The Official Proposal

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Another long chapter

I woke up with Megan still wrapped tightly around me
And yes we still sleep that way because it helps her sleep
I begin to just stare at her while she slept
Taking in her natural beauty and how gorgeous she is even while sleeping
I traced my finger along her face, nose, and lips
Me-God you're so perfect, I'm so lucky
I love you so much and can't wait to spend the rest of my life waking up to this beautiful face
I then placed soft kisses on her forehead, then her nose, then her cheek, and then lastly her lips
As I kissed her lips she stirred in her sleep a little before opening her eyes looking at me and begin to smile
Me-Morning beautiful (smiles back at her)
Megan-(Kisses me)Mmm morning baby
Me-So are we ready to go ring shopping
Megan-(Jumps and gets excited)
Yes baby, I'm so ready(squeals with excitement)
Me-Awe how cute are you(pulls her on top of me and kisses her lips softly) I love you(kisses her nose)
Megan-(Giggles and smiles) I love you too baby
Now let's get ready to go (bounces on me)
Me-(Grabs her ass and squeezes it)
You better stop bouncing on me before I get the strap and ware Ms super soaker out(smacks her ass)
Megan-(Let's out a low moan) Baby (whines a bit) You're gonna make me wet, now stop and come on(climbs off me)
Me-(Smirks) That was the plan
Megan-(Side eyes me) If you don't get up you're cut off for 2 weeks (folds her arms)
Me-(Jumps up) Ok baby, I'm up, no need for threats cause 2 weeks is crazy, wait , you would really cut me off
Megan-(Walks up to me and kisses me)
I most definitely would (smirks)
Me-Damn that's so mean (pouts)
Megan-Oh don't pout love
You won't have to worry about that happening anytime soon(kisses my cheek) now let's get ready so we can leave
We then begin to get ready to leave
My eyes could not focus on anything but Megan looking so cute and sexy in a pink and white crop top , with a pink skirt, and some pink and white Nike's with a diamond pink belly ring, pink diamond bracelet and earrings and necklace with a white telfler purse and pink Dior shades with her hair pulled back in a long slick ponytail with light makeup and clear lip gloss
To say she was a vision wasn't even close
I guess I was starring to hard and to long because she walked over and closed my mouth
Megan-(Closes my mouth) Close your mouth babes, you're drooling(smirks)
Me-(Wipes my mouth)
Damn baby I'm sorry, you just look absolutely stunning
Shit I doubt that's even the right word to use
Megan-(Giggles) Well I thank you anyway (pecks my lips)
And you look just as delicious (squeezes my ass)
Me-Now why you starting with me
Megan-(Plays innocent) I have no idea what you're talking about
Me-Mmhmm, watch yourself before you be in here begging and crying (smacks her ass)
Now let's go(grabs my purse and keys)
She gave me a shocked look and was about to say something but changed her mind
We finally made it out the house and into the car
I went on the passenger side opening her door to let her get in and then I got in on the driver side and started the car putting on my seatbelt and driving off
The whole car ride Megan was smiling ear to ear discussing different rings , designs and diamonds
I smile just watching her be so happy and excited
But what she doesn't know is that I already had a ring made and that a special party has been planned
We pull up to Tiffany's & Co. in which Megan's mouth drops as she turns to look at me
Megan-Oh my God baby, Tiffany's (gets a bit emotional with a couple of tears falling)
Wow(puts her hand over her chest)
You love me that deep huh(sniffles)
Me-(Reaches to dry her tears)
Even deeper (leans in and kisses her)
As we kissed more tears fell from her eyes in which I then pulled her into a tight hug telling her I love her so much in her ear
Megan-(Still crying) I love you too baby (sighs and pulls away) I'm such a mess, glad I didn't wear to much makeup
Me-You're not a mess and either way you're still very gorgeous (kisses her cheek and wipes her tears)
Megan-(Blushes and smiles) Thank you
Me- You're welcome, now are we ready to get out
Megan-(Shakes head yes) Yes
Me-(Smiles) Ok (kisses her one more time)
I then get out and go open her door holding her hand to help her out the car
Once she felt she was put back together we walked hand in hand inside of Tiffany's in which her eyes lit up with excitement as soon as we went in
Megan-(Excited)Oh my gosh baby! (Hugs me tight)
Me-(Rubs her back) I know, now come on so we can get your ring(pulls out of the hug, and taking her hand back in mines)
We then get on the elevator and goes to the 4th floor where the entire surprise is set up
