Dinner Time

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Cry's POV


This place doesn't seem half bad. I think as I look around my room. Pewds seems really nice, and is very handsome with his dirty blonde hair and glacier blue eyes. He also seems to have a Swedish accent, wonder why he's in America. That other pinkish man seems nice too. Piggeh? I think that was it. I close the door to my room, and lock it. The walls had peeling gray and blue stripped wallpaper. It had a broken-looking desk with two drawers, and a small, twin sized bed. It also had two cracked windows that overlook the deserted streets.

I walk over to one of the windows and open it. I lean on the edge, and look out. The sun was setting, and creating a pink and orange hue. A drift of wind blows my hair in front of my eyes. I slowly reach up and take my mask off. Letting the breeze cool my face. With all the shit I've been through I can't believe I'm alive. I sigh, and run a hand through my hair. Maybe these guys will last longer than the other groups I've been with.

The sun was now just a half circle of gold on the horizon. I remember a book like this. Its been a while since I've read a book. I wonder if I could find a library... "Hey Cry!" I hear Pewds voice. "Dinners ready, come on!" Says Pewds knocking on the door repeatedly. "Coming." I say as I put my mask on my face and secure it tightly. I walk to the door and unlock it. I couldn't open it because before I could touch the doorknob, it flew open and Pewds pulls me out. "Come on or Piggeh will eat it all!" He grabs my wrist and pulls me to the old wooden stairs. We get down 2 flights, when all of a sudden. Pewds is falling, dragging me with him. We tumble down the flight of stairs. Splinters digging into my skin. Finally we come to an end. Only to be put in an awkward situation. Pewds lands on his back, and I fall on top of his chest. My head is now nestled on his chest, and my hands are now on his stomach. Not to mention his shirt was pulled up a bit from the fall. Pewds and I just stare at each other in shock. I saw a blush spread across Pewds face. Good thing I had my mask, because I was probably blushing like crazy too. I push up, trying to get off him. Nope. My hands slip and now Pewds face is inches from mine. Not to mention my mask was pushed up, and my lips were visible. His blush deepens, and so does mine. I try to ease the awkwardness.

"Hi friend."

Nope. That just increases it. This time I move extra careful. With my luck if I'm not diligent, Pewds and I will be kissing. I mean his lips did look soft.... Wait.. What? I finally roll off him and he sits up. We just kinda stare at each other for a moment. Then he starts to laugh. His laughing becomes contagious, and we both end up cracking up at the bottom of the stairs.

"Are you okay?" Asks Pewds, wiping away a fake tear. I look myself over. "Yeah, just some splinters. You okay?" I ask, pulling one of the wooden devils out of my skin. Pewds checks himself and goes, "I think I'm fine, except for some bruises." After chuckling a bit more, and me adjusting my mask we stand up. "Race you to the kitchen!" I shout, running out of the stairwell. "No fair!" Yells Pewds as he chases after me. I rush into the kitchen, almost tackling the blonde man. Stephano? I think that's it. "Oh sorry!" I say backing up a little. "Hmph!" Responds Stephano while brushing off nonexistent dust.

"No fair you got a-" yells Pewds as he bursts through the door. Tackling me to the ground. "Oh hi." I say as Pewds realizes what happened. Now the role was reversed. I was on the bottom, with Pewds on top of me. Pewds blush comes back. He looks cute with a blush. Cute? Brain what are you up too? Pewds starts to put his hands in the same position I did before but I go, "No, don't do that. Just roll off.". He stops, and obeys. Rolling off me, leaving an awkward silence between every one in the room while we stand.

"Anyways." Says Piggeh, "Mr. Chair, this is Cry. Cry, this is Mr. Chair." He gesture to a man who is actually really skinny, with an olive complexion. The man waves and smiles. "Nice to meet you. I heard you saved Pewds. Thanks for that."

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