Chapter Three - "Aunt" Alyssa

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For off I'm sorry it's been so long since the last update with this. I didn't even realize it's been over a month since I last updated a chapter for this. 


 I was pushing the cart that had all thirteen bags, and Percy, on them. Percy had at first tried to push it, but it was too heavy, so instead I was in charge of that. It's a good thing I'm strong, seeing as Percy decided to jump on it as well and make me give him a ride. Lazy little brother. 

As I walked toward the front of the airport, where we would call a taxi to take us to Forks, I saw a bunch of people staring at us. Or more precisely, Percy, who was sitting on the bags playing a game on his iPad. Shaking my head, smiling, I quickened my pace and exited the airport. I stopped the cart a few feet from the doors, as I took a deep breath of the cold and rainy air. I could hear Percy doing the same as we both love the cold and the rain. You can probably guess why, I mean we are children of the oceans and oceans are cold. So duh.

Anyway, I looked around trying to see a taxi, but the only ones I could find, were already taken by someone. I stepped away from the cart and continued to try and find a taxi, but like before each time I could get it, someone else got it. That went on for a few minutes, before I heard Percy calling me. I looked back and saw that someone Percy had gotten one. 

I headed back over and helped the driver put our bags into the trunk. After all of them where in there, I got in the passenger seat while Percy got in back. "Where to, Boys?" The man asked looking over at me. 

"Forks. Address 937 Grant Street." I said and he nodded as he started driving away from the airport. 


 "Hey, could you drop me off here?" I asked seeing the high school where Alyssa said she works at. 

"How do you expect to get home, Jazz?" Percy asked leaning forward so he was in the middle of the two front seats. 

"Simple, I'll steal 'Aunt' Alyssa's car." I said smirking at him as I looked back at him as the cab rolled to a stop. 

"Have fun with that, Jazz." He said as I grabbed as I climbed out of the cab and into the bright sun that was surprisingly unobstructed. Alyssa told me there was hardly ever a sunny day here in Forks. 

"See ya in a little while, Perce." I said closing the door and ignored his shouts from inside the cab. I noticed a few students here and there, all staring at me, and headed toward the front office. Of course it seems I couldn't get there without some girl coming up to me and hitting on me. 

"Hi, I'm Mercy." This, fairly tall, girl said stepping in front of me. She, of course, was pale, had light blue eyes and bleached blonde hair. I could feel her allure and shivered in disgust. Although she took it the wrong way and stepped even closer to me. "Do you need any asstience? Or anything at all?" She asked as she circled me, running her finger down my arms, back and chest as she did so. "And I do mean anything." I shivered in disgust again and tried to get as far away from her as possible.

"No thank you." I said gently pushing her away and hurried to the front office, kind of rethinking my idea to get out of the cab here instead of at the house with Percy. I could feel her annoyance as I walked away and chuckled to myself a little as I opened the door to the front office and stepped inside. 

"Oh hello, Dear, what do you need?" The secretary asked as the door close behind me. 

"I'm here to speak with my Aunt, Alyssa Simone." I said leaning forward on the counter. 

"Well she isn't in a meeting right now so I guess you can go in." She said and before she could call Alyssa on the phone I walked in, laughing when I saw her sleeping on a pile of files. Apparently just loud enough so that she fell out of her chair, when she shot up. Making me laugh harder. 

"Who the fu...oh it's just you." She said getting up off the ground and glared at me slightly. "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to head to my house not here." 

"Oh you did, we were heading there when I saw the school. I decided why not come bother my favorite 'aunt?'" I said making quotation marks on aunt. 

"And how do you expect to get to my house, unless you made the taxi driver and Percy wait out front."

"Oh no, I told him to take Percy to the address I told him. And I expect to steal your car."

"And then how I am going to get home? I really doubt you would come pick me up after the school day is over." 

"Oh please, Alyssa, like you can't find a way home." I said and she pondered for a few seconds before tossing me her keys. 

"I was thinking about having some fun with one of the teachers anyway." She said before ushering me out of her office. 

"Good luck using your slutty magic!" I called, completely ignoring the secretary and three students in the front office talking to her. I quickly turned around and caught the pear she threw at my head. "Thanks! I needed breakfast anyway." I called laughing as I quickly exited the front office before she threw something else at me. I walked around to the teacher and staff parking lot and almost instantly spotted Alyssa's Aston Martin. Not that hard when it's that god awful color. It was bright yellow and I once again rethought deciding to steal it to get to her house. "I should've just stayed in the cab with Percy." I muttered under my breath as I headed over to it. I went to put the key in the door, and groaned putting the palm of my hand against my forehead, clenching my teeth, as a memory flashed through my mind. 

I looked around at all the expensive cars that filled the parking lot. I looked in front of me and chuckled to myself at some short figure in front of me skipping along. "Hurry up, Jasper!" The figure exclaimed turning back toward me and I could feel her impatience. Just to spite her, I started walking even slower, but that only lasted a few seconds before she walked back toward me and grabbed my wrist then started dragging me along behind her. 

"Miss, have you decided one what kind of car you would like?" The car salesman asked when he got over to him. I could feel his attraction to her, so I put my arm around her waist and gently pulled her against me as I slightly glared at him. 

"I want a porshe!" She exclaimed happily and hopped a little in place. 

"Follow me and I'll show you to them." He said quickly turning around and kind of rushing over to the porshes. I followed just behind, with my arm still around her. "Here we..." He said, but was interrupted when she squealed and ran over to a yellow porshe. 

"I want this one!" She yelled bouncing in place in front of it. I scowled slightly at the color, only to smile at her when she turned around to look at me. 

"Whatever you want, Love." I said as I turned around to the salesman just as everything started to fade.

I groaned holding my head as the light from the sun blinded me when the flash ended. "God I hate those." I muttered unlocking the car and got in. I would have to deal with the pain from my headache unfortunately as my pills were in my bag that I left in the cab. Along with my journal. I really hoped I managed to remember everything that happened in that flash by the time I got to Alyssa's house. Sighing, I turned the engine on and drove out of the parking lot.

Jasper Jackson (Percy Jackson/Twilight Crossover)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant