Part 3: A day at bts's home

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"Guys, really, what happend?,, Jimin asks serious. "It was a mistake. I didn't have myself under control.,, J-Hope says to me guilty. He continues:" Can I tell Jimin or do you feel too uncomfortable?,,  He asks me cute and I say:" Yea, you can tell him. It's not like something serious happend.,, J-Hope looks at Jimin and says:" Me and Y/N nearly did it. But just nearly. Nothing serious happend. Like Y/N said bevore.,, Jimin is shoked at this and asks me:" Is that true?,, I slowly nod for yes but quickly say:" It's  really nothing serious. It was really a mistake. We both didn't have ourselfs under control and it was my fault after all.,, Both look at me confused and shoked now. "Y/N, I started giving you kisses. It's my fault.,, "J-Hope, it's my fault. I mean I am the one who watched Baepsae.,, "Yes, but I was so dumb and didn't hold back my emotions. I could've hold myself back.,, Jimin who is watching this Drama now says:" Ok, I heard enough. You guys will drive me crazy. Just don't do this again. It will bring us all problems.,, "Yes it will. Be happy that I told RM to stay in his room.,, Jin says who suddenly stands inside the room, leaning on the door. "Jin, how much did you hear from this?,, J-Hope asks and Jin answers:" I heard enough to know what happend. You, please come with me.,, and he points at me. "But what if the others see me?,, I ask worried. "RM knows you're here, I know, J-Hope knows, Jimin does and Yoongi also. Tae and jk are the only one who don't know. So come now.,, I do as Jin says and he leads me to his room. We sit on his bed and he says:" You don't have to worry. What happens in this room, stays in this room. You can tell me everything.,, He doesn't seem angry or like he will punsh me. He looks relaxed and friendly at me. "Will you tell me what exactly happend with J-Hope?,, He asks carefull and I tell him what happend. Jin just listens to me and don't asks anything. He tries to understand everything and when I end the Story he says:" Wow, I always knew J-Hope would give his heart to a Girl, but I never knew he could fall for a Girl this easy.,, I blush and say:"That was just a mistake. He doesen't feel somthing for me.,, Jin looks at me pats my shoulder and says:" Belive me. I know him. He defenetly fell for you.,, "And why are you so sure about this?,, I ask in disbelive. "We did Songs with a few Girls, he made a collab with IU and BackyG, we had multiply Fanmeetings and he never looked at a Girl like he is looking at you. He doesen't know he fell for you yet, but he will notice it soon. J-Hope is actually a person who has his feelings under control and he doesen't do things without thinking about what could happen. So, just belive me.,, Jin says and I am overwhelmed. "Do You like him?,, Jin asks curious. "I do but Tae is my Bias. I like him more.,, I say shy and Jin answers:"Then tell him. Tell J-Hope that you like Tae more.,, I roll my eyes and say:"I already told him that Tae is my Bias. I told him in the fanmeeting. That was the reason Yoongi shouted Tae's name. By the way, how does Yoongi know I am here?,, Jin laughs at this and I don't get why. I just look at Jin laughing. It feels good to hear him laugh, I really missed that. "Yoongi knows you're here because he saw you from his window.,, Jin says while looking at his window. I just keep looking at him and now he turns around and I blush knowing he knows I was starring at him. "I know I am handsome.,, he says smiling and I replay:" Ofcurse, you are World wide handsome.,, Jin smiles more and says: "Yes, that's right. Finally someone who appreciates my beauty.,, He pats my head. "I like you. Y/N, that's right or?,, I nod for yes and am happy he remembers my name. "If you ever want to talk, you can come to me. I'll give you my number. Jimin already broke enough rules, so I can do this too.,, He says and writes his number on a little paper. He gives me the paper and I put it in my pocket. "I guess I go back to J-Hope and Jimin bevore they do something pabo.,, I say and Jin just nods for yes. I stand up and hurry to Jimin's room. I open the door when I bump into someone. "Sorry, I didn't see you.,, I say and rub my head. I look up and see a Tae sitting infront of me. I blush and say:"Hi,, He smiles and says:"Hey, I didn't know you are here. I am so happy to see you again.,, He suddenly hugs me and I hug him back. It feels so nice. We let go and he helps me stand up. "How is it going inside there?,, I ask worried and he rolls his eyes "They are annoying. I walked by and heard them scream, so I went in to ask what happend. They didn't tell me.,, "Tae, I am the reason they shout at each other. I will explain you later, but I have to go in there now.,, I say and we say goodbye. I go inside and say:"Guys, stop argueing. I am here. Please let us talk and not shout. I am sure I can help.,, I see J-Hope standing in middle of the room and Jimin who is sitting on his bed. I go between them and say:"Please talk with me. I don't want to be the reason you don't talk to each other.,, I say sad and Hobi directly says:"It's not your fault. Don't say such things.,, He