A do over/ Hurt feelings

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Tired is an understatement at this point
I was up half the night with Megan until she finally finally calmed down and fell asleep just an hour ago
It's now 7am and I'm definitely hating to get up because I have so much work to catch up on still
Including meetings all day
Megan was wrapped tightly around me and when I moved she held on even tighter which made me sigh and pull my phone off the charger texting both my assistants to have them take over for me today for my meetings because clearly I was not gonna be let go of by Megan anytime soon
Once done texting my assistants my entire schedule for the day I texted Mariah letting her know the events of Megan's mental breakdown all this morning and that she soon needs handle him
Now Megan doesn't know already that we found her ex husband because my sister is actually an FBI agent who is undercover at the moment but still helps when I asked in which I called her last night as well before I got in the shower
Mariah then text me and told me it was done
I sighed and smiled because Mariah always gets shit done
I laid there for another minute and then tried moving again but it was no use so I then just decided to go back to sleep
I woke up to my phone ringing in which I seen it was my mom calling but I declined it because I already knew what it was about and I have enough on my plate to deal with today
I then looked over not seeing Megan
So I then got up and stretched and did my hygiene thing while putting my hair in a messy bun
I then walked down the hallway smelling food and hear music
When I get close to the kitchen I see Megan, Brandy and Mariah in the kitchen cooking, talking and laughing
Me-(Walks into the kitchen) Well good morning bitches
Brandy- Uhm ma'am it's 2 in the afternoon bitch where you been
Me- Damn, it's that late(looking at my watch and then shrugs my shoulders) Bitch I was tired, but anywho how is everyone, and what's cooking cause it smells good and I'm hungry (rubs my stomach)
Mariah-(Laughs) Bitch you stay hungry
But to answer your question I'm making my famous stuffed cheeseburgers , homemade fries and your favorite chocolate strawberry cheesecake
Me- Well damn Mimi you must be in a good mood to be doing all that
Brandy- Same thing I said, must have gotten some pussy from a certain someone (looks at me)
We both then bust out laughing
Mariah-You know what, fuck both you bitches
Me and all this food can go since yall want to be funny
Me-Aw Mimi, You know we just fucking with you baby, don't get all dramatic on us(sits down next to Megan at the island) And good afternoon to you, how are you feeling(caress her cheek)
Megan-(Smiles) Good afternoon, and I feel a lot better, thank you for being here for me, it really means a lot
Me- Well we both was here for each other, but your welcome
Mariah-Patrice let me talk to you really quick
We leave out the kitchen to my room
Me- So what's up
Mariah- It's done for both, now we did find the other 2 men that hurt you, and wanted to know what you wanted to do, torture or just completely off them
And Mark ran both their blood , and they both are clean, but still, you were unconscious so what do you want to do
Me-Straight off them niggas
Mariah-Nothing but a word babes(as she text Mark)
We then head back to the kitchen
Brandy- Everything ok(knowing what we were talking about)
Me-Yep, everything is perfect
Well bitches I have to go, my husband needs me
Me-Ew bitch
Brandy-What , I didn't say anything nasty
Mariah- Yeah but we know what (my husband needs me) means
Brandy- Whatever hoes, don't be jealous all your life, bye
Me&M&M-Bye Brandy
Me-I'm surprised she ain't dropped a baby yet how much they be fucking
Mariah-Shit me either, but foods done, let's eat
Me-(Does a little dance) Yes bitch finally, I'm hungry
Mariah-(Rolls her eyes) Your such a kid
Me-Whatever (makes my plate)
Once we all fix our plates , we head to my theater room and watch 2 movies
Soon after Mariah left to go deal with her other business
I then took everything back to the kitchen in which Megan helped me to clean up and wash the dishes and put the rest of the food away
Once done we sat in the living area so I could talk to her
Me-So how are you today
Megan- I'm ok, last night was a lot and I'm sorry for breaking down on you like I did
Me-Don't be, You had so much you needed to release
Now remember when I promised you were safe
Megan-(Nods head) Yes I remember
Me-Well I meant it, your ex husband has been dealt with
Megan-(Seems shocked)Wait, how
Me-Best if you don't know the details of it, but your safe now ok and permanently
Megan-Okay (still trying to figure out what happened)
Me-Well are you ready to go back home
Megan-Uhm, not exactly, I kinda like hanging here with you
Me-Ok that's cool, but I don't want you to get fired for not showing up for work
Megan- I can't get fired by my own company that I own (laughs)
Me-Oh, Well I just wanted to be sure, but exactly what do you do