Once off the elevator we were greeted by a man in a suit holding two glasses of champagne in which we both happily took from him
After we drank our champagne
I then lead her all the way down the hall to the 1st room that had one of the set ups for us, our family and friends
I knew this was going to be huge for Megan because her only family consisted of her dad and nana and a couple of aunts and cousins and her only bestfriend Jaeliey in which she hasn't seen any of them since she married her ex husband and her dad helping her to move after he was put in jail
And so with some help from my baby sister, we were able to contact them without Megan knowing
I was nervous when it came time to call them because they wouldn't have a clue of who I was
But nonetheless they accepted me right away and now we are here
Before opening the door I turned to Megan and told her to close her eyes and to hold on to my arm in which she gave me a weird look but did as I said
Once I seen she was ready I opened the door and slowly walked us in closing the door behind us
I then guided her to the table and told her to sit down and don't open her eyes yet
I then walked to the other side of the room to open the other door to slowly and quietly let everyone in and had them to sit down as quietly as they could
Once everyone was seated I took my seat right next to Megan
Me-(Takes her hand) Ok, open your eyes now baby
Megan-(Opens her eyes in shock and looks around the table and land her eyes right on her dad, her nana, and Jaeliey) Oh my God! (screams) oh my God!
Megan gets up with tears already running down her face and runs to the other side of the room right into her dads waiting arms
Megan-Oh my God daddy(crying) what are yall doing here
Megan's dad-(Rubs her back) To see you babygirl Oh I missed you so much (tears stream down his face)
Megan- I missed you too(hugs him tighter)
They stood in a hug for another 10 minutes before he let her go and she finished out crying and hugging her nana and her bestfriend Jaeliey who told her how she ended up here in which Megan hurried back to me in full blown tears with her arms out awaiting me to bring her into my arms in which I did kissing her all over her face and drying her tears
Megan-Oh baby (trying to catch her breath and calm down some) You really brought them here for me(looks me in my eyes)
Me-Of course baby, I knew you been having a hard time not seeing them due to your ex husband and them still thinking you weren't safe to visit , So I wanted to surprise you because I know how bad you missed them even though yall are all in the state
Megan-(Kisses me) Thank you so much, oh my gosh I just love you(hugs me tighter)
Me-I love you too mama's (rubs her back and kisses her forehead)
Soon we let go and she finally calmed down and went to greet the rest of everyone that was there and then came and sat back down holding my hand
Soon the food I catered came out and was placed in front of us which surprised Megan to where she looked at me squinting her eyes
Megan-Baby what are you up to
Me-(Smiles) Nothing my love(kisses her cheek)
Megan-Then where the food and this come from
Me-It's just something I wanted to do for you because you had such a long week and you missed your family and I wanted my family here too
Megan-(Squints her eyes) Your hiding something aren't you
Me-(Giggles) Baby no I promise
We are still going ring shopping, I brought everyone to be in on the experience that's it
Megan-(Smiles) Awe baby you're so sweet (kisses my cheek) I love you and thank you for this
Me-I love you more and you're welcome my love
We all dived into our food, wine and desserts with many conversations going on
Soon we were all done in which I slipped out the room to get the next part of the surprise going
Once I checked to make sure everything was together and perfect I texted Brandy and Mariah to get everyone to the next room and to make sure Megan has no clue of what's going on
After some time they finally made it where I was and begin to ooh and ahh about how beautiful everything was
I then signaled to Mariah in which she and a very pregnant Brandy came and stood upfront with me as music begins to play as they started singing
I then walked over to Megan and held out my hand and asked her for a dance
Me-(Holds out hand) May I have this dance my love
Megan-(Looks at me, and then takes my hand) Something's definitely up, but yes you may(smiles big)
I then lead her to the center of the floor and begins to slow dance with her
As I held her close I felt myself becoming teary eyed because my heart begin to swell with emotions thinking of how I almost missed out on this woman and her love and how quickly my life changed in so many happy ways since she's been in my life which let me know I was making the right move in marrying her
