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Cry's POV


We jump from rooftop to rooftop. Pewds seems to be getting better at it. Of course some times he would trip, or stumble then he would squeak. Yes, squeak. It is so cute!

Yeah. I may not be able to date Pewds, but that won't stop me from making comments or messing with him.

We stop on the top of what used to be an old grocery store. "Hey Cry, do you want to see if we can loot this place?" Asks Pewds panting from the jumping. "Hmm... I guess it would be worth a look, but be careful. We're out of the safe zone, Infected could be everywhere." I answer back as I look over the edge of the building.

"Safe Zone?" Asks Pewds as he looks at an old airvent. "The area surrounding your home." I explain as I spot at least eight infected on the streets below us. "Our. You mean our home." Corrects Pewds gently as he tugs at the airvent cover.

My heart skipped a beat as I glance back at him, to see him looking at me and giving a soft smile.

As Pewds was looking at me, the airvent pops off. Scaring Pewds as he falls over. I laugh as I walk over and look into the shaft. It was about a five foot drop, and it connects with another set of vents. Pewds had gotten up, a light blush of embarrassment on his face. "Well, let's go!" Pewds says as he starts climbing over the edge. "What? No! We don't know if that can hold our weight!" I say as Pewds stares at me. Then he smiles, "Let's find out." He grabs my arm and pulls me in with him.

We both land with a cahthunk. Pewds was laughing and I was laying there. Stunned as to what had just happened. "You okay Cry?" Gasps Pewds as he tries to breathe through his laughter. "You jerk!" I say as I shove him. He just shrugs and has a big smile. I sigh and look ahead. The tunnel was big enough for us to crawl through one at a time.

"Okay. I'll go first, you follow." I say to Pewds who was now looking through his backpack. "Here." He hands me a flashlight. "Thanks." I say as I get into a crawl position. I slowly crawl into the tunnel, it creaking and groaning under my weight. This is a bad idea... I thought as I kept going. I hear Pewds behind me, taking shallow breaths like me.

I put my hand down on one perticular tile, and it collapses under my weight. "Ah!" I huff as I fall through onto the dusty floor below. "Cry!" Says Pewds in alarm. I roll over and look up at him. "Hi." I mutter as I feel a knot forming on my head.

I sit up and look around. I don't see any infected.... In fact, this store looks practically untouched!

Pewds lands beside me with a thunk. "Woah.. This place is still intact!" Says Pewds as he looks at the isle we landed in. "I'm surprised it hasn't been looted by marauders." I point out as I stand and brush off my clothing.

We hear a shotgun pump.

I turn around and draw my pistol and come face to face with a man who had a shotgun aimed at my head. "Woah! We didn't mean any trouble!" Yells Pewds as jumps up and raises his hands in surrender.

"Put down your weapon." Says the man in a thick southern accent. "Put down yours." I counter, noticing the little girl hiding in the man's shadow. "Your the one who invaded our house." He growled bringing the gun closer.

The little girl cowers in fear. I can't upset a little girl.... I slowly put my gun down, and raise my hands in surrened like Pewds. The man stares at us suspiciously. The little girl smiles and runs out to us.

"Rosalia!" He says as he reaches out to her, but she slips through his fingers.

She looks up at me and smiles. She was a beautiful young girl. I'd guess around five or six. She had long brown hair, with bright brown eyes to match. She had dimples and a simple green dress.

"Hi." She whispers to me. I get down on one knee, being eye level with her. "Hello." She giggles and the man lowers his gun. Pewds just watches silently smiling.

"I'm Rosalia. But everyone used to call me Rosey." She stuck out her hand. I smile as I shake it. "I'm Cry. And this is Pewds." I point to him and he waves. "I like your mask." She says as she pokes it. I chuckle and say thank you.

"What are you doing here." Demands the man with the shotgun. I clear my throat and stand up. "I'm sorry sir. We thought this place was deserted, and wanted to search for supplies."

He glares at us but sighs. This man was probably in his late 70's. "Well, if you gained Rosalia's trust, you gained mine. I'm Aubrey." He holds out his hands, and Pewds shakes it. "Thank you sir. May I ask why you and your daughter are here, and not with the government?" Asks Pewds as I pick up Rosalia, who was continually pulling my sleeve.

"Government? Didn't know we were supposed to be with them." Says Aubrey, surprise filling his gray-blue eyes. "Oh no, being with the government I was just asking." Says Pewds shyly.

Aubrey shakes his head. "We are here because I'm too old to go anywhere else. I've  been waiting for someone fit enough to take Rosalia. I'm an old man who's not gonna last any longer." Pewds and I look at him, shocked by his words.

"What?" I ask in disbelief. Aubrey hands Pewds his shotgun. "I have heart conditions. Plus I no longer have family worth living for. Heck, the reason I even lasted this long was because of Rosalia. I've been waiting for someone young and careful to come by. Not some low life thief."

"How do you know we aren't theifs?" Asks Pewds, staring at the shotgun. "I can spot a good pick when I see one." Smirks Aubrey.

"Come, I have supplies in the back, take them and please take care of Rosalia." He says walking to the back of the store.

We were both frozen to the spot. Our library adventure had just turned into something completely different. "Well go on.. Aubrey doesn't like waiting." Says Rosalia as she tugs my hair. I look over at Pewds and he nods with uncertainty.

We both follow the man to the back, and I glance at the entrance of the store to see a wooden plank cracking ever so slightly...

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