An Old Man's Words

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Pewds POV


Cry and I walk to the back of the store, were that man, Aubrey, had gone. Cry lowers Rosalia to the ground, and she runs the rest of the way.

"What are we going to do Pewds?" Asks Cry as I hand him the shotgun. "I-I don't know..... I don't want to leave the child. He might give us a lot of useful supplies. We have room at the base, plus someone is always there." I state.

I kinda wanted to take Rosalia..... She could be like a younger sister!

We enter the room and see Rosalia in the corner, clutching a worn baby-blue bunny. "Here." Says Aubrey as he tosses a backpack to me. I open it and see food and medical supplies.

Cry peaks over my shoulder and I hear him quietly counting the items. Cry then walks over to Aubrey and they talk while Rosalia hands me her tiny bunny.

"Her name is Suzy!" She exclaims as she stares up at me.

"Got it." I hear Cry say and he leaves the room. I watch him as I walk over to Aubrey. "What did you tell him to do?" I ask as Aubrey continues to pack certain things.

"Ah just gave him a distraction so I could talk to you." Says Aubrey not taking his eyes off his task. "What?" I say as I sling the backpack on my shoulders.

"According to him, you have a base?" Asks Aubrey. "Yes sir." I respond. "Ah, and are you lovers?" Asks Aubrey watching my reaction.

My face heats up as I stutter out, "N-No! W-We are j-just friends." Aubrey smirks and turns to me. "Boy, the way you look at him ain't no common friendship. You look at him like he's the solution to this apocalypse."

I gulp and rub my neck. "See? You're not even denying it. You like him." Says Aubrey. I was about to say something, when Cry walks in.

Aubrey clasps his hand on my shoulder, "And that my young friend is why you always seize the moment." He says loudly. Cry walks over and looks from me to him.

"What did I miss?"

"Oh nothing son, just tellin this boy that he needs to let every moment last." Says Aubrey as causally as possible.

"Really? Then why is Pewds's face red as a tomatoe?" Asks Cry crossing his arms. Aubrey just shrugs.

"Hey, Pewds is it? Can you take Rosey here and get the rest of the supplies from the store shelves?" Asks Aubrey as he puts his hand on Cry's shoulder.

"Sure, I guess." I say as I take Rosalia's hand and guide her out of the room. I take one glance back and see Aubrey giving me a knowing smirk.


Cry's POV


Aubrey puts his hand on my shoulder and tells Pewds to gather the last of the supplies.

"Son, are you gay?" Asks Aubrey.

The sudden question makes me flinch. "Not quite.... Bisexual actually." I answer nervously. Aubrey smiles at me. "Well have ya noticed that young boy out there has an eye for ya?"

"Well, um, I didn't really." I say as I avoid making eye contact with him. "So ya haven't noticed the way he looks at ya? Like your the most precious thing on the planet?"

I nod no and play with the tip of my sweatshirt. Aubrey gives me a I-aint-as-old-as-I-look face and says, "I think you have noticed, but don't want to acknowledge it. But the question is why?"

I sigh, "okay you caught me. I have noticed, I may even have feelings for him. But how can we be together in this? In this broken world were every scrape of happiness is taken away?" I say, now looking Aubrey in the eyes.

Aubrey gives me a small smile, "Son. That's not how love works. Maybe one day you'll find some philosophical meaning to it, but as an old man I can say right now. You two were made for each other."

I just respond with a small smile of my own. His words weren't much, but they gave me a peice of hope, a tiny piece, but a still enough to hold on to.

Pewds walks in, still holding Rosalia's hand. He sees our smiles and awkwardly says, "What'd I miss?"

Aubrey turns to Pewds and says, "Just tellin him he needs to find his own happiness." Then he turns back to me. Giving me a small wink before picking up Rosalia, "I'll be out here waiting, you younger boys can finishes packing the rest on the table."

Then he leaves, closing the door behind him. We both look at each other, then stare at the floor. "Better get packing." I say nervously. "Yeah.." Says Pewds uncomfortably. We both start putting varies boxes away in bags, but then we both grab one box.

We turn to face each other and find that we were extremely close. Instantly I freeze up, and so does Pewds. We stare at each other until Pewds brings his hand to my face. My breath comes in shallow breaths, butterflies reaking havok in my stomach.

Finally Pewds leans forward in the small space. Gravity seemed to pull me in. Pewds slowly raised my mask just above my lips. My eyes slip shut as I feel a pressure on my lips.

His lips were smooth and soft, and he tasted kind of like vanilla. I step closer to him and wrap my arms around his neck, him wrapping his around my waist.

For a couple of felt normal. Like infected didn't rule the earth, that the government didn't destroyed cities, that people didn't mourn over the lost that are bound to earth, never to sleep eternally.

It was just me and him, together in this moment.


I'm sorry I haven't updated (but none of you guys are reading this anyways) I have had a lot of stressful months.

1) I found out my best friend cuts.

2) My grandmother died

3) School is swamping me with work

4) My sister almost died

5) I'm stressed I haven't been able to update.

So 5 reasons I have not been able to update. Well here's the next chapter to this, hope you like it.



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