Chapter Seventeen

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SAY THE NAME...SEVENTEEN. (Those who get it, get it)

Jason Archer

The choice regarding whether I wanted to go along with Apollo was an easy one to make. Yes, I wanted to go. The part I struggled with was whether I should when I felt the way I did. I was fucking terrified. There was no forgetting about the way I'd woken up with him this morning–the lazy smile on his face as he stared at me. It made me think maybe he...shared what I felt.

Thinking back to the phone call Apollo shared with Marcus, I wondered why he was so angry. I mean, I understood his anger, but he was pissed. I'd never seen anything like it. Telling him to stay away from what was his like he fucking meant it. But I wasn't his, was I? No. Maybe it was rage-induced. Marcus did think we were dating, and it was probably better he didn't know the truth.

I couldn't help but think about...What if it became true? I felt too broken. I didn't want to hand Apollo broken pieces and make him feel like he had to put me back together again. I wanted him to be happy, not saddled with more than he was already dealing with. A psycho-stalking ex who shockingly had gone radio silent. Not that he could contact Apollo unless he wanted to meet Axton's fist again.


I shook my head to free my thoughts as I focused on the trees quickly passing as Apollo drove along the interstate. I still didn't regret my choice to go with Apollo to take care of his grandparents' home. I knew how much he loved them. It was strange how much about him I'd gotten to know. All while finding out we'd known each other when we were kids–that he kept me all for himself back then.

My eyes widened and I gasped when Apollo's arm flew across my chest a millisecond before he slammed on the brakes. Someone wasn't paying attention when they switched lanes, and in that short second, my entire life flashed before my eyes. Apollo laid on the horn as he cursed under his breath, still navigating around the crazy driver. Yet, I couldn't help but focus on his arm being across my chest. Still there. I knew it was an instinctive reaction, but it didn't stop the warmth from spreading through my chest.

I took a deep breath to calm my heart rate as Apollo retracted his hand. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, pressing my hand above my heart. "I'm okay. I'm glad you were paying attention because that could have ended a whole lot differently."

"Didn't Ace say something about wrecking his Jeep? I feel like maybe I should tell him you said that so he's grateful."

Chuckling, I dropped my hand back to my lap. "I'll send him a text." And I did. I pulled out my phone and sent him a message. I dropped my phone in the cupholder. "There, done."

"Good." He snorted. "So..."

I turned my head, giving him my attention as I chewed on the corner of my lip. "Huh?"

His gaze flickered to me for a brief second before he put his eyes back on the road. "Are to talking about what you told me last night?"

Oh, right. Was I open to talking about it? With him? I...was. I wanted him to ask about what he wanted to know. I wanted him to know things. I wanted him to know me. Even if it dealt with my trauma. The immense relief I felt this morning when I woke up–I felt lighter than I had in a long time. Aurora knew now, too. I'd asked Emery to please tell her so she and I could talk when I returned.

Aurora texted me an hour ago to say she would meet whenever I wanted to meet, and she'd be there. I hated how I'd closed myself to my friends. Since I'd been back for good, I hadn't seen Aurora once. We hung out all the time when I visited. I needed to be a better friend.

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