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Dear...Diary...or Journal..whatever,

Anyway my mother gave me this journal so I could document my thoughts, feelings and such. I have been having flashes of what my uncle Hades says are from my past life. My mother wants me to write down everything from the flashes right after they happen in case I forget it later and so I can try and piece them together. Apparently the only way I can fully remember my past life is if I figured out the flashes myself. It's hard as it gives me terrible headaches and I can only ever see my own face, never anyone else's.

Oh I should probably tell you my name as I'm going to be writing in you a lot...My name is Jasper Jackson. I have a little brother who is a year younger than me and we live with our mother in New York. My little brother, Percy, and I are both demigods as our father is Poseidon. Apparently we are like the only children his has ever had, not sure why. Unfortunately we don't see him that often because our uncle Zeus makes him stay up in Olympus. I don't hate him for leaving us, but Percy does. That actually why his has that nickname, our father gave him his full name, Perseus, and his hates it. I think it is purely because Dad isn't around often. I think it is more of sadness and not hate, but I can't be sure. Mom was the one who picked my name so...

Percy and I have two really close friends from Camp Half-Blood. Annabeth, Percy's girlfriend, and Grover, a satyr. Percy has a pen, that is named Anaklusmos(Riptide), that magically can be turned into a sword when he pressed the button on top. You should've seen his face when it first changed. Priceless. I have a bracelet that has two charms, a glove and a shield. Both blue along with the bracelet. When I press down on the glove charm the bracelet turns into a metal spiked glove. I love it and as I am both faster and stronger than many of the other demigods at the Camp, it is the perfect weapon for me. The bracelet can also be turned into a shield if I press down on the other charm. The shield is almost completely impervious and can grow to the size of my whole body. My bracelet is called Whirlpool. (It's the best I could think of.)

Percy and I also have ablities. We both heal if in water or water is poured onto us. We can breathe under water, have hydrokinesis, geokinesis and weather manipulation. We also have enhanced endurance, are faster and have stronger senses. Although I am faster, stronger and my senses are a bit more enhanced than his are. 

Percy and I both have dyslexia so we can't read English, but we can read Greek perfectly. We can also read Spanish, as it is just easier and our dyslexia doesn't affect us as much when reading it. Same goes for French. We also had ADHD that allows us to be hyper active and helps us tell if danger is near. It also tends to annoy our teachers, but luckily we've had it long enough so that it doesn't affect our school work anymore. 

Unfortunately Percy and I are being forced to move into this tiny town in Washington. I believe the town is called Spoons, or something. Oddly though every time I think about the town, something about it seems familiar, I just don't know what. Anyway we are moving there because apparently someone is after us and it is the safest place they could send us. Mom knows what is going on, but refuses to tell us and worst of all she isn't even coming with us! I mean come on! If we are in danger, wouldn't she be as well and wouldn't that mean she should come too? 

Percy hates that we have to go there, probably because Mom, Annabeth and Grover can't come. Plus we've never been there before. We've always lived in New York and it will be weird. At least we are used to forests as we go to the Camp every summer. We have to leave before school starts, which is apparently in like a week. Freaking sucks. 

Well I before go, Percy and I still need to finish packing and say goodbye to our friends. I really hope Mom will be alright without us here to protect her...

I put down all the powers Percy is said to have off the Wiki. If it's wrong, tell me and I'll fix it. But it isn't my fault if it is as I got it off Wikipedia.

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