Recovery /A Sweet Thank You/Comfort &Nightmares

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I ended up staying in the hospital for 1 full month healing from surgery and doing speech therapy which also included learning how to chew and swallow again because I had been on a feeding tube since the surgery
And surprisingly my voice made a full recovery, but without some lasting effects, but those are minor and so to me I'm fully healed
I was discharged about 4 days ago and Brandy and Mariah and my little sister Kayla has been glued to me since then
Not that I'm complaining because they have been spoiling me like a kid
My sister did eventually have to leave for work because she was under a new undercover assignment
And Brandy had to go home to her husband in which left me with crazy ass Mariah until she to had to leave which was tonight
But like I said, I'm not complaining
It's the next following Monday which I groan because I know I have so much shit to do for work since I been gone a month
So I'm a fashion designer with my own company and clothing line
I style, kids, men and women, I even design unisex clothes and have been successful coming up 5 years starting from college
Brandy and Mariah were my first 2 huge clients when I started 4 years ago, which is how my friendship with them grew
I decided to work from home, and emailed my 2 assistants and gave them their tasks for the week
Then I started catching up on some paperwork and emails
While I was busy working my phone rung and I answered it without looking
Me- Hello
Person- Well hello stranger
I quickly picked it up and took it off speaker
Me- Who is this (in confusion)
Person- Oh uhm, it's Megan
Me-(Smiles) Oh my goodness, hi Megan, how are you, and sorry about that, I just didn't recognize your voice
Megan-(Laughs a bit softly) It's ok, and I'm doing well, and seems you are too, your voice sounds like nothing ever happened
Me- Yeah I know, but that's thanks to the wonderful surgeons and speech therapist
But anywho what do I owe this pleasure of a phone call
Megan- Oh yeah, I ran into Brandy at the gym and asked about you , and she gave me your number, and just told me to call you,
I hope I'm not interrupting or disturbing you
Me- Oh no your good, just catching up on work, and now that I can actually talk now
I really want to thank you for what you did
You didn't even know me, and still took it upon yourself to help me, so thank you Megan
Megan- Like I said before, I was not gonna leave you like that , so again you're welcome
Me- Well would it be okay to treat you to a dinner
I actually have been thinking about you, but had no clue how to find you or reach out without just showing up at your house looking like a creep
Megan-(Laughs) I wouldn't have thought you were a creep, unless you showed up with no food
Me- Oh my gosh, really
Megan-(Laughs again)Nah , it would have been totally fine, but to answer your question, dinner would definitely be ok with me
Me-(Smiles) Perfect, well how about tonight at 7
I can pick you up and take you to my favorite place
Megan- Yeah 7 is good, how should I dress
Me- Nothing to fancy, just something you can be comfortable in, and have fun in, this is not your typical restaurant
Megan- Oh ok then, sounds very interesting
Me- Trust me it is
Megan-Well ok , I will see you at 7 then
Me- Ok Megan, I will see you then
Megan- Ok, bye
Me- Bye
We then hang up and I continued finishing up my work
I looked at the clock and seen it was right at 5:00pm and so I decided to get in the shower and start getting ready for tonight
Once I finished dressing and doing my hair and make up, it was close to 6:30pm, and so I text Megan to let her know I was on my way
I make it to her house right at 6:45pm kinda shocked at how close she actually lives
I then text her letting her know I was outside in which she came right out
As she walked to the car I was admiring her choice of an outfit
She wore a cream colored sweater like long sleeve crop top with some white torn jeans that's hugging her curves and ass very nicely, with some cream red bottoms to match, also with gold hoop earrings, 2 gold necklaces, 4 gold rings on each hand, a diamond gold bracelet on the left arm, and a golden Rolex on the right arm with a white Chanel purse, and a white and cream hat to hold back her hair that was slicked back into a long ponytail with little to no makeup on
She was absolutely stunning
I was brought out of my trance and thoughts by her saying hello getting in the car
Megan-(Gets in the car) Hello Patrice(smiles at me)
Me-Hello Megan (returns the smile)You look amazing
Megan-(Scans over her outfit)Thank you, I really didn't know exactly what to wear , but I figured that you can never go wrong with some heels and jeans
Me-And your absolutely right about that
Well are you ready to go
Megan-(Smiles and nods her head) Yes let's go
So I take off heading to one of my favorite restaurants called (Skies)
The name speaks for itself because you literally eat in the sky
Yes it's a floating restaurant, but I'm not telling Megan that because I want to see the reaction on her face once she figures it out
We make our reservations in time which also makes me happy, because I also rented out the whole place just for us