I didn't realize how fast my tears were falling until I felt her soft hands wiping away my tears looking at me a bit worried
Megan-(Wipes my tears) Baby what's wrong, are you ok
Me-(Smiles) I'm ok baby, just a little emotional is all
She just smiles and kiss my lips and hugs me as we continued to slow dance
Once the song got to the part giving me my cue
I spun Megan around with her back against me covering her eyes catching her off guard
Megan-Baby what are you doing, what's going on
Me-(Kisses her neck) I got another surprise for you now walk forward
Megan-But I can't see baby
Me-It's ok I will help you, now just walk straight forward
She did as told as I helped her as she walked towards a chair that was sat in the center of the floor
Once I get her seated , I whispered in her ear to keep her eyes closed
I then went over to Brandy and grabbed the ring box from her
I then walked back over and kneeled down in front of her
Me-Ok baby, open your eyes
Soon as she opened her eyes she gasped putting her hand over her chest
Megan-Oh my God(tears starting to fall)
I knew you were up to something (covering her face with her hands and shaking her head in shock) Oh my gosh(looks back at me and the ring) Baby
I leaned up and kissed her and then got back down on my knee and took her hand and looked into her eyes
Me-First I want to say I'm sorry because even when you was showing me your true feelings I acted stupid and pushed you away and almost lost the best gift life could have ever given me
With that said Megan not a day has gone by to where I didn't wake up with a smile on my face and my heart full of pure love , joy and happiness
The best thing about my days and nights is waking up next to you and going to sleep next to you in my arms
Baby I know things moved fast but in reality everything happened right on time because without you my life would not make any sense
And so Megan Jovon Ruth Pete, I know I already asked, but I wanted to do it again properly and so I wanted to know if you would do me the honor of being my forever love and best friend, will you marry me
Megan-(With tears running)Oh my God yes baby, I will marry you
I then took her left hand that was shaking a little and slid the ring on her ring finger immediately standing up and pulling her up to kiss her and to hug her tight
Me-(Tears falling) I love you my baby, I love you so much
Megan-I love you too baby, Oh my God, we are really getting married (starts jumping while in my arms excited)
Soon everyone lined up to come congratulate us
We all then got on the elevator to go to the second floor where a small engagement party was put together by my mom and Kyra and Mimi
Megan again gasped walking in looking at the set up and decorations smiling big
Megan- Awe baby (kisses me) You really went full out and did all of this for me(getting teary eyed)
Me-(Kisses her) I did and will forever because you deserve it
Megan-Thank you, and not for the sweet shit you just said or the dinner, or my family, or that beautiful proposal, or my ring
But thank you for letting me in and giving me a chance, helping me through all those hard days and loving me unconditionally, and giving me time to find myself again, and giving me the freedom to share myself and love with you
You really mean the world to me Patrice and I can't wait to continue this journey with you
She then pulls me into a very deep and emotional kiss
Once our lips were departed I was in a full daze in which I was brought out of it feeling myself being pulled to the dance floor by Megan where everyone else was having a good time
The party came to an end around 6pm in which I had one last surprise for my love and family
We all got back on the elevator and went to the first floor in which I had everyone follow me outside where it was a table full of Tiffany's & Co. gifts being guarded by security
I then turned to everyone and told them to close their eyes and hold their hands out as I went over to the table collecting each bag and placing it in their hands by names
Once done I told them to open their eyes and open their gifts in which they did letting out screams in excitement and hugging me one by one until I made it to my now fiancé who hasn't opened hers yet
I looked at her and saw her eyes tearing up already in which I quickly grabbed and hugged her giving her a sweet kiss letting her go
Me-Open it baby
Megan-(Whispers my name) Patrice
Me-(Stops her) Open it
She finally opened it and soon as she did she jumped in my arms screaming and crying a bit
