Chapter Four - Exploring our new home

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I pulled up to Alyssa's house and looked at it before driving into the drive way. It was a two story brown house. It wasn't the most beautiful house, but was nice. There were around eleven windows from the front, although most of them were right next to each other. The front door had an overhang over it with the same dark brown tiles roof and white trimming. It was being held up by two white pillars. All of the roof had white trimmings on it, there was also white trimming around the windows, the garage door was also white. And the corners of the house had white trimming. In the very middle, where the front door was situated and above it, was sticking out a bit from the rest of the house and was made out of brown stone. It looked very nice against the rest of the house. There wasn't really much of a yard as none of the houses seemed to have a front yard. Although they seemed to have kind of large backyards that would go into the forest a bit. There was a small tree planted to the right of the front door and looked to be about ten to twenty years old. 

I looked over at the front door and laughed when I saw Percy standing by the front door with all our bags. He was leaning against the door and only pushed himself off when I parked in front of the garage door. "Percy, why are you waiting for me outside the house instead of...oh I don't know. Inside the house?" I asked as I closed and locked the door to Alyssa's car. 

"Well I would've been waiting inside the house, but you have the only key we were given." He said glaring at me slightly as I laughed. I had completely forgotten about that or I would've given Percy the key before I went to bother Alyssa. I walked passed him and unlocked the door, after somewhat purposely taking a while to find the key. After opening the door Percy rushed in and by what I could hear, up the stairs. I rolled my eyes and took all the bags inside. I set them down to the left of the door and closed it before looking around. 

The entrance way was pretty much a hall that had doors on either end. This end's door obviously being a the front door and the door on the other end was the door that looked to lead out to the backyard. The stairs, which were hard wood like the floor in the entrance/hallway, were to the right of the front door. They were so close to the front door that if you opened the door too hard, it would hit the bottom of the stairs. A bit too close if you ask me. I could hear Percy upstairs, probably searching for his room, and decided to check out the first story of Alyssa's house before checking out the second story and trying to find my new room. Although I did wonder if Percy and I would have our own rooms or share one like we do at home and at camp. We've always shared a room so it wouldn't really be any different from home. The walls of the entrance way, plus the hallway, were a deep brown and had random pictures here and there. There was a white chair just randomly sitting in the corner near the front door. 

I left the bags by the front door and headed down the hall. There was a large two door wide door way that sloped up into an arch and looking in I saw it was the living room. It wasn't too large, but was a lot larger than ours back in New York. I would say it was about twenty feet by fifteen or at least something close to that. There was only one in the room and it was situated right in the middle of the wall opposite the doorway. It was at least five feet wide and had about two feet below it and one above. The flooring was the same dark brown hard wood of the hallway and stairs to the second floor. The couch was rather small, only looked to fit about five people and the far corner was longer than I rest. Possibly so whoever sat there could lie down on it. The couch was white by the way. It had two foot stools that went with it, but they were set off to the side for more seats and instead there was a white, and incredibly short, coffee table that had a random bright red cloth on the left side of it. It also looked to have a bit that went out from the side opposite the couch. Possibly to make more room or something. The wall behind the couch, and the ceiling and two of the wall, was white with dark brown trimming around the edges and had a bunch of black and white pictures of Greece and the camp. The wall with the window had floor length kind of cream colored curtains that were opened off to the sides of the wall. The wall opposite the couch was dark brown and had a large possibly sixty inch flat screen TV mounted on the wall. Under neath it was a white counter-like thing that had a PS3, X-Box 360 and a WiiU on it. To the left of the TV, when looking at it, was a large dark brown cabinet that probably housed the games for them. Alyssa may not play video games often, but she's always had a problem with buying every game that comes out. Helps that she is rich and it's nice for Percy and I whenever we visit her, and now since we are living with her, as we can play any game. 

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