Skies also has miniature golf, laser tag, rock climbing, an arcade, movie theatre, paint ball, and a coffee shop
It's a real fun place
Once checked in we go get on the elevator
Megan still doesn't know what's about to happen
We make it inside the restaurant and we are seated
Soon as we are seated, the straps comes from out the ceiling and the workers come strap us in
Soon I think Megan figured it out and looked right at me
Megan-(Smiles big) This is a flying restaurant isn't it
Me-(Smiles big) Yes it is,
I hope I didn't freak you out, I should have asked if you were afraid of heights
Megan-Oh no, I'm okay, I've just always wanted to come to one of these , but either never had the time, or the date to do so, so this is pretty amazing,thank you for bringing me here
Me- You are very welcome, and did you just call this a date(I raised my eyebrow)
Megan-(Gets shy, and looks down)
Uhm no, I was just saying I wanted to have a date here one day thats all, didn't mean to offend you
Me-(Smiles and reaches over to lift her head up) Megan you didn't offend me, and we can make this a date if you want(rubs her chin)ok
(smiles at her)
Megan-(Smiles at me) Ok, it's just I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since that night and morning, and really been hoping to run into you, but instead ran into Brandy which was the next best thing to you, and so when you asked me to dinner I got excited
Me-Well we are here now and I'm excited too, and I must say I'm already loving the view of my date(winks at her)
Megan-(Blushes) Oh stop(puts her head down smiling) I like my view too(she says)
Me-Now you stop(smiling)
We kinda just stared at each other before I cleared my throat)
Me-(Clears throat) So do you know what you want to order
Megan- Well since this is your favorite place how about you order for me and surprise me
Me- Oh I can definitely do that
I wave our waiter over and whispered in his ear both orders and order some champagne and Stella Rose Wine
He then leaves to put in our order , and bring the bottles to our table on ice
I poured us both some champagne first and made a small thank you toast to Megan
At first she smiled, but then tears started to come down her face
I soon reached over the table and dapped her tears with a napkin as I asked what was wrong
Me-What's wrong Megan, why are you crying beautiful (looking at her concerned)
Megan-I'm sorry, I'm not trying to mess up the date, I'm ok(wipes her eyes)
Me-Megan your not messing up anything, and I know you're not ok, so please talk to me(I grab one of her hands in mines, slightly squeezing it)
Megan-(Sighs heavily) It's just how I found you brought back some real painful memories is all but I promise I'm really ok
Me- Your not because your about to cry again
And as soon as I said that, her tears started to flow once again, but heavier then the first time
So with that I called the waiter over and told them we needed to go back down
In which he informed the person operating the controls, and in a manner of 2 minutes we were back down and unstrapped with me walking around the table and pulling Megan into a tight hug
I sat and let her cry into my arms as I rubbed her bare back from where her crop top raised up from
Soon she calmed down and wiped her face as I continued rubbing her back to really make sure she was ok
Me-(Still rubbing her back) Are you ok( soft voice)
Megan-(Still wiping her face, and nods her head) Yeah(crying whisper voice)
Me-Do you want me to take you home, I don't mind if you do
Megan-(Looks at me) No I don't want to be alone with my thoughts right now, can I come to your place
Me-Yeah, sure, come on(takes her hand)
We stand up to leave, I pay and tip everyone even though our date ended before it started
We walk hand in hand in silence to the car
Once we make it to the car I open her door to let her get in and she thanked me
I then went and got in on my side, and started the car and drove off
During the ride I just kept glancing over at Megan who didn't think I could still see her wiping tears from her eyes
I eventually just grabbed her hand and held it rubbing my thumb on the back of it
We soon made it to my house , and I parked the car, got out and went to her side and opened the door helping her out
I then get my key and unlocked the door while holding her hand walking inside and closing and locking the door behind us
I then led her to the living area and have her to sit while I grabbed us some wine and made us something light to munch on
Once done I go back into the living area sitting the tray on the table, and sit down next to Megan who was jut sitting and looking down at the floor
Me-Do you want to talk about it(grabbing her hand)
Megan-(Looks up at me) Uhm (tears start to flow) Do you remember anything from that night
Me- Yes, my ex boyfriend choked me until I passed out, then I woke up at your house, why do you ask
Megan-Because that's not all that happened
Me-(Shocked)  Uhm so what happened exactly then because I didn't wake up sore anywhere but my throat
Megan-Well I was running from my uhm, my ex husband and I hid behind the dumpster
I saw a man, guessing your ex and you behind the club
Me-And what happened (I asked getting more anxious)
