Rescued/First encounter

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I take a big sigh looking at myself and checking out my outfit in the mirror
It was a Friday night and my bestfriends Brandy and Mariah were ready to drag me out of the house to hit up one of the hottest clubs in downtown LA
I wasn't really in the mood to go anywhere or do anything
Not cause I'm anti-social, but because it has been a long ass draining week for me with my business , constantly being a referee between my mom and grandma because since my dad has passed, they just can't seem to get along anymore
And then on top of that, helping my baby sister Kyra move into her very first apartment in which she was very proud of because she was able to get it without any help in which I could recall how I felt getting my first apartment by myself
So yes I'm a very proud big sister
But anyway back to the task at hand even though I rather be curled up in my bed under my soft blanket with my favorite snacks watching my favorite shows I'm going to try my best and enjoy tonight
I soon was brought out of my thoughts when my doorbell rang letting me know my girls were here
Me- (Opens the door) What's up bitches
B+M- Damn
Brandy- Bitch you look the fuck good
Mariah- Agreed
Me-(Laughs a little) Thanks, so do y'all
Mariah- Well bitch are you ready to roll
Me- Yeah(grabs purse, phone and keys) let's go (locking up my house
We pile into the black suv and head to club Zyn which was about a 15 minute ride
We make it and say our thank you's to Mariah's driver and get out and walk to the front of the line for VIP because Brandy put us on the list because the owner is her husband
Once at the door the bouncer automatically lets us in
Once in we make our way to our designated section that already has our shots and other drinks waiting
We immediately start downing the shots and then each grab our patron made margaritas and start having our own little party
Well until Mariah spotted her ex girlfriend who she says she's over but we know is a lie because as soon as she saw her she was down the steps as me and Brandy just laughed shaking our heads
Brandy- Yeah over her my ass
Me- Tell me about it
But anywho how was your week boo, how's the project going (Oh yeah Brandy and Mariah are Grammy award singers and Brandy is working on her 8th album and she's married to one of the best producers in the game, no other than Mr. Rodney Jerkins himself)
Brandy-(Sighs) Child let me tell you I been so fucking stressed with this project, it's not even funny(rubs her temples)
The songs are great, it's just the sounds that are frustrating me
Me- Well exactly what sound are you trying to go for
Brandy- Well of course you know first my signature RnB ballads, but I want to play around with some straight up pop, hip hop, and even a little soft rock, but I'm having a hard time fitting my vocals with the sounds(takes a deep breath) I don't know
Me-(Rubs her shoulder) Oh boo I'm sorry, but don't stress because you and Rodney always seem to get it worked out and it turns out to always be a hit
Brandy-Yeah you right (smiles)
I really do love my husband, he so patient and supportive, he's just amazing
Rodney-And so are you gorgeous
Brandy-Looks up and smiles) Hey baby (stands up and pulls him into a hug) we didn't even see you come up
Rodney-(Kisses her lips and squeezes her ass)
Hi beautiful,and yeah I came up the back stairs to surprise you with these(as 2 men turn around holding a bouquet of white and pink roses)
Brandy- Awe baby (kisses him) you're so sweet and they are beautiful, thank you (hugs him again)
Rodney- Your welcome my love, just wanted to do something special for my Queen because I know you have had a long stressful week
Brandy-Well I appreciate it (licks his lips)
Rodney-(Bites her bottom lip) Well why don't you come show me how much you appreciate it
Brandy-(Giggles) ok daddy(turns to me) Will you be ok here for about 30 minutes
Me- Girl y'all ain't bout to be no damn 30 minutes, I will just see you another time ok, gone with your husband
Brandy-(Bends down and hugs me) Ok boo, I love you, and the section is good all night so you and Mariah have fun
Me- Ok boo, love you too, now go
Brandy- Ok bye(walks away and jumps in Rodney's arms)
I wave by to them and just started on me another drink, now wishing I would have went with my first mind and said no to coming out because now Brandy was gone and Mariah was being Mariah with her tongue all down her ex's throat
So I knew for long they would be leaving too
I checked my watch and seen it read 2am which meant I been sitting here 2 hours by myself doing nothing, well except when Mariah and her ex came to join me, but as I said before, they left too
And so I decided to just drink one last drink and call it a night as I ordered me a Uber home
I begin to walk down the staircase to leave and stand outside while I wait for my ride
Once I make it down and through the crowd of drunk, tipsy and sweaty bodies I feel someone grab my arm
