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I was woken up by a soft knock on the door
Checking my clock reading 10:30
I groaned a bit and then got up making my way to the door
I opened it seeing Megan dressed with her bag and suitcase
Me-Hey, good morning
Megan-Good morning, I just came to say thank you again for everything including last night,but I'm going to go back home and get back to my life
I really appreciate you and your help (hugs me)
Me-Oh, uhm your very welcome (hugs her back)
We stood hugging for a little while until she pulls out of it kissing my cheek
Megan-(Kisses my cheek)Well my rides here so I have to get going, I will talk to you later, see ya
Me-Ok, see ya, have a good day
Megan-(Smiles) you too, bye
She leaves closing the door behind her as I go to lock it
I wasn't tired anymore and so I decided to get dressed and go into the office today
Around 3:00 my office door opens revealing my mom and sister,with my mom looking upset as always and my sister smiling from ear to ear
Me-Well hello family, what do I owe this pleasure of a visit
Kyra-We are here to take you out to lunch since we haven't seen you in a while
Me-Well I would like that very much
I hit my intercom telling my assistant to hold all my calls and we left
Lunch started out good until I finally got around to asking my mom how she's been and what had her upset at the moment
As soon as I asked she went off on about the same old bullshit that's going on with her and my grandma
She kept talking until I couldn't take it anymore and snapped on her and left
I didn't go back to the office
I drove to my fathers grave, on the way my sister called and I told her I was sorry and to tell my mom
I just couldn't take it anymore
I stayed about 3 hours there just venting about my mom and grandma,
After that I begin telling him about everything that happened up until today
As I was talking I had a quick flashback of Megan's smile, making me smile
But then I quickly pushed the thought away because again, I'm not interested in a romantic relationship with a woman
I then left to go home and texted both Brandy and Mariah to see if they wanted to go for dinner tonight in which they said they couldn't because they both were in the studio all night which sucks ass
But then Brandy told me to ask Megan who she says been texting her about me since our date on the beach, but I quickly denied it because I'm not trying to hurt anyone feelings, but Brandy didn't like my response and called me
Me-Yes Brandy
Brandy-Patrice bitch, what is the issue girl
She likes you on some real shit, so what's up
Me-(Sighs) Brandy, You know I'm not into women on that level,
Sexually yes, but beyond that no, and I'm not into hurting her or anyone which is why I'm always upfront about it
Brandy-Yeah I get that but how do you really know if you never tried it beyond sex
Are you afraid of something
Me-No I'm not afraid, that's just how it's always been
I never looked at a woman nothing more then sex
Brandy-(Sighs)You sound just like a damn nigga
But alright, don't call her, but just know I think you're missing out on something special with her
But I love you and have to go, I will call you later alright
Me-Alright, I love you too bitch
Brandy-Bye hoe
Me-Bye slut
We hang up
I then just sat in thought
Am I scared to go there with a woman, did I just use my sexual attraction as a cover up
I took a big deep breath and dialed Megan's number in which she answered on the third ring
Me-Hello Megan
Megan-Hello Patrice, how are you
Me-Uhm I'm doing well, how are you
Megan-I'm doing well, so what do I the pleasure of this phone call Ms Patrice
Me-Well uhm(laughs softly) I was sort of told you been talking about me to my bestfriend and so I called to see what you had to say about me
Megan-Oh(takes a soft breath)well uhm the truth is ever since I met you , no matter the horrid way I met you
I just can't seem to stop thinking about you
And then you helping me, and giving me my life back and taking care of me just added more to how much I was liking you
Which did hurt my feelings when you shot me down, but I already know where you stand, but I just felt like talking about it would help me deal with it better and Brandy has been a great ear and advice giver
Me-Well first Megan I apologize because I never meant to hurt your feelings
It is never my intention to hurt anyone which is why I try my best to be upfront
But uhm I did just get off the phone with Brandy and she really made me think on this about taking a chance with you and see if I'm just scared of opening up to a woman fully or if it is just a sexual thing
Megan-Nah that's ok, I don't want to be used for you to figure your issues out, but I do wish you well on it, and if there is nothing else I will just talk to you later
Me-Uhm, ok, talk with you later
Megan-Ok, by Patrice
Me-Bye Megan
We hung up and I immediately face palmed myself
Why would I say some dumb shit like that(sighs)
I'm really an asshole for that
I then decided to let it go because clearly I just put my whole foot in my mouth
I ended up ordering me a small dinner, then ate, showered and went to bed

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