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It's been 3 weeks since I've last seen or spoken to anyone including Megan
I decided that I was not going to pursue anything with her because I still couldn't figure out my issue with taking it further than sex with women
I have been staying to myself and throwing myself into my work
I was in the middle of answering emails when I got a knock on my door with one of my assistants coming in and telling me someone was here to see me
I then told them to let whoever it was in and was surprised when I seen it was Megan
Me-Well hi Megan(gets up from my desk to greet her with a hug)
Megan-(Hugs me back)Hello Patrice(sounding a bit sad)
Me-Well how have you been (gesturing for her to have a seat on the couch in my office as I sit down also)
Megan-I been ok I guess, how about you
Me-Just busy working, but what brings you by, not that I mind the visit
Megan-(Sighs) Well I been waiting for a response and haven't gotten anything from you
So tell me are you just not interested in me or what Patrice because I haven't been able to do anything without you constantly being on my mind
Me-Megan (grabs her hand)I'm sorry ok, and it's not that I'm not interested in you, I just still can't figure this shit out, and I'm not trying to hurt you
So I just been keeping to myself because of it
Megan-Patrice it's been 3 fucking whole weeks
I'm not understanding what's so hard for you to figure out here
This shit is getting very frustrating
Me- I know, and I don't mean to frustrate you, but what am I supposed to do about it
I've never dated a woman or spent time with a woman past the bedroom
You actually was my first date, but now I'm wishing you weren't because now look
Megan-Well tell me this, did you enjoy yourself, and would you do it again if I asked you out again
Me-(Sighs) Actually yes I did, and yes I would because it was a nice date and I had fun hanging out with you
Megan-So then if you like hanging with me then what's the problem
Me-Because that was only one date Megan
Megan-Ok, but there could be more if you just give it a chance Patrice
Me-I want to Megan, I just don't want to hurt you again by being unsure
Megan-(Scoots closer to me)Patrice look at me and tell me I don't make you feel something when you are looking at me, or around me,
And did you forget you kissed me(moves her face closer to mines)
Me-Damn(my breath hitches)
I didn't say anything, I just grabbed her face and kissed her
I soon deepened the kiss causing her to moan in my mouth, giving my tongue the access it needed to enter in her mouth fully exploring it while moving one of my hands from her face to her throat making the kiss more passionate and dominating
I then begin to suck on her tongue harshly and then made my way to her bottom lip while biting it
I then pulled apart just staring at her as she was breathing very heavy looking at me with pure lust in her eyes
Me-(Stands up, and holds out my hand)
Come, let's get out of here, did you drive
Megan-(Takes my hand and stood up)
No, I took a Uber
Me-Oh so you just planned this then huh(smirking)
Megan-(Blushes) Yeah,
Patrice you don't understand how much I want you , and want to be with you, I really need you
Me-(Pulls her into me and kiss her softly)
Ok, for you I will give this a try ok,
But your gonna have to be patient with me
Megan-Well shit I think I have been,
It's been 3 weeks Patrice
How much more patience you want me to have
Me-(Laughs a bit) Your right (kisses her again)
But let's go(grabs her hand)
We leave out my office as I let my assistant know I'm leaving for the day
Once in car I just looked over looking at a smiling Megan and got the urge to kiss her again
I pulled her into my lap with her straddling me and started attacking her lips while my hands begin to roam all over her body until my hands made it to her ass , giving it a squeeze that caused her to moan a little louder and starts grinding on me
I then begin to kiss, lick and suck down her neck leaving love marks in every spot
I knew I hit her spot when she moaned deeply in my ear and her body jumped causing me to smile
Me-You liked that huh, I found your spot huh (going back to it again and sucking, biting, and licking on it even harder)
Megan-Oh Patrice(moans)please baby(grinding even harder against me)
Me-Please what baby (squeezing her ass even harder while moving her hips back and forth on my lap)tell me what you want baby
Megan-I,I want you please baby uh(moans)
Me-You want me(now sliding my hand up her skirt)
Megan-Mmm yes baby please
Me-Say no more baby I got you(attacking her lips again)
I then lift up her skirt completely pulling her thong to the side and slowly slid in 2 fingers deep inside her now very wet and dripping pussy causing her to gasp
Megan-Oh shit baby (wraps her arms tighter around me)
Me-(Bites her neck)You so wet baby, did daddy make you this wet(now moving my fingers in and out at a slow pace)
Megan-Oh , daddy yes(whisper tone)
Me-Yea what baby (going in deeper and picking up the pace a little)
Megan-Uh daddy, Yes, You made it wet daddy, fuck it feels so good,(begins to ride my fingers)
Me-Shit baby, ride them fingers for daddy then
Show me how good it feels (adding a third finger and going even deeper)
Megan-Fuck Daddy!