takes my hand in his and looks into my eyes. "Yes, come on flirt with her. That will help.,, Jimin says annoyed and I let go from J-Hope. "He is not flirting with me. He tries to make me feel better. Unless then you.,, I say annoyed. "I wouldn't be like this if he didn't hurt you!,, Jimin nearly shouts and I replay:" For the hundrets time, he didn't hurt me. He just kissed my damn neck!,, "I understand somthing else in 'nearly did it'.,, Jimin says still angry. J-Hope now says:"I explained you what happend a hundret times, but you never listen.,, "Maybe he listens to me.,, I say and continue:" Jimin, will you let me explain?,, He nods for yes and I sit next to him. "J-Hope, can you go outside the room please? I really want to fix this problem.,, I say and he nods for yes understanding me. He goes out and I explain everything to Jimin. I try to tell in details, so he understands every act J-Hope and me did. I finnish to explain and he seems to understand now. "I thought he took of some of your clothes.,, Jimin says rethinking everything. "No, he never did, and he didn't hurt me either.,, I say calming. "I guess I have to say sorry to you.,, Jimin says and I replay:"I think you have to say sorry to J-Hope.,, He looks at me and smiles:" But just because you told me to.,, He takes my face in his one hand and says:"We can continue what happend in the Park.,, I blush and he comes closer stroking a hair behind my ear with his other hand. He directly looks into my eyes, making my heart bead faster. "Jimin, we shouldn't do this.,, I say and stand up from the bed. "Why? Don't you like me?,, He asks sad and I say:"No, ofcours I like you, but-,, Jimin cuts me off "Then why you don't want to kiss me? Please just do it and don't think about it.,, He stands up also and again looks in my eyes. I can feel the 'Jimin efect'on me and I can't resist it. "I want to kiss you but this is too much for me. Today happend so much and I just can't do this today.,, I say and he replays:"Okay. I understand. It was really much for you I guess. You can take a rest here or maybe eat with us. I mean, now everyone knows you're here, so it doesen't matter anymore if they see you now.,, I agree and say:" We just have to ask Jin and Namjoon if it's okay for them. Jin won't be a problem anymore, but I don't know what Namjoon thinks about me.,, Jimin lays his hand on my shoulder and says:"Don't worry. Namjoon Hyung will love you. Just like me.,, I giggle and quickly tell J-Hope he can come in again. He comes in and Jimin says:"J-Hope, I am really sorry for thinking you hurt her. I know you never would do this.,, J-Hope smiles and says:"It's okay. Allready forgot it.,, They hug and I smile at them. "Come on, join he hug Y/N.,, J-Hope says and they pull me into the hug. We let go and Jimin says:"Would you like, if Y/N eats with us?,, Hobi looks happy and says exited:"Yes ofcourse. This would be so nice. But Namjoon has to agree also.,, I nod for yes and go to Namjoon's room. Jimin and Hobi stay in Jimin's room. I knock on Namjoon's door and I hear him saying:"Yes, wait a second.,, I wait for almost two minutes till he finnaly opens his door and says:"Sorry that it took so long.,, I take a quick look in his room and see Jin sitting on the bed. "Hey Jin, you here too?,, I say amused. Namjoon now says:"Yes, we talked about you. We are sure the Paparazzi will search for you. You can't go outside without mask. They will find out who you are, where you live. Your life won't be the same anymore.,, I become shocked at this and Namjoon says:"Sorry, i didn't want to shock you this much. Would you like to come in? Sit down for a minute.,, I go in his room and just sit on the carpet. "Y/N, why are you actually here?,, Jin now asks. "I wanted to ask if I can stay for dinner. It was Jimin's idea.,, Jin seems to like the idea and smiles. Namjoon sees that and agrees, that I stay for dinner. "Thankyou guys. Can i hug you?,, I say happy. Namjoon again agrees and I hug him. "Namjoon, did you work out? You're arms feel really strong.,, I say and we three laugh a bit. "Actually yes, I did work out. Jin came in when I was in middle of working out.,, We let go again and I look at Jin. "Jin, really, why are you doing such things?,, I say playfull. He just smiles and shrugs his shoulder. "Y/N, can you tell the boys dinner is ready in 10 minutes? They always take longer. Namjoon you can help me in the kitchen.,, Jin says and we agree. Jin tells me where Yoongi's room is bevore I go. I go out out his room and first go to Yoongi. I knock on his door and go in. "Hey Suga, dinner is ready in 10 minutes.,, I say but he doesen't react. I go to his bed and shake him. "Yoongi wake up. Please.,, I get annoyed and open the curtains. It's still bright outside and it is like 6 pm already. He still does not move and I take away his blanket. "Hey, Hajiman, give it back.,, He says and I tell him again that dinner is ready in 10 minutes.He now finnaly gives up. "Yes, I am comming. Hey, you are the one from the fanmeeting. I remember how good I can make you blush.,, he smirks and I can't handle this so I again blush. "Leave me alone.,, I say and go out his room. I hear him giggling a