Chapter 8 ~ Story Behind the Mask

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Pewds POV


It's been 3 weeks since me and Cry found Rosalia and Aubrey. We couldn't convince Aubrey to come with us, in fact, he pushed us on the roof and opened the shop doors. Rosalia was crying the whole time back.

Everyone seems to love having her around, but she seems to really like Cry the most. Which is understandable.

The thing that bugs me is that fact me and Cry haven't talked at all. We'll bump into each other, mutter simple 'hellos' and keep walking. Even the team has noticed it.

"Hey Pewds?" asks Mr. Chair as I twirl Rosalia around. "Hmm?" I hum back, not taking my eyes off the little girl. "Could I talk to you for a minute?" I turn around and see Mr. Chair looking at me worriedly. "Uh, sure." I respond, "Hey Rosy, can you go see if Cry will play with you for a moment?" She nods her head enthusiastically and rushes to the stairs. I stand up and walk into the kitichen where Mr. Chair and Piggeh were waiting. "What's up?" I ask leaning on a counter.

"Is everything alright with you and Cry?" asks Mr. Chair. I bit the inside of my cheek, "Yeah, we just hit a rough patch when we were out. Nothing to big." Piggeh rolls his eyes, "You do realize you two went from practically insepreable, to you can't be in the same room." Mr. Chair bumps into Piggeh, giving him a stern look. "We just want to know if you two are okay." I let out a dry laugh, "Yeah, we're fine."

And that's when Cry decides to walk in.

Everything plunges into silence. "Oh.. Hi Pewds." says Cry quietly. "Oh my god why are you two acting like school girls with a crush?" groans Piggeh. Mr. Chair jabs his elbow into Piggeh, "Ow! What?" yelps Piggeh as he rubs his ribs. I feel heat rise to my cheeks as I stare at the floor. "I think you two need privacy.." says Mr. Chair awkwardly as he tries to push Piggeh out with him.

"So.." starts Cry as he twiddles his thumbs together. "So.." I say back. "Look, Pewds I think they're right. We just need to talk it out." I nod my head, "Yeah, it would probably help."

"I mean, most people say talking is the best thing to do."

"Yeah, I agree. If more people were to just talk it out, a lot of conflict would be solved."

"I wonder how many wars would have been stopped if the guys had just talked it out."

"But not like touchy-feely kind of thing."

"Oh of course not, but they could come up with peace treaties and stuff."

"Right right."

There was a pause as we made eye contact.

"Did we just have a conversation about talking?" chuckles Cry. I smile and let out a small laugh, "Yeah I think we did." Cry walks over and leans on the counter next to me.

After that there was another silence, but this one was comfortable. I glance over at Cry, I wonder what he looks like under that mask.

"Pewds you do realize you're staring right?"

I blush again and cough into my arm to try and disperse my embaressment. "Sorry, I was just wondering about your mask." I see Cry visibly tense, "Oh, sorry, again, I know it's a touchy subject."

He shakes his head and waves his hand, "No, if you want to know, I'll tell you."

I debate it over in my head. It would solve another mystery to this man who saved me a while back. "Okay, but only if you're comfortable with it."

Even though Cry was trying to cover it up, I could see he was shaking a bit. I put my hand comfortingly on his shoulder, and give him a small smile. He let out a sigh, "Ever since I was little my dad would tell me I was hideous. He said I was a disgrace to the family. He even gave me a real reason to wear this mask. And, I've always worn it. Ever since that night he came home drunk."

I felt my heart swell, who could do that to their own son?

I wrap my arms around Cry and give him a giant hug. He stiffened at first, and I started to pull away. But then his arms clasp onto my back, and he hides his face in my shoulder. I let out a sad smile and hold him as he lets out quiet sobs.

I felt anger bubble in my stomach. What did he have to go through to make him this upset? I swear if I could meet his father I'd punch him in the face.

"It's okay Cry, I've got you."


A/N Hey, I'm finally back!
I know I've been gone a long time, but I'm finally back and starting to get in the swing of things again. My computer broke a couple months ago and I couldn't update off my phone. Also, i apologize for how short this chapter is.

Sorry to keep you waiting!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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