A reminder

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The pool is cool on my skin, and the liquor in me is asking for more. Other people around me decided to just bring their alcohol with them, Emma, Vada and me are swimming in the deep part, where all the people who brought a drink won't go. We stay swimming and laugh at dumb jokes while we get to know Emma.
"You know, I think my brain is convincing me to think I should drink more" Emma says, as she swims around us, making her way to the wall.
"I couldn't agree more" Emma looks at me like a proud mother.
We begin swimming to get out, realizing how far we really did swim. As we get out and begin walking, I watch as Rene and Mikey walk off to talk about something. I hope I didn't do anything bad.
Finally reaching our spot, we put one towel on the ground because the concrete was practically melting our feet. Emma helps herself and us to any open bottles, and we realize half the group is gone. Daniel, Ryder, Nick and Mandy went to swim, and Rene and Mikey are still talking. Wrapping myself up in a towel, I lay on the chair, thinking about my mom. It isn't until I hear 2 guys getting close I choose to get up, and Mikey and Rene are back.

"What took you guys so long? We've been sitting here, alone for like.. ever?" Emma says, handing the bottle to me. Rene picks Emma up, running to the pool with her. All you can see is Emma thrashing around doing no damage whatsoever. Vada turns to me, and now Mikey who's standing at the cooler drinking, and shrugs. She puts her cup down, before winking at me and running off to.
Fantastic. Just what I need is alone time with a hot guy when I have no experience whatsoever.
Finally, he sits down next to me, fidgeting with his hands nervously.
"You wanna go down and swim with me?" His voice sounds like music to my ears, and I can't stop but smile. I slowly unwrap myself, and I can feel him watching me not so subtlety as I do it. He smiles at me, before we begin walking down to the pool together. It honestly isn't as awkward as I thought, for looking like someone who's probably gotten everyone wrapped around his finger he doesn't say or do anything unusual. As we approach the water, it seems like everyone is swimming together, and scream at us to hurry up and get in the pool. Before I know it, Mikey proceeds to pick me up, carrying me to throw in the pool. His skin feels warm against mine, before I start laughing and he throws me in, following by jumping almost on top of me.
Back up at the surface, everyone is splashing eachother and swimming around. You can tell everyone is drunk when we started laughing at the way Daniel's hair looked, pointing in every other direction. Mandy can be seen going to talk to a different group of girls, not to far away from us.
"Do you guys wanna head back at 7? Hopefully mom will make something other than spaghetti again" Rene shouts, because it's so fucking loud.
"Hey! Spaghetti was MY idea?" Vada splashes him, before mocking him.
"No, I mean it's not bad I just.. prefer better pasta?" He splashes back at her.

I start floating on my back, enjoying the water below me. I listen to everyone talk about more school parties, and I honestly think that if this one went this well, maybe I could handle going to a few more. After all, having no friends and being new really does make you an easy target. I feel someone swimming near me, and out of the corner of my eye I can see Vada attempting to sneak up on me, before I slash her. She starts pushing my body in the water, swimming with me.
"Soo did you and Mikey kiss yet?" She smirks at me. I cannot believe her right now.
"No dumbass. I just met the guy! And watch how loud you are, I have no experience and I'm trying to make friends!" She mocks what I said, but there's absolutely no way she genuinely believes he likes me. We slowly move back to the group, who's more interested in going to our house now. As we begin to get out, I notice Mandy is still with other people, and I honestly forgot about her the whole day. We start walking back to our spot, everyone drenched and miserable.
Sometimes, I forget how much of a pain in the ass it is to spend all day swimming, and then pack up your stuff and go home. It feels like lifting heavy rocks, boulders and such into all the bags they once fit perfectly in before. Nick and Daniel are sunburnt, Vada is complaining, and it feels like a hike back to the car. Nobody bothered to barely put shoes on, let alone clothes in general.
Finally after a miserable attempt to fit everything back into the cars, we begin going back home. Daniel, Nick, Vada and Ryder went in one car, me, Emma, Mikey and Rene in the other one, Mandy ended up leaving with some people. I'm so drunk and exhausted that not even 5 seconds after I sit in the car, I'm asleep.

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