I grab onto his neck, pulling him into kissing me again. It feels like magic every time we kiss, like all of my calm feelings immediately erupt into chaotic, nervous and I desire more all in 3 seconds. His hands travel all down my waist, making me feel even more tingly that this is still reality and not a dream. His lips are soft, and if I'm not careful I might bite a chunk out because it feels like I can't control myself once he's within a foot of me. Sometimes I still feel like this is all a huge dream, and honestly if it is I would consider murder if someone woke me up.

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