Episode One (Walk Like An Egyptian) 2/2

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You figured a flight from your starting point to Egypt would be a few hours, and in that time you decided to take advantage and get buddy buddy with a few team members

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You figured a flight from your starting point to Egypt would be a few hours, and in that time you decided to take advantage and get buddy buddy with a few team members. But first you had to get your head straight. You stood up from your seat next to Noah and made your way to the confessionals, not noticing the many eyes watching you.

Noah for one, had noticed you hadn't attempted to talk to anyone yet and were likely strategizing who would be best to talk to. Alsoooo- she smells really good..like vanilla?

Courtney had also been watching you, not in the same way Noah had. She was just taking in your looks. She thought you were pretty but didn't want you anywhere near 'her' Duncan. Soooo- new girl is kinda cute..I guess

And then there was Alejandro. He only took glances at you, as he did everyone. Simply to observe. See if you would be a good pawn. No current thoughts on you...just observing.

Heather was another person watching you. She had screwed up her chances of becoming friends with the people here in season one after becoming a total back stabber and manipulator. Her plan: become your friend and then dispose of you when you no longer had any value. Right now she was looking a little crazy and desperate in her corner of the plane.


"To be honest...I don't really know what to do!!"
You paused and sighed.

"There are so many people here that could be useful but at the same time it's so hard for me to talk to people!"

"I think my best plan would be to..ugh! Is this even recording??" You hit the camera before laughing awkwardly after realizing it was in fact..recording. "Oops..embarrassing! Anyways! My best plan would be to find someone to be friends with, literally anyone. That way I have someone on my side always. And then find someone like Heather or Alejandro to use for their skills." You shrugged and stood up. "They won't know what hit em'..yeah"


You made your way back, this time noticing the people watching you, one of them being Noah. Perfect! He can be my friend. Also he has some sort of..comedic relief thing going for him so that's a plus.

"Hey! You're Noah right?" You asked, sitting next to him again. "No im just some random intern- yes im Noah!" He said looking annoyed and closing his book. "Okay chill it Empire State Building for a forehead, I just wanted to make a friend." He raised a brow...not like he wasn't half the time, "sorry pinkie pie, I'm not very fond of making friends with a pony." He took a hit at your very obvious pink aura.

"So what is it? Am I pinkie pie or a mystical elf?" You asked letting out a small giggle. He paused for a second looking in shock before continuing. "Actually, I said magical elf. And both." You hummed in agreement and took a peak at his book, "whatcha reading nerd?" Noah looked at you like you were tweaking. "Do you read?" He asked. You crossed your legs, "sometimes." Noah scoffed, "sometimes isn't good enough for me to tell you." He stood up, leaving you sitting next to Izzy.

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