Megan-I'm a wedding coordinator,
Number 1 in the state actually
Me- Oh wow, that's pretty amazing, how long have you been doing it
Megan-5 years now, and what do you do
Me- 5 years is awesome, and I'm a fashion designer, also with my own company, and I have been doing it for 4 years now
Megan-Oh wow that's incredible
Me-Yeah, I love it, and I'm working on some designs, would you like to see them
Megan-Yes of course
Me-Ok, follow me
We walked down the hall to the first door which was my design room
As soon as we walked in Megan was in awe of all my drawings, and designs
I showed her the newest collection I was working on
Megan- Oh my Patrice , these are fucking dope
You have to let me be in your next show please
Me-Sure thing, but thank you, I try to keep up with the new things but still keep my own little flavor with it
Megan-Well I can tell you that your doing an amazing job with that
Me-Why thank you (smiles at her) your so sweet (kisses her cheek)
Megan-(Blushes) Your welcome
We sat in silence for a brief moment until Megan spoke again
Megan- Uhm Patrice, would you like to have a do over date tonight
Me-Sure, where would you like to go
Megan-A dinner on the beach
Me-Hm, that sounds nice, what time
Megan-About 8
Me-Ok that will work,
So am I taking you home to get an outfit for tonight
Me-Ok, let me go put on some clothes
Once dressed I took Megan by her house to get some clothes for tonight
She invited me in and gave me a tour
Her house was simple but beautiful
She was done picking out outfits and packing a small suitcase and a duffel bag
Me- Plan on moving in(raising my eyebrow)
Megan-(Blushes) No, just need outfit options and sleeping clothes, I can leave it if it's to much (looks down)
Me-(Walks over and lifts her head) one stop putting your head down, two I was kidding ok (smiles at her)
Megan-Ok(smiles back)
Me-Ok, well are you ready
Megan-Yes I'm ready
I then grabbed her suitcase while she's grabbed her bag
I put everything in the trunk as she went back to lock her house up, and then got in the car and we headed back to my place
While waiting for time to pass for our date Megan took a nap in the guest room while I did a little work, and soon it was time to get ready
I opted for a cute above the knee mini pink dress that had long sleeves with the back out and low cleavage in the front
I flat ironed my hair, did light make up, put on some pink red bottoms with a little pink clutch purse
Diamond silver earrings, diamond necklace, and a pink crusted diamond watch
Looked myself over and I was ready to go
I left out my room heading down the hall to the guest room to see if Megan was ready
Before I could knock on the door she opened it and my eyes almost popped out of my head looking at her
Now as I said at the beginning that I did date women, but it never became super serious
It was just the sexual attraction for me, and now seeing Megan has me having some real nasty thoughts
She wore a red full length dress that's see through with a red bra and thong set to match, with some black red bottoms and a black and red clutch purse with diamond silver earrings, a diamond choker, a diamond bracelet, diamond finger rings on some of her fingers, and a diamond watch
A really red lip, black eyeliner with wing tips, red eye shadow, soft glowing lip gloss, smelling like heaven, with her hair slick down in a wet and wavey form
Again she was stunning
Me-Wow, don't you look beautiful
Megan-(Blushes)Thank you, so do you
Me-Well thank you, are you ready to go
Megan- Yes ma'am I am
I then took her hand and walked out the house voice commanding it to lock
I then opened her door for her to get in
Once she was in, I got in, started the car and drove off
We made small talk and little laughs on our way to the beach
Once there I parked, got out and went to her side and opened the door helped her out of the car
We then walked hand in hand towards the beach and to where Megan had everything set up by her favorite restaurant
Everything looked so beautiful that it actually took my breath away a little
We sat down as the waiter poured us a glass of champagne and another brought us our food
I was served a creamy chicken pasta , and Megan had baked macaroni stuffed with crabmeat
The food and desserts were delicious
We didn't talk much while eating cause everything was so good
But after the dessert the waiter poured us more champagne as Megan begins to talk
Megan-So how are you enjoying yourself so far
Me-(Smiles at her) I'm having a great time actually, how about you
Megan-(Smiles at me) Yes, I'm having a great time,
Uhmm would you like to take a walk with me
Me-Yes I would actually
So we both got up taking our heels off and interlocking our hands, and begin to take our walk on the beach
We had been walking just enjoying the view and holding each other's hand when Megan spoke again
Megan- Uhm Patrice can I be honest with you about something
Me-Sure, what is it
Megan-So actually my marriage wasn't real, it was more of a business arrangement
Me- A business arrangement, but why, are you in debt or something
