Chapter Eight - ...Wha...?

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Bella, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie and I quickly met up with Jacob and Reneesme and after in forming them about the Jasper look alike so they didn't stop and stare at him when they saw him, we started heading into the lunch room which by now would be filled with the rest of the students. Of course Emmett and Rosalie walked in first, with Jacob and Reneesme a bit behind. While I was waiting with Bella for our entrance, I focused on Jasper's thoughts and saw he was taking in all of their looks and heard him wonder why they all, besides Reneesme, looked a bit familiar. Because I was focusing so much on his mind, I also missed the Que for Bella and I to enter.

As soon as we entered I could hear Jasper taking in our looks and noticed, somewhat stiffly, that he noticed that Reneesme looked like both Bella and I. But sighed silently in relief when he concluded that she was related to one of us and the other just looked like her. Although he sounded a bit skeptical about that conclusion. 

Bella and I headed over to the lunch line where the others were waiting and I just barely stopped when Alice walked into the lunch room and I heard a very distinctive southern/New Yorker accent say something in what I think was Greek, but I'm not really sure. Alice would know as she got very obsessed with learning Greek after our Jasper died. Although even she wasn't really sure why she became so obsessed with learning it. When Esme asked her once, she simply said that she felt compelled to. 

I looked over at Jasper and saw he was holding his head in his hands and not a second later I was pulled into what seemed to be a flashback that he was having. 

I looked around and saw that I was in a very familiar location. Since Alice is often thinking about this location as according to her it helps when she remembers how she and Jasper met. I looked toward the entrance when I heard the door open, as I was in a corner of the diner and didn't seem able to move out of it no matter what I tried, and saw our Jasper walk through the door. 

I watched as he looked around the few people that were in the diner, stiffly I might had, before walking toward the other side where there were maybe two or three people. As he passed someone sitting on a diner stool, they turned around and I saw that it was Alice. Nearly cementing that this was the same memory I'm often find Alice thinking about. 

"Hello, Jasper." Alice said smiling at him like she always did when she knew something, or someone, the person she was talking to didn't. Honestly I think she just likes to mess with people. Probably true considering. 

Who are you?” He asked narrowing his eyes at her, I think as I'm facing his back, but I'd bet that's what he's doing. Expessically since he seemed ready to attack if needed. Happens when you lived the life he had, even if he never told us all of it. To be honestly I'm not sure if he ever even told Alice everything of his past. He always seemed pretty ashamed of it whenever we talked out our pasts.

I'm Alice.” She said completely unaffected by his glare. She was the only one who never was. But that might have had to do with them being mates and all. You can't really, physically, hurt your mate.  

How do you know my name?” He asked after a calming down a bit and Alice motioned for him to sit down on the stool next to her. It was pretty clear he only sat down because it was polite. That was one thing that allows made Emmett laugh. Our Jasper could be ruthless while in battle, but could still be as polite as can be right after.

Before anything else could happen everything stared to fade to black and all sound slowly disappeared.

"Edward, what happened?" Bella asked looking at me concerned after I was able to finally pull myself out of Jasper's mind. I shook my head slightly and saw the others were also looking at me with worried expressions. Well all of them besides Alice who was too busy staring at Jasper to pay us any attention. 

"I'll explain at the table." I said just as Percy got up from their table and rushed, somewhat quickly, out of the lunch room as Jasper put his head on the table in front of him sighing almost too quietly for even us to hear. We all quickly got our lunch, Bella having to pretty much drag Alice as she was still too busy staring at Jasper to even you know...MOVE!

As soon as we got to our table and all sat down, everyone looked at me waiting for an explation. "Edward?" Rosalie asked after a few seconds as apparently that was too long for any of them to wait for me to start talking.

"Well I was pulled into a sort of flashback by that Jasper." I started explaining and caught all of their attention, even Alice's surprisingly. "I seemed to happen just as Alice walked in, but the flashback itself was what shocked me so much."

"What was it about?" Alice asked sounding a bit apprehensive. 

I looked straight into her eyes before answering. "It was about the night you and our Jasper met in that diner. The very same one you think about a lot." I said and watched as her eyes widened to the size of plates. Along with the others before everyone looked over at Jasper who was still resting his head on his table. 

Before anyone could comment, out loud at least, the lunch room doors opened again and Percy came back in holding a journal of sorts. As he walked passed I saw that the front of it was in another language. We watched as he passed the journal over to Jasper before sitting down and finished eating his lunch as Jasper lifted his head back up and began writing in it. Going by what I could hear from his mind he was writing down the flashback for some reason. Possibly so he could go back later to look at it and so he wouldn't forget anything.

"We need to speak to Carlisle and Esme about this after school." I said looking back at the others and they all, excluding Alice, nodded in agreement. 

We were going to find out about this Jasper Jackson and what his link to our Jasper was even if we had to stalk him to find the information. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2013 ⏰

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