Not even looking back to see who it was I snatched my arm away continuing for the door thinking it was just a drunk dude about to ask me to dance, but I wasn't interested and was ready to go
I finally made it to the door and was about to walk out when my arm was grabbed yet again
This time I was a bit annoyed and finally turned around so I could cuss out whoever it was grabbing on me
And as soon as I turned around I immediately regretted it because it turns out to be my ex Trent who had a big ass grin on his face like this was a damn happy reunion
Me-(Snatches my arm away) What do you want Trent(I said with so much anger and attitude)
Trent- Come on now Patrice , I know you still not mad at me
Me-(Roll my eyes) Nigga is you stupid and why you think I still wouldn't be mad at you for not only cheating on me , but cheating on me with my hoe ass cousin and you had a whole baby by her
Trent- Come on Patrice I said I was sorry
I was drunk out of my head when that shit happened and regretted it immediately the next day
Now don't get me wrong, I love my daughter but I was not planning on cheating on you with your cousin
Me- Yeah but you did Trent and being drunk is a lame excuse because you had been out of your head drunk plenty of times and always found your way to me, and so there for we have nothing else to talk about so goodnight and goodbye
By then my Uber was here and I again was about to walk out the door until Trent grabbed my arm again but this time he grabbed it a little harder which immediately put fear in me
You see Trent and I started dating in high school
He was on the boys varsity basketball team and I was head captain of the cheerleading team
We immediately became friends and soon started dating
He was my first on everything, including sex
Now I had in the past dated females  but was never that serious with them like I was with boys
Me and Trent was together from high school until   2 years ago
Now to everyone else we looked like the perfect couple
But behind closed doors it was a different story
Now Trent didn't drink heavy until college and he never missed a party
The drinks started to become a frequent thing and so did him hitting me
Sometimes the hits would just come out of nowhere for no reasons
Then came the very unwanted rough sex that also left marks all over my body
No one knew a thing until I found out I was pregnant right after college graduation and that's also when Trent cheated on me with my cousin
The next day after it all happened we got into a huge altercation and out of nowhere he picked me up and slammed me down hard on the ground
I blacked out soon after and woke up in the hospital with my mom and dad crying
They made me tell them everything and I did
And at the time my dad was really sick and so we knew his time was coming to an end and so all he asked me to do was promise to stay away from Trent in which I did and haven't seen or spoken to him until now
He never knew anything of me being pregnant or him making me lose the baby and so when my cousin had her daughter I hated both of them to my core and knew me and Trent was definitely over which is why I have no clue why he's holding me by my arm so tight
Which immediately instead of fear, my emotions quickly turned to anger and I again snatched my arm away and looked at him coldly
Me- I don't know what the fuck your problem is and I really don't care, but you have one more time to grab me and I will shoot your ass right in the damn dick( I said showing him my small gun)  now leave me the fuck alone
Trent-(Laughs) Oh look who's trying to be tough
You think a little gun scares me(laughs again)
(He then goes for my neck squeezing it hard)
You will always belong to me no matter where you go, do, or be with, your still mines you understand
Me- Nigga fuck you(trying to move his hand)
Next thing I know is I'm gasping for air as he has me up against the door squeezing harder
I try my best to pull out my gun be he yanks it out my hand and all of a sudden everything goes black
I woke up immediately grabbing my throat because not only did it hurt outside, but inside too, like my windpipe has been crushed
I couldn't breathe or swallow without pain hitting me hard
Tears soon started running down my face as the memories of last night came flashing back in my mind
I was so caught up in them that I didn't even hear anyone walk in the room until they spoke which immediately frightened me because I didn't know who they were and realizing I'm not at a hospital or anywhere familiar
I then felt a warm towel being put on my head, and my hand being moved and one being put on my throat
And soon the person begins to speak again
Person- I hope this helps with the soreness
I'm not a nurse so I'm just hoping that I'm helping you out some with the pain
I know you're scared and have no clue of what's going on, but I can assure you that you're safe and don't have to be afraid
I say nothing because one I was scared and two because I wasn't sure if I could
And so I laid there with my eyes on the ceiling as they continued talking
Person- If you need me to call anyone for you to come get you , I will be happy too
