What The Fuck!

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I was woken out of my sleep by the most two annoying loudest bitches I love , but was ready to kill them for just walking in my house and yelling my name and opening my bedroom door
Mariah-Bitch get ya dumb ass up, we bout to talk to you
Me-(Checks my clock) I just know you fucking hoes ain't in my house at 7am in the damn morning telling me to get up, are y'all smoking crack
Brandy-No bitch, but clearly you are, now get the fuck up
Me-Uggh! You bitches get on my nerves!
Mariah-Good, the feeling is mutual, we will be in the living area
They then leave out my room as I still laid there with a whole attitude until I finally decided to get up
I went and did my hygiene routine, put on some shorts and a tank top leaving my hair up in a messy bun , and went into the living area
Me-Ok you bitches I'm out here(sitting between them)What's so damn important that y'all two decided to barge in my house at 7am getting me out bed(Still have an attitude)
Brandy-Keep with the attitude, and I will slap you
Me-Brandy what the fuck is your problem
Bitch y'all are in my house remember
Brandy-I don't give a fuck who house it is, you-
She was cut off by Mariah
Mariah-Brandy please chill the fuck out, and let me talk, you go somewhere and calm down please
Brandy-What the fuck ever(gets up and walks in the kitchen)
Me-Mimi (sighs) What is going on, why are y'all at my house so high tempered for,
Did I do something I don't know about because she has never threatened to hit me before, is she ok
Mariah-(Sighs) Yeah she will be fine, and I do apologize for how we just came in your disrespecting you
Me-Yeah cause I'm confused on why yall did that
What's up Mimi(just then I froze)
Did they find out about my pregnancy that I never told them about
Mariah-Babe are you ok, why are you tensing up
Me-I'm so sorry Mimi is me not telling yall about my pregnancy before I lost my baby the reason yall are here and mad(tears up)
Mariah-What, you were pregnant, when
Me- In college, senior year, but that nigga made me lose it when he kicked me in the stomach
Mariah-(Hugs me) oh baby I'm so sorry to hear that and that makes me feel even better about what we did to him before we killed him
But to answer your question, no that's not why
We are actually here about Megan
Me-(Scrunches up my face) What the fuck you mean yall here about Megan, for what
Mariah-Because Patrice your being a complete dumbass
Me-(Stands up)You know what, I'm not about to sit here and listen to this shit
Yall need to find yall selves out of my fucking house right now
Brandy-(Walks out the kitchen towards me)
Or what bitch, what are you gonna do
Me-Mimi please get her and leave,
I'm over this, and I don't even know what's going on, but I will not be disrespected or attacked over a woman that we barely even know
So please leave
Brandy-Fine, we will leave, but your still a dumbass(bumps into me hard)dumb bitch
Don't forget she saved your life asshole (walks out slamming my front door)
Me-(Tears up) Wow, ok, uhm yeah I'm going back to bed
I don't want to see neither of you for a while
Now please get out, and I'm changing all my locks tomorrow
Mariah-No Patrice, don't do that, I'm really sorry about all of this, we meant no disrespect, we just let our emotions get the best of us is all
Me-Over someone you barely know though, and I still have no clue what I did for you guys to even come at me like this,
But it doesn't matter, I'm over it, get out
She shakes her head and turns to leave out, and I locked my doors, and headed right to my home office to make an appointment to get my locks changed
I then picked up my phone and called Megan in which she answered on the third ring again
Megan-(Sniffs) Hi Patrice
Me-Hi Megan,
So would you like to explain to me why my fucking friend decided to barge in my house screaming at me to the point Brandy actually wanted to physically attack me
Megan-I'm sorry Patrice, I didn't know they would react like that, I'm so very sorry (soft cries)
Me-(Feeling frustrated) Megan what's going on here
They came over upset, and now your crying on the phone
What am I missing here
Megan-(Sniffs) Uhm, nothing, your not missing nothing
Again I'm sorry about them coming at you like that
Me-Yeah, over you, and just like me they barely know you
I get you saved me and my life, and I'm forever grateful for that, and we did hang out
But seriously Megan, what's up
Megan-Can I come over to talk please
Me-(Sighs) Yeah that's fine , but I'm gonna need answers when you get here because this shit is crazy
Megan-Ok, and I will give you answers, I'm on my way
Me-Ok, see you in a bit
Megan-Ok, bye
