Awkward Talks

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Pewds POV


I woke in a sweat, panting and gasping for air. What the heck was I dreaming about that got me this worked up? Eh, I don't remember.

I roll off the bed and lazily stand up. I am still shirtless, so I grab a light blue one from my floor.

I walk out of my room, and bump into Cry, who was just leaving his room.

"Hey Cry!" I say happily. Cry looks at me and freezes. On the part of his face you can see, it's a crimson red. I get really concerned. Did Stephano do something?

"Cry, you okay?" I ask as I take a step forward. He nods his head violently and takes a step back. Did I do something? I mean that 'encounter' we had earlier was a bit, er, strange but I thought we got over that.

I start to walk away, but Cry stops me by grabbing my arm. "Hey Pewds?" He asks quietly. "Hmm?" I question as I look at him. He stares at the floor in thought. "D-Do you remember your dream?" He asks shyly. Odd question.

I answer truthfully, "No, I don't remember my dream actually. Why, did I do something?" Cry sighs in relief, but doesn't answer my question.

"Did I do something in my sleep?" I ask. Cry nods and goes, "I think it would be best if I didn't tell you."

I nod in understanding. I probably didn't want to know anyways... I've been known to say some pretty weird stuff in my sleep.

This is when I notice Cry is still grasping my arm. It gave me a tingly feeling. I've had this feeling with Marzia, but this is stronger than what she ever gave....

Cry lets go and starts walking down the stairs. Leaving me to ponder this feeling in silence.


Cry's POV


Oh thank the lord he didn't remember. Imagine how awkward that would be. I mean, I've always known I was bi, and Pewds is extremely handsome and charming. It's just the fact you can't fall in love in this world.

Not when the dead are roaming the streets searching for your flesh to devour.

Besides, all because Pewds had, uh, that kind of dream doesn't mean he loves me. I mean seriously! We, like, just met!

I push these thoughts away and walk downstairs. I get to the ground level, and I hear Mr.Chair humming a song.

"What are you singing?" I ask curiously

He jumps up two feet in the air and spins around.

"Jesus Christ Cry! You scared me!" He says as he slumps on the countertop. "Heh, sorry. Just wanted to know what you're humming" I apologize. He smiles lightly, and says, "All we are, by one republic. That's what I was singing."

"Hm, never heard of it." I comment, "Could you sing it?"

Mr.Chair chuckles, "If you want someone to sing the entire song, and have it not leave your ears bleeding, ask Pewds. It's his favorite song."

I nod. Maybe I'll ask later. I say goodbye to the man, and walk into the kitchen.

Stephano and Piggeh were talking, Piggeh smiling like crazy. I've noticed Stephano has a poker face like no other. The only thing that can compete against his, is my mask.

"Oh hey Cry!" Chirps Piggeh as he sees me. Stephano turns, and he still holds his poker face. "Hey Piggeh." I reply back as I walk up to their little group.

The conversation plunges into awkward silence. Stephano's glare burns into my skull. Piggeh then claps his hands together and goes, "Well, I have first shift. So I'll be going." Then he hurries out of the room.

I stare at the floor. Trying to think of something, anything to say.

"You need to stay away from Pewds." Says Stephano, breaking the silence.

"Why?" I ask as I look at him. Stephano glares at me. "Because I don't trust you." He states firmly.

Wait. The way he acts...... He's jealous!

"D'awww does w'ittle Stephano have a crush?" I say in a baby tone. He snarls and pulls out the sword he has on his belt. But what I notice, is the tiny blush spreading across his face.

"Sorry Stephano. You can't kill me. Whether you like it or not, Pewds is my friend. FRIEND. He wouldn't forgive you if you did kill me." I say confidently.

But even when I said 'friend' it felt forced. Like I had to push myself to say it. Dang it Cry what the hell are you doing.

Stephano put on his poker face again, and put his sword up. He then walks out of the room. Leaving me to think about what I had just said.

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