Bad decisions

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As I'm walking to the car, I see Vada has went with Nick and Emma. I mean I figured, but now that means it's gonna be a car ride filled with lots of tension the whole ride back with Mikey. I spend the whole ride looking out the window as usual, just thinking about tonight. So many girls are going to be throwing themselves at Mikey, and there's no way I can compare to that. I mean of course, he'd choose one of them over me any day. Is that why he flirted with me? To get me wrapped around his finger and do what he says?
"Rox? You coming?" Rene pokes my arm.
"Yeah.. I got distracted. Just excited is all." He gives me an are-you-sure look, but I ignore him and head inside. Mikey goes to the kitchen with everyone else, which means I'll have time for a shower before we have to go. Being under water makes me feel a little better about tonight, it gave me time to think about asking Mikey about Adam, and what I'm supposed to do if one of those girls comes to him.

After I get ready, Vada and Emma storm into my room so we can all get ready together. Vada does my hair, flat ironing it until pin straight perfection. Emma does my makeup, bold eyeliner and lashes and fills my eyebrows in dark. I feel like I got gothified, and I love it. I was always too afraid to try to do too much at once. I turn on some music while I wait for them to get ready, and begin putting on my outfit.
"Bitch oh my god you look soo sexy!" Emma squeals.
I shrug, feeling a little bit out of my comfort zone.
"Rox I told you that outfit would look so good on you, you look gorgeous!" My sister adds.
Feeling a little more confident, I look at myself in the mirror and realize- I do look hot. Tonight is going to be so fun. After I give Emma and Vada some help putting on their clothes, it reminds me how much I always wanted to be a girl for moments like these. Getting ready together, doing each others makeup and acting like we're at a fashion show, stuff I feel I missed out on my whole life.
I'm all hyped up now, and we head downstairs to get ready to go. Luckily, Emma brought her expensive perfumes so now we smell fucking amazing too. Rene is obviously so excited to see that me and Vada love Emma this much, but who wouldn't? Everyone's super excited to go, and it almost makes me forget that Mikey is standing there too. He looks me up and down, biting his lip slightly like he just saw an angel. If someone's jaw could literally drop to the floor, it would be him.
"Alright! Everyone's ready to go?!" Ryder is the most excited to leave, waiting for us must have been a nightmare. Like waiting for your mom to get all the stuff together so you and your friends can leave for the pool.

Everyone agrees, and begins heading to the door. I go to the bathroom one last time, looking at the masterpiece Vada and Emma turned me into. Taking a couple deep breaths, I hype myself up one last time before going to the cars with everyone else. Walking out, I tell myself it'll be okay, that tonight will be fun.
"Hey, I wasn't sure if I should go with them but I figured I'd wait for you." Mikey appears out of thin air, yet again almost giving me a heart attack.
"Oh.. well thanks for waiting. I'm ready now I swear!" I laugh. He begins following me to the door, opening it for me.
"You look very pretty tonight Roxie." My heart melts, and I feel all queasy inside. Did he just say that?
"Thank you Mikey. You look pretty good too" he starts blushing, and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Before I end up embarrassing myself, I walk out of the door. We head into the car, where Rene gives Mikey a dirty look, and we get inside to drive there. What was that all about? The whole car ride is packed, me next to Mikey and Daniel, and Rene blasting music on the way there. Once we turn into the neighborhood, I start to get uneasy. All these houses are huge, and I bet the kids who live in them aren't exactly the friendliest.

Everyone gets out of the car, and begins walking in. I feel like i wanna turn around and go home, but I don't wanna leave Mikey. Vada and Nick are heading in, along with Rene, Emma, Ryder and Daniel. That leaves me and Mikey. I'm trying to push myself to go in, but I've already seen 3 girls look at him like he's candy, and me like I'm a roach. I stop walking, panicked and looking around at everyone. Everything's getting loud, and I feel like I can't breathe enough air in. What if something goes wrong? I focus on the grass below my feet, trying to calm myself.
Mikey grabs my hand.
"Hey hey, it's gonna be okay. Are you alright? Roxie?" His voice brings me back to reality, like almost drowning and getting your first breath of fresh air.
"Yeah I'm.. fine. I'll be alright." He gives me a look, and I look around again.
"We can wait out here for a second, it's okay." He looks me in my eyes, before hugging me. I embrace how nice his arms feel around me, and inhale as much of his scent as I possibly can. Something about him makes me feel safe.
"I'm okay, we can go inside now. I'm sorry" he grabs my hand, as we walk in. I don't even care about the amount of people staring at us right now, he makes me feel safe.
"Don't be sorry. It's a lot to take in, your first week here." He smiles, before we walk in the door. Squeezing his hand a little tighter, I take in my surroundings. It seems like the whole fucking school is here, it smells like weed and febreeze, there's music located at every part of where you turn your head, and flashing colorful lights. Frat boys lurk around every corner, and girls are everywhere playing party games and laughing. I take a deep breath in, slow as possible. Nobody cares who I am here, I hope.

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