Megan-Oh baby (crying)
Me-So I take it that you like it huh
Megan-(Looks at me) Like it, no more like love it, put it on me please
So I took the yellow, white, and pink diamond necklace with both our initials on it with a heart and dove in the center and put it on her and kissing her neck once done
She immediately turns around looking down at it smiling
Megan-This is so beautiful, wow, no one has done anything ever like this for me, not even
Me-(Grabs her and kisses her)
Well now you have, and will continue to have it ok, I love you (holding her in my arms)
Megan-Ok, and I love you too, I love you so much (kisses me and hugs me tight)
Everyone was still happy in a trance with their gifts which I gave her dad a crusted white and black diamond watch, her nana pink diamond earrings, and Jaeliey both a yellow diamond bracelet and earrings because it was actually her birthday
I then gave my mom a brown diamond necklace and earrings with a bracelet and Kyra the same except hers was purple diamonds
I then gave Brandy green diamond earrings with a bracelet and Mariah a  white crusted diamond necklace and a butterfly ring
Soon we parted ways except from Jaeliey, Brandy, Mariah and Kyra who wanted to go hang out in which we left straight to Brandy and Rodney's club which was fun but weird because we forgot how very pregnant Brandy really was and so we decided not to stay out late
Once we decided it was time to go , Rodney actually came to kidnap Brandy which we knew the routine and left dropping Mariah and Kyra off to her car that was parked in my driveway and giving my guest room to Jaeliey who wasted no time going to bed soon as I showed her the room
After saying goodnight to her Megan hurried and pulled me down the hall to our room and wasted no time in locking her lips on mines prompting me to pick her up and carry her to the bed and slowly lay her down without breaking the kiss
As soon as I had her laid down fully I then slowly put my hands to work in first going under her shirt and massaging her boobs through her bra gaining soft moans
I then lifted up her bra and begin playing with both nipples through my fingers in which sent shivers immediately down her spine and causing goosebumps all over her body
I could tell the longer I played with her now very hardened nipples the more she was getting turned on
I then put one leg over hers and rested my other leg right between her thighs and directly on her center
Soon as she felt me press my knee up against her clothed pussy she moaned a bit louder as she begins grinding on it and becoming wet with each stroke
Megan-(Moans) Ah baby, please
Me-(Sucks her tongue and bottom lip)
Please what baby (now sucking and biting on her neck on her spot)
Megan-Uh baby, fuck(moans)
You know that's my spot (raspy voice)
Me-Hmm, do I(bites her neck grazing my teeth against it)
Megan-(Loud moans) Ahh baby(holds me tighter and grinds harder against my knee) Please baby
Me-(Smirks) Ok baby
I then slowly ran my hands under her shirt to her neck and pulling off her shirt over her head and ripping off her bra causing her to gasp
Megan-That was my favorite bra baby
Me-(Kissing her chest) Don't worry I will buy you another one(immediately taking her right nipple in between my teeth biting it and then sucking on it like a baby bottle causing her to squeal and try to move my head
Megan-Baby your making it sensitive, oh my gosh
Before she could finish I was on the left nipple doing the same thing to that one which caused her to shake a little
I smirked knowing how turned on I have her because I can feel her body heat radiating off of her
She also was building a pool of wetness down below to where I knew her thong was soaked
At this point she was a moaning mess under me in which I decided to slowly kiss down her body leaving love bites and marks as I made my way down to the hem of her skirt
I then looked at the mess she was already making on me, the bed and herself
I then stood up off the bed making her scrunch up her face in confusion
Megan- Baby what are you doing
I didn't say anything, I just smirked and took hold of both her legs and pulled her right to the edge of the bed
I then spread her legs pulling her thong to the side and slowly ran my fingers up and down her wet folds causing her to jump
Me-Damn baby, look how wet you are, is all this for daddy(slides in 3 fingers)
Megan-(Moans) Ah fuck baby, ooh yes, just for you daddy(starts grinding on my fingers)
Oh shit daddy I'm about to cum, fuck(grips the covers)
Me-(Picks up the pace with my fingers)
Go ahead and cum for me baby( taking her full wet pussy in my mouth and biting and sucking on her clit)
Megan-(Screams) FUCK DADDY!!! FUCK!!
