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"In ten days, I will defeat you."

For a moment, san even doubted himself.

The next moment, he was startled by his momentary doubt and cursed himself in his mind, shocked that he was actually scared by a greenhorn. He had lived for most of his life, was he really inferior to such a weak and inexperienced youngster? A mere little kid, with no filter on his words, so arrogant, not knowing his own limits!

He coldly snorted, " He lisa, do you know what you're talking about?"

"Do you want me to repeat it?" The young boy smiled mischievously, "Since your ears seem to be failing you, I'll say it again. In ten days, I will defeat you."

"You!" san clenched his fists.

"Is He lisa crazy..." Hong mingyu mumbled. Everyone had witnessed san's archery skills, and although He lisa had made some progress since yesterday, could he really hit the bull's-eye with one arrow in just ten days of practice?

The young boy had a lot of confidence, and it was understandable to make bold statements in the heat of the moment, but what if he couldn't deliver later?

"If I can't defeat you, I'll become a support soldier," He lisa replied straightforwardly, "But if you can't defeat me..."

"I'll become a support soldier!" san declared loudly.

"I didn't say that," He lisa shook her head, "Even if I asked you to become a support soldier, Instructor Liang wouldn't agree." She gave a meaningful glance towards Liang Ping.

Curses, how does this kid know what I'm thinking? With san's talent, if he's used as a support soldier, the head instructor will surely discipline him!

"In that case, what do you propose?" san impatiently asked.

In He lisa's mind, a memory suddenly emerged from her younger days at Xianchang Academy, when young boys loved to make agreements and bet on games. Xiao jungkook, as the top student of Xianchang Academy, had been challenged many times when he was young. What did he say back then? She remembered the young boy sitting behind the rockery in the study hall, half asleep, being awakened by someone and irritably sitting up. He lazily said to the peer who came to challenge him in archery and horsemanship, "Fine, if I lose, you can do whatever you want. But if you lose," he smirked, "you have to call me 'Father.'"

As He lisa recalled that, she felt that the current situation was somewhat similar.

But she couldn't let san call her "Father."

"How about this, I heard you are the leader of the mountain bandits, the big boss. If I defeat you, it will prove my ability surpasses yours, and in the future, you will have to call me 'Boss.' How about that?" she suggested.

Everyone looked at the small and thin He lisa, whose arms were as thin as firewood, and then at the tall and strong san, whose fists were bigger than her face. They fell into silence.

"Your ambition is not small," san stared at He lisa intensely, his smile becoming cold.

"To be honest, before I joined the military, I also considered becoming an outlaw." He lisa's face was filled with emotion.

When she ran away from the He family, she carried her baggage at night and hesitated several times at the city gate, unable to decide between two paths. One path led south to become an outlaw, which was free and unrestrained, with no one to control you. But the downside was that if the harvest was poor, you would have nothing to eat, and you might starve. Moreover, the government would come to suppress the bandits, and you would have to hide constantly, which was not very dignified.

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