Once we hung up I took a huge frustrated breath because what the fuck is going on
I then got up and went into the kitchen grabbing 2 glasses and some cognac because I needed something stronger to calm my nerves
Soon my doorbell rung and I answered the door letting Megan in who looked like she's been having a crying spell from how red her eyes were and from how puffy her face was
She followed me into the living area and sat down
I poured us both a drink and handed hers to her in which she immediately drunk and sat the glass down, as I did the same
Me-So, now do you want to explain what's going on here because I am very lost
Megan-Yeah, So after we got off the phone yesterday I called Brandy again
Me-And exactly why did you call her
Megan-Because after you said you wanted to test out having something with me to see if it's just fear or if it really is just a sexual attraction I didn't know how to handle that exactly
Me-But you said no to me because you weren't interested in being used for my issues, and so I thought that was the end of it
Megan-I thought it was too until I started thinking that you were just saying that to mess with my head and emotions so you could throw me off your trail which then ended up hurting my feelings again because you know I like you but your trying so hard to keep me away from you and that's why I called her(looks down and starts to sniff and wipe her eyes)
Me-(Sighs)Megan I was not trying to hurt your feelings or play with your emotions or mess with your head, and I was being truthful
But I should have never requested that from you
And I promise I'm not trying to keep you away from me,
I wouldn't mind hanging out as friends, but I just don't want to confuse anything between us because I'm still trying to figure things out
And I'm not trying to lead you on in anyway to cause anymore hurt feelings
And I'm really sorry for hurting your feelings
I really didn't mean to(grabs her hand and holds it)please stop crying (reaches over and lifts her head up and wipes her tears) Do you forgive me
Megan-(Takes in a soft breath)Yeah, I forgive you, but uhm, I don't think I can handle being just your friend, and hanging around you if that's all your trying to have with me
Me-Are you serious right now Megan (getting a bit aggravated)
Now didn't you just make a whole damn speech about me trying to stay away from you because of your feelings, and now that I said we can still hangout but just as friends, you can't handle that
Like what the fuck is going on today (rubs my temples)
Megan what do you want from me
Your starting to make me feel crazy with this back and forth shit
Megan-I'm sorry, uhm, I'm just gonna go
Me-No , your going to tell me what the fuck you want because if them bitches come back over here tripping on me about you again, everybody getting dealt with, including you so start talking
Megan-Ok, well uhm(looks down and gets quiet)
Me-Megan (lifts up her head) talk to me please
Megan-Patrice I want you ok, and the fact you don't understand your true intentions with women really scares me, because it makes me feel that I would never get a chance to prove myself or love to you and finally have you as mines(takes a deep breath with tears falling)
I really just wish you would give me chance (soft voice)
Me-(Sighs) Ok, how about you give me a couple of days to try and figure this shit out and then I will take you to dinner and give you an answer then
Will that work for you
Megan-(Wipes her eyes and nods her head) Yeah that will, uhm(stands up) I guess I should be going then,
Thanks for the drinks and the talk(heads towards the front door)
I followed behind her to the door, and opened it
Me-Your welcome, and no problem, we needed to talk to sort this out, and I'm glad we made some type of progress
Megan-Me too, well(hugs me) see you later
Me-(Hugs her back)See you later
Once we let go
I don't know what came over me
But I just grabbed her by the chin and kissed her on the lips softly in which she was just as shocked as I was
Me-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me
Megan-Uhm , no it's fine, bye Patrice
Me-Bye Megan
She then leaves and I close and lock the door behind me shaking my head
After an eventful morning I decided I needed to get out of the house to collect myself and thoughts
I went to the spa, and then took myself to lunch, and then shopping
I turned my phone off so I wouldn't be disturbed during my self time, and so soon as I got home , and turned it back on
I was hit with over 20 missed calls, texts, and voicemails from both Brandy and Mariah trying hard to apologize
But I just rolled my eyes deleting everything

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