Chapter Seven - Why do they seem so familiar?

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The translations I have may not be right as I'm using Google Translate, and it doesn't always work perfectly. But it will have to do, so please bare with me.


I had dragged Percy all the way to the lunch room and over to the lunch line before I let him go. And you can assume that he was all grumpy and b*tched about me doing that. But honestly he's always grumpy during the school year. Has been since our first summer at the Camp. He hates being away from Annabeth for the whole school year, especially now that they started dating. FINALLY! And I think another reason he is grumpy is we are in a whole different place, across the country no less, don't really know anyone here, Annabeth isn't here, although she is closer than she would normally be since she lives in Cali. Also Grover isn't here and we've been friends with him since we were young, he was Percy's friend first since they are the same age, and worst of all Mom is all the way back in New York. Which we both hate that. A lot.

The wait to get to the front of the line was fairly short and Percy and I were soon at the front. I quickly grabbed one of the last hamburgers with fries as we walked down the line and also grabbed an orange and a can of pop before paying for it all. I waited at the end of the line for Percy, and saw he had gotten pretty much the same thing, except he had gotten and apple and had coke instead of sprite like I had grabbed. He quickly paid for his lunch and I led him over to an empty table in one of the two corners of the room. It was one of the two empty tables and I doubted Percy wanted to sit with anyone anyway. He never was the most social. At school anyway. At the Camp he was extremely social, as was I. That's probably because we can be who we truly are at the Camp and don't have to hide anything. There isn't really secrets at the Camp, at least there usually isn't.

I sat down in the seat that was against the corner, I think it was even close enough so I could lean the chair back against the wall, while Percy sat down to my left. We both started eating in silence, neither of us really had anything to say, and I had just shoved three fries into my mouth when I sensed most of, if not all of, the other teens' emotions change from curiosity, lust *Shiver* and slight jealousy shift to a lot more jealousy, lust *Again Shiver* and hate. Although while the emotions were once focused on Percy and I, these ones were focused on someone else.

I looked over at the door leading into the lunch room and saw the two really good looking teens I had in my fourth period. The ones who almost caused a flash before. Although strangely enough I didn't get even the slightest headache, or felt a flash coming on, as I watched them enter the lunch room. And since I didn't have to worry about getting a headache, and memory flash, but looking at them, I decided why not examine what they looked like while I could? The first one I looked at was a beautiful blonde, although I didn't really find her that attractive she was more of a friend or...sister even in level of attractiveness. But that doesn't take away from the fact that she was very beautiful and by the emotions of a lot of guys right now, they all found her hot. I've never really liked calling women that. It seemed...not rude, but just ungentleman-like. Although Percy thinks that mainly because of my past life, seeing as I've concluded that I did life during the Civil War era. And yet I've had flashes of modern time...That's one really big reason it's SO hard to decipher my memory flashes. I have flashes from over a hundred years ago and from like twenty or so years ago. It just succeeds in making my head hurt more.

And BACK on my original topic...

The girl, or more of young woman, had long wavy blonde hair that flowed down passed her shoulders and even from this distance, I could see that it was probably very soft. She was wearing a dark purple blouse with an even dark purple jacket on over it. The Jacket was also buttoned up and made it almost impossible to see her blouse, but I could. Barely. I also noticed she was wearing a pair of black slacks and I'm sure heels, seeing as I could hear heels on the lunch room floor. Helped that there was hardly any noise right now. Apparently everyone was watching them and not talking. I should pay them to be around all the time if this keeps up. At least this way I don't have to listen to annoying, and completely pointless chatter. One reason it kind of sucks to have enhances senses. Which Percy does as well, but mine are still better than his.

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