Chapter One

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Jason Archer

Staring into the eyes of my former best friend and ex-boyfriend wasn't how I planned to spend my evening. I was supposed to be studying for exams. Instead, I was standing in my hometown, hiding from my parents. I dropped out of college. I packed my things and I didn't look the fuck back. I thought if I could just get back to a place I knew best, I would be okay. Everything would be fine.

Not a damn thing was okay.

No matter what I did, I couldn't escape the demons hot on my trail. They lived in my mind. Caged me in my own personal hell. Turned me into someone I didn't fucking recognize anymore.

After hurting Emery, and warning him off what I thought was a sick joke, I realized that I was wrong. I did admit that to him. I apologized. He wanted to try and fix our friendship, but I hadn't done a damn thing to try. I didn't deserve it. No. I had demons far darker than I could handle. Most people, if they heard my story, would laugh in my fucking face. It was the same reason I hardly uttered a word about it. Aurora was vaguely aware of what happened, but not to the extent it went.

Not to the extent it went that I felt I needed to drop out of college and get as far away as I could.

Emery glanced at his boyfriend, then back at me before he stepped outside toward me. Alaric grabbed his arm before he could get too far. At first, I thought he was guarding him away from being near me, but instead, he took something from inside, a jacket, and helped him slip it on before he released him. See? No longer could I see the best in someone, I only assumed the worst.

Alaric shut the door behind him when Emery was far enough outside, shoving his hands into the pockets of the jacket his boyfriend made sure he wore. "Jason, what the hell is going on? You hardly responded to any of my text messages. I thought everything was okay. Then you show up, out of nowhere, and tell me you've dropped out of college."

I bristled at his words, turning so I didn't have to see the judgment in his eyes. I deserved it. But I couldn't look at him. "I couldn't be there anymore. My options were very limited. I can't go home. You know how my parents will be if they find out I dropped out of university one semester before I graduated."

"And why did you drop out of college one semester before you graduated?"

"It doesn't fucking matter." I let the wind whip my face, welcoming the pain of the snow that scratched against my cheeks. "I know you haven't forgotten much about me. But I don't do anything without cause. There were plenty of causes. Aurora stays on campus, so I can't stay with her. Lyric isn't in the country right now. I thought you'd be home."

Emery cleared his throat, kicking at the snow that hardly even coated the ground. "I'm staying with Alaric for the next three weeks. My parents are in California. I was supposed to help Valeria with Christmas. I..."

"You don't need to explain." I couldn't look at him. I still couldn't look at him after what I did to him. I projected my fears onto him. I tried to protect him. It wasn't fair for me to protect him from anything when I had almost zero information. "I'll figure something out. I can afford a hotel for the time being. I'll face my wrath. I mean, I can't avoid it forever, can I?"

He put his hand on my arm, and I ripped away from his touch. He sighed. "Jason, what happened? I can help you if you let me. We used to be best friends. I realize I'm the one who fucked all of that up. But I am here now. I forgave you. Let me be here for you."

I shook my head. "There is nothing you or anyone can do for me. I shouldn't have come here."

"But you did. If you did, you were desperate. So, what can I do?"

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