I then slowly turned my head wincing in pain to look at who this person was
She was standing right next to the bed in a cut off sleeve homemade crop top with some black leggings and some cute fuzzy blue house slippers
Her hair was up in a messy bun, her face was freshly washed and her teeth were white and bright as the snow and sunshine
She was gorgeous
I hadn't realized how long I had been starring until she cleared her throat and repeated her question
Person- So is there someone you would like me to call to come pick you up
Me-(Nods head yes)
Person-(Smiles) Ok(hands me a small pad and pen)write it down and I will give them a call for you
I nod my head again and wrote down Brandy's number and handed it back to her
I wrote Brandy's number because she's a spring into action friend vs Mariah is a ask a million questions first then spring into action friend
The beautiful woman then smiles again and leaves the room
I then decide to try and sit up so I could access my situation and surroundings a little more
Once I sat up I realized I was only in my bra and panties , but my dress was on a hanger by the bed and my shoes was right by it
Then I seen some towels, body wash, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrush, and a brand new pair of underwear, no bra, a T shirt and some shorts and a pair of flip flops
At first it confused me looking at everything but I just shrugged and begin to slowly make my way out the bed trying not to move to fast to bring any pain to my throat
I was successful and made it into the bathroom
I then used the toilet, got undressed and got in shower
I began to let the hot water run over my throat which was very soothing
I then finished my shower and did my hygiene thing very carefully and got dressed
I made sure to clean up after myself and left out the bathroom
I jumped seeing the pretty girl in the room placing down a tray that had some chicken broth and hot tea on it
Person- Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you
I just thought you would like something to soothe your throat a bit, and so I made you some chicken broth and peppermint tea
I see you got your shower, and I will take these
(grabs the wet towels, and toiletries)why you sit and eat,and your beast friend Brandy is on her way
I just nod my head as she makes her way back through the door to the hallway
Person-I'm Megan by the way, sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier
I nod my head, and grabs the same note pad and pen she laid next to the bed and wrote my name down and hands it to her, also saying thank you
Megan-(Reads the paper) Well it's very nice to meet you Patrice, and your welcome (smiles at me)You try and eat and drink and I will come get you as soon as Brandy gets her ok
I nod my head and she then walks off
I sat down at the little table desk in the room and begin to try and eat and drink the tea
Tears were flowing as I tried from the pain of swallowing
Soon I heard Brandy's voice and she rushed in hugging me tight , causing me to cry harder in her embrace
Brandy- It's ok sweetie I'm here(rubs my back) you're ok, I got you(hugs me tighter)
She held me while I cried for at least 20 minutes
Once done she wiped my face , kissing my forehead
Brandy- Are you ready to go
I shake my head yes
Brandy- Ok baby, let's go
She helps me up while grabbing my things and leading me out the room
We make it downstairs to where Megan is standing by the door
Brandy-Thank you again Megan for saving and taking care of my best friend, you're a real angel for that(hugs her)
Megan- It was no problem, I was not leaving her there like that(getting a bit emotional)
I'm just glad she's ok(looks at me)
She smiles at me, and then walks over and pulls me into a tight hug that I immediately accepted because I was also grateful for her saving and helping me
As we hugged I felt tears fall from my eyes, as well as hers wetting my shoulder
Last night must have really scared her and I can only imagine her thoughts finding me in the state she did
Even though I'm not sure what happened after I blacked out
I can just tell it was bad and I probably should go get checked out
We soon came out of our embrace as I placed a soft kiss on her cheek and gave her a smile as I wiped her tears and mouthed a thank you
She smiled back and said I was welcome
Afterwards me and Brandy soon left and without a second thought Brandy took me straight to the ER
It didn't take long for me to get in a room
The doctor examined me and gave me a concerned look
Brandy saw his face and immediately asked what was wrong
The doctor then told us both that not only was my windpipe crushed and need to be reconstructed, but that my left vocal cord was completely busted and could not be saved and even though my voice would return, I would still have trouble speaking in normal volume or pronouncing certain words
I soon became filled with anger and Brandy saw me and immediately hugged me and begin to try and calm me down before I completely lost it

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