Oh fuck me please, make this pussy cum daddy (rides harder on my fingers)
She then begins to follow the rhythm of my fingers as I begin to thrust inside her pussy harder and deeper
I could tell she was getting close by the way her walls gripped around my fingers and she started slamming down harder on my fingers putting her face in the crook of my neck, holding on to me tighter
Megan-Oh daddy yes, right there baby, uh yes daddy don't stop,
I'm bout to cum
Fuck baby I'm bout to cum, ah shit
Me-(Thrust harder and deeper)
Give it to me baby, cum for daddy, give it to me
Megan-Fuck! I'm cumming daddy ahh!
I'm fucking cumming!! Fuck!!
She cums so hard with her body shaking and her sweat cream covering my whole hand, and her breathing hard
But I wasn't done so I once again thrust super deep and hard causing her to scream
Megan-Ahh daddy! I can't take no more please
Me-Yes you can(kisses her and then sucks on her spot on her neck) Now give it to daddy (picking up my pace)
Megan-Oh shit, oh shit, (trying to pull my hand away)
Me-Nope(grabs her hand with my free hand)
Give me what I want, then I will stop, now cum again for daddy
Megan-Oh baby (now has tears running )
She then tightens her arms around me again and started riding my fingers again, harder and deeper
Megan-Oh fuck! Daddy!
Don't stop please! It's cumming daddy!
(Starts slamming down really hard on my fingers)
Me-That's right baby (smacks her ass really hard) give it to me
Megan-Ah!! Patrice!!
Ah fuck I'm gonna cum!
Oh hold me baby please!
I'm fucking cumming!
Ah! I'm cumming!
I then hold her as tight and as close as I could to me with my free arm, and soon she cummed so hard squirting everywhere
Megan-(Starts squirting) Oh my fucking goodness!
Daddy!!! Oh my God!!( Shakes uncontrollably in my arms, and cries from the intense orgasms)
I started kissing her all over her face as her body begins to calm down, and her tears stopped, and just held her
We sat like that for a while until she spoke
Megan-What the fuck was that,
I never orgasamed like that before
Me-Well that shit was beautiful,
I mean just look at the mess you made(laughs)
She looked around in bit of a shock seeing how wet she got me , my seat, the floor, my steering wheel, most of all herself
Megan-Damn baby, I did all that
Me-(Kisses her) You sure did, but it's fine , I will send it to get cleaned once we get out of here,
But how are you feeling, are you ok
Megan-(Gives me a look, and grabs my wet and creamy fingers, and sucks them clean)
What does that tell you (grabs my face, and kisses me)
Me-Well uhm it tells me you want another round (smacks her ass)
Megan-Mmm maybe ( licks my lips) but not until I know what this is between us
Do you want me or not Patrice, and not just for sex,
I mean really want me because this just put me deeper in my feelings for you, so what is it that you want, and want to do , because honestly I think I'm in love with you
Me-(Caress her face looking deeply into her eyes)
I really want you baby, and yes more then sex, because I didn't want to admit it is something about you that I just can't shake, and I no longer want to try to
So I'm with you ok
Megan-(Tears running) Ok(hugs me)
I know you're not gonna say it back, but (looks into my eyes) I love you(softly kisses my lips)
Me-(Kisses again and looks into her eyes)
I love you too baby (pulls her into an even tighter hug)
Megan-(Pulls out of the hug seeming a big shocked)
Wait, did you just say you love me too
Me-(Smiles and kisses her again) Yes I did beautiful
Megan-(Gets nervous)Do you mean it,
Please don't say it if you don't mean it
Me-I absolutely mean it baby,
To be honest the night you slept in my bed holding on to me so tight, and not wanting to let me go every time I tried moving, and watching you sleep so peacefully in my arms because you clearly felt so safe with me really captured my heart so fast, and so deeply
But it scared me, and I just been trying my hardest to deny it, but I can't anymore, I love you Megan, I really do love you (now crying a bit)
