24. Surprised

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Abhiveer's POV~

The door creaks with noise as I push it open. The window curtains of the room were pulled open, casting moonlight on my Lil. twins sleeping on their beds.

I walk towards Senaya's bed. Adjusting the blanket that had bundled up around her feet.

Pressing a soft kiss and murmuring 'Good night and sleep heaven.' I moved towards Siya's bed.

Siya's hair crowded her face. And She...in a peaceful slumber.

I walked closer to her sleeping figure before taking a spot on the soft mattress of her bed, by her side.

Caressing her hair with my fingers, I side the naughty strings of her hairline who had made up their mind to disturb my lil's sleep.

Outside Doctor's cabin ~

"She's a bit of a lost case, Mr. Rathore."

The advice of the doctor rang in my ears as I walk out of her cabin. And almost stumble upon.

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. I never knew about my Lil. Sis.

What she was suffering from.

What her thoughts were making her like.

Our of nowhere Reyansh turned up. Anchoring me. Supporting me.

He slide his arm around my waist while holding my other arm over his shoulder.

I look at him. For the strength he had shown. For never letting my sister go down into that darkness.

"Let's go, Bhai Sa."

And I was suspicious of them. Not knowing the whole truth.

"Thank you, Reyansh."

He shake his head, before saying.

"She's my Lil. Bug too, bhai. And I will do everything I can to protect her."

I nodded my head.

To present ~

The door of the room creak open as Reyansh entered before leaning his side towards the wall. His arms Crossed over his chest.

I released an agitated breath before saying,


"Bhai, she is already tensed of all the things happening. And a panic attack won't help her in her state. Not when she definitely doesn't even know we are here."

My body tense at the word Panic attack.

"Neither of you being here, will help."

We both know I'm wrong. But no one corrected the sentence.

I diverted my gaze from his face and back to my Lil.

Her eyes flutter open a little.

'We woke her up from our talks.' I thought, irritated with us. That we woke her.

I got up and distance myself from her. Not to worsen the situation. Reyansh moved forward from his position. His body tense.

Siya blinks her eye to adapt to the changes and darkness of the room. Her body tensed as her eyes cleared and focused on us.

"Bhai..." She hesitate.

"Shhh..." Reyansh pressed his finger to his lips, indicating towards Senaya's sleeping form.

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