Megan-No nothing like that
It was more of my father's doing in order to take over my grandfather's company, and for that to happen he had to either have a son, or a son in law to pass it on to before he himself could retire, and so he came up with the plan to marry me off , but he would pay me monthly for how long I stayed married
Me-Oh wow, so how long did you actually stay married before your divorce
Megan-Well I was newly 21 at the time and trying to get my business off the ground and so I agreed, and I stayed married to him for almost 6 years in which I had to come clean to my dad about the abuse after my hospital stay because he damaged some organs throwing me down the stairs (gets teary eyed) they said I'm probably never going to be able to have kids, and if I do get pregnant I won't be able to carry the baby full term or most likely the baby will be born stillborn
Me- Oh Megan, I'm so sorry sweetheart
We stopped walking and I pulled her into a tight hug rubbing her back
I felt so bad for this beautiful woman who on the outside looked like a goddess, but on the inside was shattered like glass
She finally calmed down and we continued our walk
Megan-I'm so sorry I keep crying so much (smiles shyly)
Me-No, don't be sorry, crying is actually healthy so don't be sorry about that ok
Megan-Ok, and thank you (squeezes my hand)
Me-No problem, So how did your father take the news
Megan-He cried actually because he didn't know him to be abusive , and he immediately got me a divorce, and restraining order even though he didn't take staying away from me serious until my dad had him arrested and helped me move again while he was in jail
Me-Well you no longer have to worry about any of that anymore
Megan-Yeah and I'm very grateful for your and Mariah's help
No I don't want to know the details, but please tell me is he really dead
Me-I can assure you he's really dead
Megan-(Takes a deep breath)Thank you
Me-Your welcome,so what should we do now
Megan-Would you like to go for a swim
Me- In my underwear, you do know it's people out here right
Megan-(Laughs a bit shyly) I do, and sorry, it was just a thought (puts her head down)
Me-Babygirl (lifts her head up)Your gonna have to quit doing that
Megan-I'm sorry, it's just something I do when I feel embarrassed,but uhm, we can go back to your place if you want
I really didn't mean to offend you, I'm sorry
Me-(Sighs)Megan, you did nothing wrong, you don't have to apologize or be embarrassed ok (caress her cheek)
Megan-Ok, I just don't want you to have a boring date with me
Me-I'm anything but bored Megan
And I could actually never be bored with you
This whole set up is beautiful and walks on the beach is so romantic to me
Megan your so sweet, so don't think you're doing bad because you're not alright (smiles at her)
Megan-Alright (smiles back at me)
Me-And yes, let's go for a swim (starts taking off my dress)
Megan-Are you sure(a bit shocked)
Me-Absolutely (pulls her dress up and off of her) now come on(drags her by her hand into the water)
We both squealed at the coldness of the water, but soon got used to it and we did swim, and played in the water not keeping up with time
So by the time we got out , I checked my phone reading 3am on it
Me-(Laughs a bit)Megan we literally been here all night, look(shows her the time)
Megan-(Laughs) Wow, guess time does fly when having fun
Me-Got that right, but we should get going, so come on
So we then put our dresses back on and grabbed our things, got in the car and headed back to my place
On the way back home I kept feeling Megan looking at me, but would see her turn her head when I look back at her
Me-(Smiles) You know it's rude to stare huh
So are you gonna tell me what's up , or pretend like I can't see you staring at me
Megan-(Blushes)I'm sorry, it's just your really beautiful and I just been having a strong urge to kiss you
Me-Oh , uhm well first thank you, I think your beautiful too, second I'm glad you want to kiss me because I definitely want to kiss you too, but it's something you should know if your trying to take this where I think your trying to take it
Megan-Ok,what is it(getting nervous)
Me-(Smiles at her) Don't get nervous on me, but actually as you can see I do like women, however my relationship with women haven't went anywhere past the sexual stage because I could never fall in love with them, so basically it's just for pleasure and that's it
Megan-Oh(seems a bit defeated)well it's fine, I understand
After that she becomes really quite
We soon reached my house and got out and went inside
Once inside I was about to say goodnight but she just walked straight to the guest room closing the door behind her
I did feel a little ways about it, but I did understand because I basically just shot her down
I soon was in a hot shower, washing my body and my hair, and then was out and oiled up with my wet hair tied up and in my bed ready for sleep in which I was out in 5 minutes

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