Chapter Five - Off to school we go

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"JASPER GET YOUR LAZY @SS UP!" I heard someone yell as I was smacked in the face with something soft. Probably a pillow. With my eyes closed, I grabbed whatever I was being hit with before the person could hit me again. After throwing it off to the side, I opened my eyes and saw Alyssa standing beside my bed with her hands on her hips and an angry expression on her face. Although I didn't need to look at her face to tell that little tidbit. 

"Really, Alyssa, you decide to wake me up by yelling and smacking me in the face with a pillow?" I asked sitting up on my bed and stretching as she continued to stand there angry. "What?"

"Go wake up the little annoyance that is your brother." She ordered and I could sense her irriation growing. 

"You weren't able to?"

"No and I tried everything!" She exclaimed and began pacing back and further a few feet from my bed. "I tried nicely telling him to wake up while lightly shaking him. Then shaking him harder while yelling. I even tried smacking him with things that wouldn't really hurt him. My last try was to throw a bucket full of ice cold water on..." She ranted and I interrupted her before she could get any further.

"Wait, you threw water on him?" I asked raising my eyebrows at her and she turned around to look at me with narrowed eyes. 


"Alyssa, that is the worst thing to do when trying to wake us up."


"Alyssa, you tried to wake up one of  Poseidon's sons with water."


"Both Percy and I have gone to sleep while either floating in or under the water. Water only puts us into a deeper sleep." I explained and her cursed, loudly, while she turned around and threw her arms up into the air. 

"Just get him up before I decide to throw him down the stairs." She muttered as she stormed out of my room, slamming the door behind her. I let out a laugh as I climbed off my bed and leaned back until I heard my back pop. I let out a groan of relief as I stood straight back up and yawned before heading out of my room. I was wearing my dark blue pajama pants and a random baggy shirt I had put on before falling to sleep. Although I had looked at my alarm clock, which I had yet to program  my alarm into, before I was out of my room and realized I had slept for almost twenty hours. I went to sleep sometime around ten yesterday, and it was now six in the morning. Wow I must of had major jetlag to sleep that long. 

I walked across the hall toward Percy's room and headed in as I yawned again. I walked over to his bed and laughed to myself when I saw him sleeping soundlessly in his bed while it was soaking with water. I think the funniest part of it all was apparently Alyssa had put ice cubes in the water so I could see a few here and there around, and on, Percy. "Hey, Perce, wake up little bro." I said softly as I lightly shook his shoulder. 

"Go away, Mom." He muttered sleepily as he rolled over in his bed so his back was facing me. 

"I'm not Mom, Perce." I said laughing as I tried shaking him again. "Perce, you need to get up, little bro. Our first day of school is today." 

"Don't care."

"Dude, just get up." 


"Perce, get up before I send Annabeth those pictures I took the summer before we first went to the camp." I said and he shot up in his bed. He turned around to look at me and glared. 

"You wouldn't." He hissed. 

"Oh I would. Now get your butt and get ready for school. We have to leave in less than forty minutes if we don't want to be late for school." I told him as I turned and headed back out of his room and toward mine to get ready. 

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