Megan-You were completely passed out , but he had his uhm penis in your mouth
Me-(Touches my throat) What the fuck!( I yelled making Megan jump)
At this point I'm livid , but I kept my composure telling her to go on even though I can tell she was scared to but she did
Megan-So he finished and then once he got done he let 2 other men do the same thing
Me-(Hyperventilating) Oh my goodness (grabs my chest) What the, why would he, oh my God I can have a disease (starts to panic badly and cry)
Megan-(Grabs me) No, look at me Patrice , look at me baby(grabs my face to make me look at her)Breathe with me
She begins to breathe in and out slowly while placing my hand over her heart
After a while I finally had calmed down
Me-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to freak out like that or scare you , I'm really sorry
Megan- Don't be , I have panic attacks too
Me-(Sighs) well thank you again(shakes my head)
Megan-Your welcome, Should I continue
Me- Yeah, go ahead (takes a sip of my wine I just poured myself and Megan )
Megan-Ok so after they were done, they left you there and you were still out of it , and so once I felt it was safe enough for the both of us
I hurried and picked you up and carried you right back with me where I was hiding and called an Uber and had them drop us off at my house since I didn't know where you lived and you didn't have any identification on you either
Me- Yeah I take spare ID's because just incase I end up with a stalker at the club I don't have to worry about them finding my actual address
But anyway
So exactly why why were you hiding from your ex husband
Megan- Because he's a violent man and is still pissed I divorced him after I got out of the hospital from him kicking me down the stairs because I wouldn't agree to having a baby with him
Me- Oh my, Megan I'm so sorry (hugs her)
Megan (Hugs me tighter) I'm so scared Patrice
That night he really could have hurt me if I didn't run the way I did, and you were hurt bad , but I'm happy it wasn't permanent (tears falling) why us huh
Me-(Rubs her back) I don't know, but Trent is handled on my end, but if you need help with your ex , I'm more then happy to help you
Megan-Yes please, please help me(now fully crying)
Me-Ok, I got you(still hugging her and rubbing her back)
I just let her cry again because it seems like she's been holding shit in and I can tell how terrified of her ex husband she really is
She soon calmed down and begin to look super drained and tired
Me-Come(standing up and holding my hand out)
She takes my hand as I lead her down the hall to the guest bedroom)
You can sleep here, I will be back with clothes and hygiene items and towels for you to shower ok
Megan- Ok, thanks Patrice
Me-No problem, I will be right back
I left out going to grab everything she was going to need and headed back to the room where she was sitting on the bed
Me-Ok , here you go, and if you need anything else I'm 2 doors down the hall to your right, and if you get hungry, feel free to rummage through my fridge, ok
Megan-Ok, thanks again and goodnight
Me- Your welcome and goodnight
I gave her a quick hug and left out going to my own room
Once in I immediately strip out of everything and turn on my shower and letting it steam
I immediately text Brandy and Mariah giving them the whole run down of tonight , and how I definitely need to get tested in which they agreed
Once we all said our thoughts on the situation we said our love you's and goodnights
I finally got out the shower after almost an hour because I was in deep thoughts about everything including how to help Megan in which Mariah said she will handle it like she did Trent
See everyone knows Mariah to be the Diva songbird that she is , but they don't know that Mariah has mob connections
And so I know I have nothing to really worry about
I was finally dressed and getting in bed
The clock read 1am as I was getting ready to finally let sleep take over me until I heard a soft knock on my door
I got up and walked over to answer it , opening the door to Megan
Me-Hey, are you ok
Megan-Nightmares, is it ok if I lay with you
Me-Yeah, come on in(opens the door wider)
She comes in and I close the door behind her
I get a good look at her and see she's shaking as she sits on the bed
I walk over and sit next to her and hold her hand
Me-Tell me what it was about
Megan- He killed me(shakey voice)
Me-(Pulls her into a hug) I promise you're safe , he's not going to kill you ok, I promise
Megan-(Pulls away) How can you promise me something about someone you know nothing about
He's out there waiting to find and catch me
I have moved 7 times in 3 months to keep him off my tracks, but somehow he still found me at that restaurant on a date and was after me
It's only gonna be a matter of time before he figures out where I live now
Oh my God, he's going to come kill me
Soon she was in a full uproaring panic attack
I immediately grabbed her talking to her to make her focus on me
It didn't work and so I picked her up and put her in the shower and turned the cold water on until she started screaming it's cold
I then turned it off and wrapped her in a towel and she then just hugged me tight crying

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