To The Roof

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Cry's POV


After deciding to leave my feelings alone, I start to walk into the main room. Start. I stop immediately when I hear shouting.

I peek out and see Pewds and Stephano arguing. I strain my hearing to catch the finally words.

"Stephano I'm a grown man. I can handle things by myself."

"Pewds if that stranger hadn't saved you, who knows what would've happened!"

"That stranger is Cry. C-R-Y. And yes, he helped me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to screw up every other mission!"

"Pewds I'm just doing this for your safety."

"No! I decide what I want to do! Talk to me when you get your head on straight! Oh, and quit being such a jerk to Cry. He hasn't done anything to you!"

I hear angry stomps coming to the kitchen, and I quickly rush to a chair and act chill. Pewds enters and I look up and say, " 'Sup?"

Pewds angry face falls, and a smile appears. "Nothing Cry. Just having a fight with Stephano.". I nod as if I didn't overhear everything. "About what?" I ask. Still acting as if I didn't already figure it out. "Stephano's just being really overprotective of everyone lately." He sigh. "Everyone, or you?" I question. Pewds stands there in thought. Then his face turns to one of sudden realization.

"Hey, want to come with me to find a library?" I say trying to brake his train of thought. I don't want him to figure it out quite yet. His head snaps up and his eyes soften. "Sure. We might need to grab some gear though." He says happily. Phew! I think I got it off his mind...

For now...


Pewds POV


Cry suggested we go find a library and I happily accepted. Now me and him and on our roof. Looking at the destroyed area around us.

"It's kinda pretty." Cry comments as he squats near the edge. "Yeah." Is my soft answer. And in a sense, it was. Buildings had ivy crawling up the sides, and the broken window and steel glint the sunlight. The crumbling skyscrapers seem to have a peaceful layout as they bend and tilt.

"Well come on, we better get to searching." Says Cry as he stands and looks to the south. "Okay. So why are we on the roof?" I ask while I watch Cry walk to the edge. "To building jump. Duh." He then jumps from our roof to the next, and  waits patiently for me.

I stare in awe as I tiptoe to the edge. It was a 5 foot jump. And 4 stories down if I miss. "Come on. Don't tell me your afraid of heights!" Yells Cry as he sits on the edge. "I'm not scared of heights.... I'm scared of hitting the ground with a splat." I reply as I have second thoughts about it. "Just jump. Don't think about it!" He says as he lays down on the edge, and dangles his arm.

"Fine. But move, I don't want to hit you." I yell to him. He smirks and rolls away from the edge and sits up to watch me. Okay Pewds you're fine. Just don't look down. I take three steps back and then yell, "TO NARNIA!" as I run and jump. I land with a large thud on the roof, along with falling over on my face. "Ouch." I mumble as I roll over.

Cry walks over laughing his head off. "Welcome to Narnia." He says before laughing at his own pun. I roll my eyes and sit up while Cry skips all over the roof. What's got him in such a mood?

"Come oooooonnnnn, I think I may have spotted a good place." Says Cry as he runs and jumps to the next roof. "Wait up!" I yell with a smile. Then we continue towards the place Cry spotted.

Me and Cry running side by side.

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