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Pewds POV


Cry stayed with me all night, and I found out a lot about him. I did want to ask about his mask, but I think its a touchy subject for him.

"It's sunrise." States Cry as he looks out one of the windows. "Cool. I'm going to go pass out now." I say as sleepiness takes over. Cry chuckles and says, "Aww does Pewds need a nap?". I laugh and say in a babyish tone, "Wes." Cry laughs and I laugh along side him.

"Sounds like you two are getting along." Says Piggeh as he walks into the room. "Yep." I answer as I fall onto the couch. I hear Piggeh yawn, and footsteps go into the kitchen. "Need help getting to your room?" Asks Cry as he bends down eye level to me. "Please?" I ask. I see his face crinkle- he's smiling. "Sure friend."

He helps me up and I stretch. Then there was silence. "Race you to the stairs!" I yell as I take off. I get there first, but when I turn around am immediately tackled. Again? Really?

It was like yesterday on the stairs. I was on the bottom, and Cry was on top. This time my shirt had been pushed up to my chest, and Cry's hands were on my bare stomach. His head was is the crook of my neck and his leg was in between mine, rubbing up against something.....

"Crap." I hear Cry mutter. His breath was brushing up against my neck and it sent a shiver down my spine. He tries to roll off, but we fell in the doorframe. There was no place to roll.

"Okay, I'm going to have to crawl back." I hear him explain. I nod as blush spreads over my face. "Okay..." I hear him whisper. He slowly starts to back up.

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!?" I look up and see Stephano standing there, looking betrayed and hurt. His sudden outbursts startles Cry, and he falls forward, his head now on my stomach. "W-We tripped and fell, and Cry fell on top of me." I explain as Cry gets his bearings. On the part of his face that's visible, it's bright red.

Stephano comes over and kicks Cry in the shoulder and sends Cry tumbling off me. "There." He states as Cry gets up, his fists clenched to were his knuckles were white.

"That was no way to treat him, Stephano." Says Mr. Chair as he bounds down the steps. Stephano mumbles something under his breath, but walks to the kitchen. I look at Cry, who seemed to have calmed down. "Sorry Cry, Stephano didn't....... I mean he doesn't....." I try to come up with a good ending, but just trail off.

"It's okay, but now I'm really tired." Yawns Cry as he walks past me. His hand accidentally brushes mine, and this time I feel a tingle sensation afterwords. I look as I see him walk up the stairs. I stand there in the doorway and think about everything that happened. Why was Stephano such a jerk to Cry? Why was I so flustered by Cry on top of me? Why do I love Cry?

Wait..... WHAT?!? BRAIN THE FUCK YOU DOING?!? I JUST MET HIM!! I decide to sleep it off and I drowsily walk upstairs. I walk into my room, and lay on the bed. My thoughts from earlier come back and I start to form even more questions. Just let me sleep on it.....

I close my eyes, and fall asleep.


Cry's POV


Stephano was such a douche. It was an accident, I didn't purposely fall on him! No, but the thoughts you were thinking were. Shut up brain. I can't ever think of Pewds more than a friend. Not that I wouldn't mind, I already knew I was bi, but in this world, relationships just can't happen.

Besides, he is probably straight and would never like me.

Plus, Stephano looks like he wants Mr. Pewds, but Pewds looks completely oblivious to it. I lay on my bed and organize my thoughts and feelings. Then I hear a loud, "Cry." I recognize that Swedish accent. I get up and walk to the door, unlock it, and go to the hall.

His door is open, and he is tossing and turning in his bed. He's probably asleep, dreaming about when we first met or something. I was about to turn when I heard a soft, but pleasured whimper come from the Swedes mouth.

I look back and then curiosity got the better of me. I walk in slowly, and listen. Pewds groans in pleasure, and says something that makes my heart skip a beat. "C-Cry, uh, I-It feels so good, faster....". Blush rises on my checks and dirty thoughts fill my mind.

I rush quietly back to my room, and tear off my mask because of the heat. I run a hand through my hair as I calm my running mind.

Never mind. I think he likes me.

Never Die -PewdieCry Fanfic-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz