Marry Me

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A short but cute update

It's been a wonderful 4 months and me and Megan are still going strong, in which she has fully moved in with me and is now using her home as an air bnb
Me, Brandy and Mariah are in great places with our friendship, in which me and Mariah are planning a reveal party from Brandy and Rodney because they had the doctor tell us instead of them the sex of the baby now that Brandy is a full 6 months along
And as for my baby sister, she has also moved in with me because she did not keep the baby and been having a hard time dealing with her abortion and has fallen into a deep depression that she's now on medication for but refuses to leave the house unless it's with me or Megan
I'm working from home today because it's that time of the month and I hate being bothered during that time and so to keep from biting heads off I decided to work from home
I was working on some sketches of dresses I was designing for Mariah that she was needing for the Grammys in 3 months and a dress for Brandy for her performance for the Soul Train Awards in 4 months and lastly 2 dresses for me and Megan for both events
As I'm in deep concentration I hear a soft knock on my door and already knowing who it is I told her to come in
Me-Come in Kyra
Kyra-(Opens the door and comes in) Hey
Me- Hey boo, are you ok
Kyra-Yeah, uhm I just came to see if you could drop me at moms
She told me she wants me to come stay with her a while
Me-Well is that something you actually want to do
Kyra-Yeah, Cause I know she's been through this before and so I know she can help me deal with it better
Me-(Stands up and walks over to her and hugs her) Well then of course I will take you, and just know anytime you want to come back, that you can ok
Kyra-(Hugs me back)Ok, and thank you, and I love you
Me-Your welcome, and I love you too, are you packed and ready to go
Kyra-Yeah it's by the front door already
Me-Ok, let's go
So I helped her put all her stuff in the trunk and backseat and drove to my moms
Once there she came out and hugged and kissed both of us and helped to get her stuff out the car
She made us lunch and we talked for hours about everything that's been going on with her and Kyra and me
Afterwards I checked the time and seen it was after 4pm which meant I missed my call from Megan in which I called her soon as I got back in my car driving home(calls Megan)
Megan-(Answers on 3rd ring) Hey Baby
Me-(Smiles)Hey my love, sorry I missed your call
Megan-It's ok, how are you feeling, do you need me to bring you anything on my way home
Me-(Smiles)That still gets me so geeked hearing you say home, I love it, but no baby, I'm actually already out because I took Kyra to my mom's house
Megan-Oh, is she ok
Me-Yeah she's ok, she just feels better being there since my mom been through that same situation of aborting a baby
Megan-Oh wow, really
Me-Yeah after Kyra, her then boyfriend raped her and then she found out she was pregnant and aborted it
Megan-Oh shit, that's fucked up
Me-Yeah tell me about it, but how are, do you need anything while I'm out
Megan-I'm fine baby, and no but thank you
Me-No problem my love, I love you
Megan-I love you too my baby
Me-Ok, well I'm home now and going to soak in a hot bath
Megan-Ok baby, well I will be out of here in another hour or so
Me-Ok, Well let me know when you're leaving so I can have food ordered
Megan-Ok I will, bye baby
Me-Bye my Queen, I love you
Megan-And I love you
Me-Damn how did I get so lucky, You know you're the one right
Megan-Oh I am huh(smiles big)
Me-You definitely are, I'm marrying you
Megan-Ok get off my phone now before you turn me into a crying mess
Me-(Laughs a bit) Ok baby, I love you, bye
Megan-I love you too baby, bye
We finally hang up and I get in the house locking the door behind me and head straight to our bedroom stripping down to my bra and panties going into the bathroom and running me a hot bath with bath salts, oils and some bubble bath
Once it was ready I finished undressing and got in turning some soft music on with the remote sitting on the shelf above the tube
I soaked in the tub for an hour and then washed up and got out putting on lotion, and clean clothes and pad
Once I was together I took more medicine and laid down in bed waiting for Megan to let me know she was on her way home
And as on que she texted me saying she was on her way ,and that she wanted some Chinese food in which I then put our orders in at our favorite restaurant and within 20 minutes Megan was home
Megan-(Walks into the room)Hey baby
(walks over to the bed kissing me)You feeling ok
Me-Yeah,just some cramps but the hot bath and medicine and heating pad is helping
Megan-Awe my poor baby (kisses me again)
I'm gonna shower and then when I get out I will make you some peppermint tea and massage your stomach ok
Me-Ok baby(winces a little)
Megan-(Rubs my back) Just breath baby
I do as she says and breath through the pain and waiting for it to pass
Once it does I tell her to get in the shower because I was ok for now and because the food was almost here
Once she got out , oiled up and dressed the food arrived in which she went to the door to get it
Soon we ate watching a movie
Afterwards she threw everything in the trash in the kitchen and then came back with my peppermint tea getting back in the bed and cuddling me and moved the heating pad and begin to massage my stomach which felt way better then the heating pad
While she was rubbing my stomach I took my time drinking my tea but then looked up and started staring at her as she laid with her eyes closed
I then sat my cup down and took my hand and gently caressed the side of her face causing her to open up her eyes and look at me
Me-(Smiles) Hi beautiful
Megan-(Smiles) Hi beautiful
Me-(Looks at her lips and run my thumb over her bottom lip) I love your lips(looks back up at her)
Megan-Oh really, Well I like your lips too
Me-(Nibbles bottom lip)Then why don't you kiss them
Megan-With pleasure (lifts my lips up to hers and kisses me)
Me-Mmm your lips taste so damn good (licks my lips)
Megan-And so does yours(staring into my eyes)
Me-(Staring back in her eyes)Marry me
Megan-(A bit shocked and caught off guard)
What baby, did you just say marry you
Me-Yes I did, So will you
Megan-(Tears falling)You mean it baby
Me-(Wipes her tears and kisses her)Yes I mean it baby, I told you you're the one, I really love you Megan and I'm ready to have a future with you more then just my girlfriend, so what do you say
Megan-(More tears falling)Oh baby (kisses me deeply)of course I will, oh my goodness
Me-(Pulls her into a tight hug and kisses her)
I love you so damn much, we gonna go ring shopping tomorrow ok, so clear your schedule
Megan-Ok, and I love you too (kisses me)
This time the kiss got heavy and very passionate with me pulling out one of her boobs and sucking on it while I slip my fingers inside her shorts moving her thong to the side and sliding my fingers deep inside her
Megan-Damn baby(moans)oh I love you
Me-I love you too baby (still sucking hard on her nipple)
Megan-Fuck daddy I'm already about to cum
Oh my God what are you doing to me,uh(moans)
Me-Give it to me baby(moves to her neck sucking on her spot causing her to become even wetter)
Megan-Ahha uh(moans) it's cumming daddy stay right there please (grinds up and down on my fingers)
Me-Thats right baby, ride my fingers (goes deeper, picking up the pace)
Megan-Uhhh daddy, here it cums! (creams all over my finger and hand)
Me-(Pulls my fingers out and suck and lick them clean)Damn you taste so good (kisses her so she can taste herself)
Megan-Damn I do don't I(licks my lips)
Me-You better stop before I fuck you up
Megan-You can't remember with the Red Sea between your legs
Me-That don't mean shit, I have a strap remember
Megan-Nah, let's just go to sleep (pulls up the cover more over us and turn the lights out with the remote )
Me-Oh really, you just gonna cock block me like that
Megan-(Laughs)Baby you're out of commission my love, but I definitely got you once you are fully back in commission ok(kisses me) I love you  
Me-Ok fine, goodnight and I love you too
We cuddled into each other and was out like a light

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