Megan-(Also crying) Oh my God
Then why push me away for so long, that really hurt me
Me-(Wipes her tears) I know baby and I'm so very sorry for that, I never meant to hurt you baby
I was just scared and unsure of what to do with my feelings for you
But seeing you today and how you came in my office being sure of what you still wanted, and was willing to keep fighting for it really helped me make my mind up and not be scared anymore, and I promise from here on out
I'm giving you all of me, and my love , I promise no more hurt or pain,or tears of not knowing what I want ok
I'm yours now and forever because your all I want, I promise,ok(kisses her deeply)
I kissed her like she was the breath that I needed, and my life depended on it
I soon pulled away from the kiss just caressing her face, and staring into her eyes
Me-Now do you believe me(still looking in her eyes)
Megan-(Soft voice) Yes
Me-(Smiles) Well should we get out of here and cleaned up
Megan-(Laughs softly) Yes because I'm getting pretty sticky between my legs
Me-(Slaps her on the ass)
Ok well baby I need my lap so I can drive
Megan-But it's so comfortable on your lap(pouts)
Me-Oh goodness, not the first pout(kisses her poked out lip) But sorry baby, I can't drive like this,
Now come on my big baby, go to your seat
Megan-(Sighs, and plays mad) Fine (climbs back into the passenger seat folding her arms)
Me-(Laughs )Your way to cute, but when we get home I promise you can sit in my lap all you want once we are cleaned up ok(kisses her cheeks)
Megan-(Smiles) Ok, but uhm I need to stop by my place to get some clothes
Me-No problem, now seatbelt, so we can go
We make it to her house in which she ended up packing 2 suitcases and 2 duffel bags in which I just laughed and just helped her put them in my trunk
Me-(Looks over and smiles) If you want to move in then just say that(pulling out her driveway)
Megan-I thought you already knew (winks at me)
But no baby I just want clothes and stuff at your place for when I decide I miss you to much and want to just come over to stay a while, is that ok
Me-(Kisses her hand that I'm holding)
Of course is is beautiful, so are you hungry
Megan-I could eat, but want to get cleaned up first
Me- No problem
So are we staying in and making something, or getting cute and going out
Megan-Uhm actually I'm in the staying in and ordering something mood, because I want as much time with you with just it being us since I been starved of time with you for 3 weeks
Me-Well that's completely fine with me beautiful
We finally make it to my house and took all her things in
I then called my car people to come pick my car up and take it to get a deep clean
I then made space in my dresser and closet and bathroom for her to put away her things
I then went and started a hot shower for us in which we had more fun in with an extra 2 rounds
We finally got out , oiled and lotion up ,got dressed and ordered our food and picked out movies to watch
It was going on 2am when I woke up and realized we fell asleep on the couch with her laying right on top of me with her legs straddled around my waist
I couldn't help but smile and kiss her forehead at how cute and peaceful she was sleeping
But as cute as she was I had to wake her up so we could get in the bed
Me-(Whispers in her ear)
Baby (rubs her back)
Baby wake up my love
Megan-Hmmm(stirs a little)
Me-Come on baby, let's go get in the bed beautiful (kisses her cheek)
Megan-(Sleepy voice) But I don't want to
I want to stay right here
Me-I know baby, but this is a bit uncomfortable on this couch
I promise you can lay back on me once we get in bed ok(kisses her lips)
Megan-(Sleepy Voice) Ok
She then sits up and stands up and waits for me to stand as I grab her hand and walk to the room to get in bed
And with no time wasted we were in bed with her laying right back on top of me, and we both was out

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