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Pewds POV


I shrink behind the counter of the diner. I thought all the infected were gone. These things are scary enough, but to make it worse they are virtual silent. You can't hear the bastards coming. I peek over the counter. 9 of them, and only 3 bullets. I lean back against the counter. Okay think pewds. What can you do to get out of this alive? The back door? No, it's blocked. Throw something and pray they all investigate? No, all 9 won't go and as soon as I use my gun they will rush. Well? What about infected pewds? No, don't think that way. You promised the gang to come back alive. 


A gunshot! I peek over the counter again, all the infected run out of the diner. I quickly jump over the counter, and walk-crouch to the door. The once glass-filled door was shattered, and allowed me to look out. 9 more gunshots. The 9 infected lay dead on the ground. Relief floods through me, one of the gang must have come after me, probably Stephano. I come out slowly, and look around. I don't see them... Where are they?

"Hi friend." said a deep voice from behind. I turn around quickly, only to be inches away from a mask. I jump back startled by the person's appearance. The person puts his hands up in a I'm-not-threatening-or-infected way. The stranger had brown hair that overlaps his face, and a simple blue sweatshirt on with 'sup' written on it. He had black jeans, and gray converses. The weird thing was his mask. I mean, a lot of people wear face protection but this didn't look like it was for defensive purposes. It was a simple circular white mask, with two cirlces for eyes and a simple line for a mouth. He sticks his hand out. A hand shake? Hadn't had that in a while. I accept the gesture and say, "Hi."

"I noticed you got into a bit of a problem." he says, retracting his hand. I rub my neck, "Yeah. I didn't notice them come in, and I'm low on ammo." The stranger nods in understanding. "How are you surviving on your own?" asks the stranger. "I'm not, I have a gang. We survive." I reply looking around the area for more infected. 

"There arn't any more infected in this area." says the stranger, looking at his nails with boredom. I roll my eyes. "Are you on your own?" I ask. The man immediatly stops looking at his nails, and looks at me. "I am." This time I nod in understanding. I would probably be dead if it weren't for the gang. "Are you lonely?" I ask out of the blue. The stranger stands completely still. "You can't think about those things out here." was his reply. I felt for this stranger, in my months alone I was very..... out of my mind to say. My friends found me and saved me. This stranger saved me, maybe I can save him.

"Would you like to come with me to my group?" The stranger stares at the ground, as if in deep thought. Some hair falls in my face, and I quickly push it aside. This stranger seems friendly, and defiantly an asset to have with his accuracy. "Sure. I'll come with you, but if things go south I'm leaving." the guy says and looks up at me. I smile and grab his wrist, excitement building in me at the thought of a new friend. "Come on!" I whisper-yell at him as I pull him along, watching for infected. 

We walk stealthly for the 5 blocks to our base. Our "base" is an old apartment building. We house 4 people there. Stephano, Mr.Chair, Piggeh, and me and maybe this stranger, so 5. As we made our way to the back door, I turn to the stranger. "What's your name?" I ask him as I knock softly on the door. "Cry. The name's Cry." Cry? That's an intresting name. Well, mine is PewDiePie, so I guess I can't say much. "Mine's PewDiePie, but most call me Pewds.". The door opens, and I see the familair pink face of Piggeh. 

Piggeh smiles, and opens the door a little wider. I return the smile and walk in, Cry following me. "Who's this?" asks Piggeh as he closes, and locks the door. "This is Cry, the person who saved me when the mission went flop." I reply causally. "I told you, you should have brought Stephano with you!" says Piggeh while he slaps my head playfully. "Thank you Cry, for saving Pewds." praises Piggeh. "Thank you for accepting me into your group." responds Cry. I just now noticed Cry doesn't have a backpack. How did he eat? "Well, in your mission did you at least get food?" asks Piggeh as he walks into the reception area of the apartment bottom. "Yeah, enough for about 3 weeks. For all of us." I say as I follow Piggeh into the kitichen. I pull my backpack off, and hand it to the stout man. I feel a presence behind me, and look to see Cry standing there. Man, this guy is stealthy.

"Who's this?" says a french accent. I turn around and see the blonde man standing there, looking very disappointed. "Stephano, this is Cry. Cry, this is Stephano." I say gesturing to each of them. "Okay, now why is he here?" asks Stephano taking a step closer. "Cry is the person who saved me when some infected showed up." I respond, stepping in between them. Cry waves and sits down in one of the old chairs that litter the ground. "Where's Mr.Chair?" I ask sensing the oncoming awkwardness. Piggeh looks up from his foraging and says, "Mr.Chair is asleep." I nod. The awkward silence I was trying to avoid came, and we all did nothing but listen to the occasional clanks from tins. I turn to Cry, wanting to break the tension. "So, what's your story?" I ask, Cry looks up and tilts his head to the side. "Story?". "Yeah, story. What you did before all this shit happened." I say, finding my own chair and sitting. Stephano only sighs and leaves. Leaving Piggeh, Cry, and me. 

"Well, there's not much to tell. I worked in a office, and had my own appartment. When all this happened I was in a GameStop, and this man tried to attack me. I luckily made it out, one of the employees did not. Of course you know the rest. Government stuff and blah blah blah." finshes Cry as he moves his hands to emphasis what happened. Wish mine was as simple. "Hey, tonight it's your shift Pewds." says Piggeh, organizing the food in the broken cabinets. I look out the boarded up windows. The sunset was coming, and then night. Night was terrible, the infected were even more deadly at night because for some fucking reason the infected have night vision. I sigh, I was tired. "I'm going to sleep a bit before hand. Cry, I'll show you to your room." I say standing up. Cry follows my lead and I walk him up the stairs. The apartment was 5 stories, and had 4 rooms on each floor. Most rooms were not usable because they were broken, and destroyed. One room that wasn't broken was next to mine. I lead him to his room, and open the door. He walks in, and when he walks past me he whispers, "Thank you." 

I smile at him, and walk to my own room. I get to my bed and fall face first on it. I take off my shirt, and lay down. I was asleep within moments. 


First Pewdiecry fanfic. I would love a comment telling m how i did, and stuff like that. Sorry if things are not spelled right, or seem weird. I was writing this on my phone. Plus a vote plz!

~Rose Out!

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