Chapter Ten

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Apollo Diaz

I've spent the better part of two days offering to be Jason's Christmas buddy. If we had to do something with partners–something that took the effort of two people, I was the one picking Jason. I tried to tell myself that it was because I wanted him to feel comfortable. Yet, the more we talked, the more I noticed shit about him that I shouldn't. The way the corner of his eyes crinkled when he laughed. And that I liked the way his laugh sounded. He hated peaches. Despised them, actually. I almost made a peach cobbler.

I made a pecan pie instead.

Another thing that threw me off–I told him about fucking Marcus. I remember the way Jason's eyes almost popped out of his head when I talked about it. He asked if I loved him, and I admitted I'd never been in love. But he equally told me he hadn't been in love either. A fact that made me a little happier than it should have. I wasn't trying to feel anything for him. I wasn't trying to fully trust him. I didn't easily trust anyone–so why did the chemicals in my brain want to welcome him with full trust? Especially after everything we went through. For over a year.

Maybe it was because I knew someone other than his parents had hurt him. He didn't divulge any information about it, but it was hinted at a couple of times. There wasn't much for me to grasp onto, though. Nothing I could conclude. Not a damn thing. He shut down if we came close to talking about what truly haunted him. I almost broke down and made Axton tell me. But I decided that wasn't fucking fair to Jason.

I have morals or whatever.

Axton kept giving me those looks–those looks that said he knew I wanted to know more about the pained boy. He teased me with his gaze but knew better than to say a damn thing about it. Yet, I somehow saw the approval sitting behind his eyes. Which didn't help my situation. Not after spending two days getting to know him–spending time with him–picking him when I'd normally pick Axton.

I fucking cooked with Jason.

All of these thoughts needed to stop. I had to remember that attraction and...liking his personality didn't need to become more than it was. A friendship. Yeah, we spent almost three days smiling, talking about ourselves, and sharing popcorn during a movie with our friends. Our friends. Such a change from when he first arrived here. But Jason had his hand in Axton's hair last night when we watched the movie. Axton chose to sit in front of Jason–making him play with his hair. Forced his hand on his head. I liked that Jason felt like he had more people around him, though. After telling me he felt lonely in college, I was glad he didn't seem to feel much of those emotions anymore. Even after only a few days.

Jason was comfortable.

Currently, we were standing in my room. Axton, Alaric, and Emery went to do chores for Mom that included shopping. We had been tasked with adding our own personal touch to the tree and finished ten minutes ago. Mama approved before rushing off to the office with Dad to take care of things. I didn't know what those things were, but I didn't care.

Despite my reluctance, I still enjoyed the alone time with Jason. It gave me a chance to extend my apology–for him to do the same while we adopted a new...friendship. Stupid. Yeah, he was cute. He was adorable when he blushed after asking about the people on my posters, I told them they were given to me, and I put them up because they were attractive.

Jason didn't know that blond hair and blue eyes were my fucking weakness. And conveniently, he sported both of those things. Add in a good personality, and I was well and truly fucked. And not in the way I'd rather.

The doorbell rang in the middle of Jason spouting off a fact about soccer. He'd told me facts after I said my Dad liked watching it. "Give me a second."

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