Friday night

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As the week has passed by, it seems things have only gotten worse. Everyday since my first day at school has made me less and less motivated to get up and actually go. Luckily, I have Vada by my side in cheer so I don't have to be the odd one out. I have little to no luck making friends, and although that sucks it seems like me and Mikey are getting somewhere. Luckily, today is Friday.

As usual, I wake up in the morning for school. Words can't be put into how fucking excited I am it's a Friday. I'm going to get drunker than ever tonight, and I'll be able to hang out with Mikey more too. It'll be my first real party since moving here, and I want everything to be perfect.
After I get out of the shower and get dressed, I choose out a party approved outfit, or so Vada called it. Grabbing my bag and my phone, I head downstairs to wait by the door, and wait for my siblings.
"Mom's at work early today, so I'm taking you all. Mikey, Nick and Emma are coming home after school as-well, so someone will ride with Nick and Emma so there's enough room." Rene states.
Vada grabs her bag, and we all head out the door to the car, where my impending doom will officially have a timer, 2 hours. 2 hours until the same rude ass girls from every single day torture me for fun. The drive there isn't so bad, just the getting out of the car part.

Everyone goes their separate ways to their classes, and i dreadfully go to mine. Luckily first period isn't bad at all, I get to sit and mind my own business alone, with no one to bother me. I work on different classes, because I don't want to be stuck getting yelled at in my 2nd period, that's the last thing I need right now. After finishing with my work, I use the rest of the class to look at some of the packages I tracked, seeing when they will arrive.

Grabbing my bag, I go wait at the door when the bell rings to go hide in the bathroom before class starts. At least before the longest hour of my life starts I want to prepare myself for what I'm about to endure. Walking as slow as I can to class, I don't see any signs of the she-devils that lurk around me. A glimmer of hope, i walk into class and of course they're already sitting down. Mandy, points me out to the others who begin giggling.
"This isnt your class babe. Go down the hall and you should see the rest of the stupid kids." Sydnee giggles to her friends, in which they all laugh like hyenas. Trying to ignore them, I rush to my seat in hopes they'll leave me alone. But it seems like every single day is something new.
"Awww Sydnee you hurt her feelings.. maybe you should go kiss her!" Mandy chimes in. Shannon laughs along with her.
Absolutely fantastic. I don't even get why they picked me for this stupid game, but yet I'm the victim playing cat and mouse with 5 cats, one mouse.
"Gross! I wouldn't touch her for money regardless! I mean.. look at her.." Sydnee holds her nose, like she smelled moldy cheese.
I sit in my seat, opening my chromebook to act like I'm doing something. They keep talking about me in whispers, i tell myself to just keep pretending they don't exist.
As the teacher walks in, I quickly fix my posture and put my phone back in hopes I won't be noticed. He starts off the class as usual, yelling at different kids for not having anything turned in or a good enough score. After the 15 minute lecture about how he hates us so much, he finally lets us do free work. I have nothing to do, so I pretend to read an article from earlier while daydreaming about Mikey. It seems like my luck might turn around, because I feel my phone go off in my pocket. Waiting for the perfect chance for my teacher to turn around, I look.

Vada: wanna come to the bathroom with me?

Me: okay, let me get out of this class first

Sighing, I put my phone away and wait to go. Once he turns his back, I quickly go and take the pass and walk as fast as I can to the bathroom. Vada waits inside, pacing like something's wrong.
"Why are you doing that?" I ask.
"Nick. Nick! He asked me out!" She exclaims. My eyes widen, but I don't have words.
"Well!?" She waves her hands around.
"That's amazing! Do you like him?" I say, but honestly I'm freaked out now. I don't know why, but hearing that Vada got asked out makes me scared maybe Mikey doesn't like me.
"Of course I do, do you listen at all?" She rolls her eyes at me, but I feel a pit in my stomach now. I tell her I have to get back to class, and that I'm happy for her. But the truth is I'm jealous, because now all my thoughts are going to the fact Mikey probably doesn't like me.
Returning to class, I can't even be bothered by Mandy and her squad. I can't stop thinking about the fact that he doesn't like me.
"Did you see her? She looks like she just got her heart broken! What a loser." Shannon says.
"Right? Should have seen it coming honestly." Sydnee adds. I continue to pretend nothing is going on.

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