Instead of responding I did my famous teeth, tongue, suck trick where I hold her clit between my teeth while my tongue licks across it as I suck super hard on it
Soon as I did that I felt her hands grip my hair tightly while grinding her hips even harder
Megan-(Moans loudly) Oh Daddy! (Crying at this point) Right there daddy, AHH!
Here it cums , here it cums(screams) PATRICE BABY!!! (Cums super hard with cream dripping down her thighs and onto my fingers and hand
I finished helping her ride out her orgasm by licking her clean
I then slid off her skirt and thong and told her to go back to the middle of the bed
Megan-(Breathing hard) But baby I can't move, help me please
I smirked and picked her up and laid her in the middle of the bed
I then got undressed staying in my bra and panties since I still have my period
I then go get the new strap and put it on and grabbed the new set of handcuffs, blindfold, the new gag ball, and new nipple clamps and the new clit vibrator
When I walked out the closet I also grabbed the new sex wax candle and lit it sitting it on the side table
As I set everything up, Megan's eyes got big
Megan-Uhm baby what's going on, why do you have all of this, what are you trying to do to me
Me-(Smirks) Oh you will see(grab both her hands handcuffing her to the bed and kisses her)
I then blindfolded her in which I then put the nipple clamps on making sure they weren't hurting her in which she said they wasn't
Megan-I'm fine, scared but fine
Me-(Kisses her again)Oh baby you have nothing to worry about, I'm going to take real good care of you tonight ok
Megan-(Nods head) Ok
Me-Ok, here comes the gag ball and wax ok
I then placed the gag ball in her mouth comfortably to where it won't move
I then grabbed the sex wax and slowly begin to pour it on her from her nice round mounds to her stomach close to her pussy watching her body twitch just a bit with each drop as well as gaining soft moans from her
As soon as I was done with it I begin to lick and bite it off
The wax is edible and taste like real fruit which this one was strawberry
I licked from her breast down to the top of her pussy getting shaky moans from her
I then spread her legs putting on the clit vibrator and putting it on high causing her body to jerk in every which of ways
I then climbed in bed right between her legs kissing her lips as best as I could
Me-I love you beautiful (kisses her cheek)
She tried saying it back but couldn't because of the gag ball in her mouth
I then took the strap and began to slowly rub it up and down her wet folds earning whimpering noises and hip thrusts from her
I then smirked and slowly entered deep inside her and immediately started giving her long slow deep strokes which immediately made her legs begin to shake and her pussy to heavily cream
Me-(Looks down at the strap) Damn baby, is all this sweet cream for me, look at the mess your already making(goes deeper)
She then tries to wrap her legs tight around my waist letting me know another orgasm was already on its way in which I felt her walls clenching around the strap tightly
Me-Not yet baby, hold it for me princess (going even deeper with her sounding like she had tears running because she was sniffing)
I then reached up and undid the gag ball and blindfold and slowly begin to kiss her deeply swallowing her tongue earning deeper moans from her as tears kept running
Megan-Baby please I can't hold it, ah(moans)
Me-Yes you can baby, look in my eyes
She looks me in my eyes which sent electricity through my entire body
I then lean in giving her sweet slow kisses as I pick up my pace feeling her slowly beginning to come completely undone under me as her entire body begins to shake
Megan-Uh baby(moans looking me deep in my eyes) I love you, oh my God(begins grinding her hips to match my pace)
Me-I love you to beautiful, So much(getting emotional and tearing up)
Not even sure what happened but at that moment we both were an emotional mess as I continued giving her long deep strokes while staring deep into her eyes
It was like everything became euphoric and put us in a floating state in which I became even more hungrier for her and just attacked her lips in a very wet sloppy kiss reaching for her legs and putting each one over each of my shoulders and went in even deeper gaining a very loud crying moan from her and her trying to free her hands from the handcuffs
Megan-Ah! Baby(moans) No please, I can't take it, I- (gasp) oh my God(crying) Baby (eyes rolls to the back of her head)
