Chapter Eighteen

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Apollo Diaz

I stared at the offending tree with my hands on my hips as I shook my head. "Fucking trees. Fucking winter. Fucking winter storms."

Jason poked his head out of the broken window. "Who are you cursing into existence now? I thought we could name the tree Fern." He leaned sideways, narrowly avoiding the glass on the side of the massive window. He whistled. "Looks like it was a mixture of wind and ice. The ice weighed it down, then boom." He looked at me with a happy little smile–kind of reminded me of Emery in terms of energy. "Do you want me to start moving the cars to the back bedroom?"

"You're a God-send."

"I'm Satan sent, Apollo." His laughter howled through the trees before he dipped back inside. The damage to the window was obviously significant, but luckily inside was far better off. There was only one casualty–one of my grandfather's model cars that was hit by the brush. But he could easily repair it. Then there was the snow that fell onto the floor and all the...Earth...sitting inside now because of this stupid fucking tree. I was also relatively sure the TV no longer worked, but I already texted Mama, and she ordered one for them.

Shaking my head, I headed back inside to find Jason carefully taking one of my grandfather's model cars off the mantle, and walking to the bedroom with it. It probably didn't matter too much that they were stashed away, but in case another storm hit–I figured it was best not to risk it.

I grabbed one of the massive sheets of plastic from the floor and started covering the couch. God, this house reminded me of home, and I was angry that a tree decided to pop in and say hello. Luckily it didn't ruin too many things when it dropped by.

My phone vibrated in my pocket as Jason came to a stop in the living room–pulling out his phone as I did. When I looked down, I snorted.

Jason Archer has been added to the group chat.

Axton Reynolds: K. Great. Jason finally decided to text me to tell me that you almost wrecked my Jeep and that I better be grateful that you didn't. How about you remain lucky you won't end up in a grave, Po?

Alaric Benson: I'm changing the group chat name.

Alaric Benson changed the name from 'Triple-A' to 'Triple-A + Besties'

Alaric Benson: Anyway.

Emery Gray: Oh, I'm a bestie now? Tell me how comfortable the couch is tonight.

Axton Reynolds: The couch is actually pretty comfortable.

Alaric Benson: Hey, Axton, shut the fuck up.

Alaric Benson changed the name from 'Triple-A + Besties' to 'Emery is the best'

Emery Gray: Still not out of trouble.

Alaric Benson changed the name from 'Emery is the best' to 'Triple-A + Boyfriends + Friends'

Axton Reynolds: I'm deeply offended–I don't have a boyfriend and I only like all of you thirteen percent of the time.

Emery Gray: Oh, wow. Thirteen percent? We've moved up from ten percent, guys.

Alaric Benson: Axton, rethink your percentage when you're on the hunt for a cuddle buddy.

Axton Reynolds: Eh, Emery will do it whenever I ask–I'm not worried.

Emery Gray: Axtonnnnnnn...Can you bring me a coffee on your way back from the store?

Project Apollo: Book Two ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt