Chapter Nineteen

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Jason Archer

Apollo was currently on the phone with someone about the window while I sat on the floor of the hotel room–doing my skincare after getting out of the shower. We already went to dinner, and it was almost eight in the evening–so I was a little aggravated that these repairmen didn't know time boundaries.

I was still a little shaken after what happened back at his grandparent's house. I believed every single affirmation Apollo gave me to recite. He purposely avoided ones that had to do with my looks–I knew he did it on purpose. I also knew he didn't want to push me too far before I was ready. I could see it clearly as day written in his gaze each time I looked at him through the mirror.

Even though I did something complicated today, I still fucking did it. I fucking did that. With help, but who the hell cares? I took more than one step today, and I didn't...burn up in the sun after doing it. I could get better. I knew I could. That was the one affirmation I started repeating in my head.

I could get better.

I could get better.

All I had to keep doing was reminding myself of all the steps I'd taken. Putting on makeup was still a step–even if I ended up having a panic attack. When I thought more about it–had I not been caught–I would have continued. I would have. It was a step. I'd been taking more steps than I realized. Sitting in front of my mirror while it was covered was also a step. Peeking at myself in the side mirrors of the car.

I was more determined than ever to get better.

Apollo hung up the phone and tossed it on the end table. "Jesus, I never thought people could be so greedy. There will be a repairman there tomorrow morning. We don't have to be there luckily. Mom took care of the tree removal service, so they'll be there around eight. The window repairman will be there at ten. Everything should be taken care of around noon."

I patted my cheeks, nodding. "Sounds good. So, we'll be going home after we get the house fixed up?"

"We will be." Tell me why I saw a tinge of sadness cross his features. "What have you got going on down there?"

I glanced at all my bottles in front of me and then back at him. "Skincare."

"I'm glad to see that you're still taking care of yourself."

I snorted. "Hardly. This is the most basic form of taking care of myself. I started doing it when I wore makeup–it was important then. But I continued because it became a routine."

"And here you are with flawless skin."

"You flatter me."

I collected all of my bottles, stood up from the floor, and walked them back into the bathroom. After everything we did today, I was all ready to fall asleep. I think Apollo had the same idea–he turned off the lamp next to his bed and flopped down on his back. I stood in the doorway of the bathroom, glancing at my bed. I dove into it–sliding up to grab my pillow in my arms. I pulled it close to me–closing my eyes.

Today was a lot of emotional turmoil–yet, not all of it was bad. But nonetheless, I was exhausted from going through it. I wanted to find some way to thank Apollo for finding a way to help me when I thought there was nothing he could do. Despite me telling him as much, he still found something. Something...I wanted to believe would eventually work when it came to addressing the real demons in my closet.

Nothing was going to hurt me out here. In this hotel room, it was only Apollo and me. The outside world was merely static. As far as I was concerned–my parents weren't angry at me–I didn't drop out of college–I was never attacked–I was never torn down. In here, I was simply Jason, and I didn't want to spend time thinking about the demons hiding in my closet.

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