Chapter Six - How?

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Emmett and I walked to our fourth period class, Honor Math, silently. Nothing had been the same since Jasper was killed a little over nineteen years ago. Emmett wasn't nearly as happy and playful, Edward moped around as he missed discussing things with him. Bella had learned to play the guitar like Jasper so every once in a while she could play it to try and help everyone's moods. Which never really worked that well. Esme focused on keeping his room constantly clean and untouched. Carlisle spent even more time at the hospital and some times we had to drag him home or we wouldn't see him for days. Nessie didn't really know him as she was only a few months old when he died, but she would ask Edward, Bella or one of us to tell her bedtime stories about him, even though now she was an adult. Even Jacob missed him as they would practice fighting a lot. I spent more time in the garage messing with the cars, but never even touched his car. The pack even felt sorry for us. And Alice...

Well I don't think Alice will ever be the same again. She wasn't nearly as happy anymore and would hardly even go shopping anymore because it would constantly remind her about all the times we both dragged Jasper and Emmett with us to carry all our bags. She spent most of her nights in her room hugging his old guitar to her chest or cuddling with his clothes on her bed. We all have tried to help her, but nothing short of him coming back to live would make her the way she used to be. When he was first killed, one of us had to constantly be with her because she turned a bit suicidal and we didn't want to lose some else. After the first five years she got much better, but still wasn't as happy as she was when he was here with us. It makes me hate myself everyday, because I was supposed to go hunting with him the day he was killed, but decided against it the last minute deciding I was going to go with Emmett the next day. I always wonder if maybe he would have lived if I had gone with him. Fortunately Alice, and the others, don't blame me. If anything Alice blames herself. She blames herself for not seeing it happen and stopping it in time. 

Emmett and I sat down in our seats, that were right next to each other and I stared blankly at Mr. Grant while Emmett stared at, honestly I'm not sure what he was staring at. “Alright class today this week we are going to work on...” He started, but was interrupted by the door opening. I looked over and gasped quietly when I saw a guy that looked identical to Jasper, only with dark brown hair, green eyes and was clearly human. 

“Sorry, I'm late.” He said rubbing the back of his neck and I looked at Emmett who looked just as shocked as I was. 

“EDWARD!!!!” I yelled in my head knowing it would catch his attention and then projected an image in my head of this guy. 

“That is fine, Mr. Jackson.” Mr. Grant said smiling at the guy. “It is your first day after all, just try not to let it happen again.” 

“Yes, Sir.” He said and for a second I was sure I heard a bit of a southern, Texan, accent, but shook my head sure that I was hearing things since he looked so much like Jasper.

“Here is your translated textbook, notes on what you missed so far and a packet that needs to be finished by the end of the week.” Mr. Grant told him as he was handed the guy's schedule and the guys grabbed the things Mr. Grant gave him. 

“Thank you.” He said and I saw him shift his weight from one leg to the other as he continued to look at Mr. Grant. 

“Why don't you introduce yourself to the class, Mr. Jackson.” 

“Mornin'.” He said and both Emmett and I gasped again hearing that there was a definite southern accent with his New Yorker one. “My name is Jasper Jackson.” My eyes widened at that. I mean not only did he looked like Jasper, but his name was Jasper as well? What kind of odds are those?! “I'm eighteen and I just moved here from New York with my younger brother to live here with our Aunt.” I looked at Emmett again though out his sentence, because his southern accent over ruled New Yorker accent and it sounded just like Jasper's. It was freaky really. 

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