She then begins speaking weirdly as her eyes continued to roll and her body begin to convulse under me letting me know she was ready to release
Me-(Kissing and sucking on her neck) Go ahead and let it happen baby (bites on her spot and licks it)
Next thing I know is her body stiffens and gets really hot as she lets out a high pierced screaming moan
Megan-(Screaming moan) AHHHH!!!( Body shakes uncontrollably)
She begins to squirt everywhere like a broken pipe and cream heavy like a ice cream machine
I look down seeing how wet and sticky the strap was and completely coated in her cream and smiled continuing my stroke to help her finish riding out her orgasm until her legs went limp and felt heavy on my shoulders in which I slowly moved them off at one at a time
I then leaned down pecking her lips as they quivered because she was still shaking
Me-I love you(kissing her all over her face) I love you so fucking much
Her eyes open slowly still full of the euphoric moment we just had with some tears still running
I then caressed her face and kissed her nose
Me-You ok baby ( kisses her lips)
Megan-(Nods head) Yeah(whisper tone) What happened
Me-What you mean baby
Megan-I don't know, all I remember is talking and then everything went white and I lost complete control of every part of my body and now I'm tingly all over, what did you do to me
Me-Nothing but make love to you and apparently it was good because for a minute your eyes were rolling in the back of your head and you started speaking all weird and shit
Megan-Wow, what the fuck, that has never happened before
Me-Well it's a first time for everything my love (kisses her)
Megan-(Moans into the kiss) Fuck I love you but my pussy is sore and so are my hands, and nipples, so please can you release me please
Me-Yes my love(pulls out of her and removes the clit vibrator and nipple clamps)
I then got off the bed and got the key and unlocked the handcuffs off her wrists
Me-Better(leans over her)
Me-(Kisses her forehead) Ok I'm gonna go run you a hot bath ok
I then went and ran her a hot bath putting in her favorite bath salts, essential oils and bubble bath
Once it was done I went and picked her up and carried her into the bathroom and slowly put her on her feet once we reached the tub for her to step inside and get in
Megan-(Gets in and sits down)Mmm this feels amazing baby thank you
Me-Your welcome my love(bends over and kisses her) enjoy your bath while I clean everything up ok
Megan-(Pouts) But I want you to get in with me
Me-Awe boo(kisses her poked out lip) don't pout baby, soon as my period is done we will be back to soaking in the tub together ok
Megan-Ok(kisses me) I love you (caress my face)
Me-(Kisses her hand and then her lips) I love you too beautiful
I then leave out turning on her playlist letting it play through the speakers in the bathroom
Soon I had everything cleaned up and new and fresh covers on the bed
Megan eventually got out of the tub and oiled up her skin some more before putting on the crop top and thong I laid out for her to put on because that's all she sleeps in
As I watched her get dressed I just smiled not believing this woman is really about to be my wife
She caught me staring and started smiling
Megan-Like something you see(turns around in a slow circle and smacks her ass making it jiggle)
I say nothing and walk right up to her taking a handful of her ass in my hand giving it a hard squeeze causing her to squeal
Me-(Whispers in her ear) You better stop teasing me before I bend you over this bed and fuck you senseless (giving her ass a hard smack)
Megan-Uh(moans) damn now I need a new pair of underwear
Me-(Laughs) That's what you get for teasing me
Megan-Well you were the one starring (walks over the dresser to grab a new pair of thongs)
Me-Well I can't help it, I mean just look at you, how can I not stare
Megan-You got a point (changes her thong)
Me-Good , now I'm getting in the shower , I want to cuddle when I get out
Megan-(Kisses me) And I will be waiting
Me-Damn your so sexy(pulls her back into me)
I just want to eat you up all day everyday
Megan-Baby no, don't start cause I'm really tired and your still out of commission
Me-(Laughs) Ok fine, in the shower I go
I go get in the shower, then oiled up and dressed
I then turned off all the lights and climbed in bed next to an already sleeping Megan
I just smiled and kissed her nose in which as usual she wrapped herself completely around me and with that we both was out

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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