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254: Wenzheng

Prince Guangyan wants to agree to the Utuo's request for peace, and stirs up storms in Shuojing. Yu Shi's Zhezi did not make Guang Yan change his mind. The Uto envoy, who was previously under house arrest by Emperor Wen Xuan, reappeared near the imperial palace. Although he spoke to courtiers in a humble tone with a smile, he couldn't hide his pride in his eyes.

After the next dynasty, the courtiers had different thoughts, and everyone hid their thoughts in the depths. Two days have passed. Tomorrow is the day to enter the imperial tomb. Once the imperial tomb enters, the prince will become the throne. In the days to come, I'm afraid it's getting worse and worse.

As soon as I left the Chengle Palace, I heard the sound of books coming from the front. The officials raised their eyes and saw that, for some unknown time, dozens of young people were sitting in the open space in front of the Chengle Palace. Shirt student.

These students are all sitting on the ground. The headed person has white hair and white hair, dressed in official uniforms, and is old and condensed. It is Wei Xuanzhang, the owner of Xianchang Pavilion.

Wei Xuanzhang is actually a person with real talent and real learning, but his character is too stubborn and stubborn. When he was young, he offended many people, and was later sent to be the curator of Xianchang Pavilion. The owner of this museum is very suitable for his preaching personality at every turn. Although he has no real power, he has enjoyed himself all these years. This time the prince Guangyan promised the Utuo to seek peace and open a bargaining field in Dawei. Wei Xuanzhang strongly opposed it. Except for those imperial histories, he had the most excerpts. It's just that his current official position is low, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to give Guang Yan a second look. Those words of disgusting heartfelt words are just an extra one in the waste paper pile.

"Curator Wei?" A courtier who knew him asked, "What are you doing here?" He leaned closer and whispered: "Sir, go back, your Highness can't change his mind now."

This is a former student who knew him well, and he didn't want to see him offend the future king, so he kindly reminded him.

Wei Xuanzhang remained unmoved. He only looked in the direction of Chengle Palace, and said in a long voice: "Weichen, risk your death for admonishment. Please take it back and let the Utuo open a bargaining field in Dawei!"

In Chengle Palace, there was no movement.

The sun quietly sprinkled on the long ground outside the palace, like a layer of fine gold. The young students are full of vigor, black and white in their eyes, and the old veteran is standing in the spring breeze like the setting sun about to go down, with a little bit of brilliance left behind.

He stood up slowly, his body, which had always been tough, is now showing some old-fashioned attitude, a little staggering. After standing still, he suddenly read aloud: "The weather is righteous, mixed with manifolds. The bottom is Yue, and the top is Rixin. Yu Ren said Haoran, Peihu Saicangming..."

The students beside him paused, and followed the old curator to recite.

"...The Yellow Road shall be Qing Yi, Han and Tuming Court. When the time is poor, you will see each other, one by one will be green!"

One by one!

Wei Xuanzhang recites "Song of Righteous Qi".

In Chengle Palace, the prince Guang Yan slammed the cup in his hand to the ground, "What did that old thing say outside? My palace is going to chop off his head!"

The confidant on his side hurriedly knelt down on the corner of his robe, "His Royal Highness, never! At least not before the ceremony! Wei Xuanzhang has no other charges, and he is the owner of the Xianchang Pavilion. , I'm afraid that it will provoke the courtiers and the people to discuss..."

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