bit and roll my eyes. I go to the room next to Yoongi's and knock. Nobody answers and I just go in. I look around but there is no one. I go to the next room and it seems like no one lives in here. Now there is only one room left and I go inside exepting no one is there too. What I see in this room shocks me. "T-Tae?, Jungkook? Sorry I didn't want to disturb you. Dinner is raedy in 10 minutes.,, I say and quickly go out again. I don't know if I should cry sad or or dance in happines. I decide to do nothing of it but still a tear falls down my cheek. I don't know if it's a happy or a sad tear. I go to Jimin's room and tell J-Hope and Jimin that dinner is ready soon. J-Hope already goes to the kitchen and Jimin and me decide to come after him in five minutes. "So Y/N, tell me what happend. I can see you cried.,, Jimin says and closes his door. I sit on his bed and tell him:"I- I wanted to tell everyone dinner is ready soon and went to the room on the other side and after I told Yoongi I wanted to the other rooms. I found no one in the next two rooms and so I went to the last room of this side. I tought no one is in there too but Tae and jk were in there.,, I take a break and Jimin sits next to me and asks:"Did they do what I think it is?,, I nod for yes and he becomes angry. "They know they should hold back when guests are here!,, He shouts but calms down and asks:"What happend then?,, "I went out. I told them about dinner and went out again. But I don't know why I cried.,, I say and Jimin says:"Because you love him. He is your Bias I thought. This idiot broke your heart.,,  "But Jimin, I also love Taekook. I always wanted them to annouce that they are in a realationship. I do love Tae after all but at same time I just want the best for him. It's really hard to be a Tae stan and also to support Taekook at same time. That's why I don't know what to do. Should I cry or should I smile, or just do nothing?,, My emotions overwhelm me and again a tear runs down my face. Jimin sees this and hugs me. "If you want to cry, then do. I am here for you. When you are done with crying you can be happy again.,, He says and I feel better in his arms. I now can't hold it back anymore, my emotions overwhelm me again and I just cry silent in his arms. He strokes my back gently and I say:"I want to lay down a bit. I don't feel like eating.,, I wipe my tears away and we let go. Jimin looks worried "You can lay down a bit, but you really don't want to eat?,, he asks. I get a shock when I realise that it is time. "Jimin, I have to go right now.,, I say in panic. "What? Why so sudden?,, he asks confused. "It's complicated. Or actually not. I guess my time of the month came.,, I say and in the next moment I feel the pain down there. I pull my legs on my upper body and try not to cry. "It sounds crazy, but we have pads here in the Dorm. I can quickly get some for you and you go to the toilette.,, I nod for yes and we do as he said. I run for my life, go on the toilette and take off my underwear that is full of blod. "Oh no!,, I say sad. I don't think about Jimin and he suddenly comes in. He blushes when he sees me and so I do. He quickly turns around and says:"Sorry, I didn't see anything.,, and throws the pads to me."Jimin, can you stand infront of the door? I mean outside the room. I don't want the others to see me like this.,, Jimin just shows his thumb up for yes and goes outside. He closes the door behind him and I relax a bit. I take the pads and realise that I can't wear my underwear anymore. I will need other underwear. I call Jimin again:"Jimin please help me. I can't wear my underwear anymore. It's ruined. I need another underwear.,, I say a bit embarassed. "Wait a second. I can bring you mine, if you don't mind.,, He says a bit shy. "Yes, I take anything I get.,, I say and Jimin quickly goes to his room. I just pray that nobody comes in. Jimin comes back real quick and nobody saw me. He gives me Underwear and I take them. He goes out again and it's cute how he tries to just look at the ground. I wear the underwear and I have to say they are really comfortable. Jimin took a good one. The underwear is black and fits perfectly under my skirt. No one will notice this. I stand in the bathroom relieved and quickly wash my own underwear. Maybe I can safe it, and really, I am fast enough and the blood is almost gone. I lay it on the heating, hidden behind a towel, and hope that nobody finds it. I go out from the bathroom and tell Jimin:"I think I feel like eating now.,, I smile and we go down in the kitchen. Everyone is there, exept Jin and Namjoon. I guess they still prepare the food. J-Hope sees us and says:"Hey, I reserved two places for you.,, and we sit next to him. Jimin on my right and Hobi on my left. Next to Jimin is Yoongi and next to Hobi sits Taehyung with Jungkook. Next to him is Jin or Namjoon then. "Do you guys have a seating plan or do you just sit like you want?,, I ask and Jimin replays:"We mostly sit like this but if someone argues with his seatmate we switch places. Somtimes we also want to try to sit somwhere else, just because we can, but we sit like this usually, yes.,, J-Hope now says:"Yes, and somtimes Jimin-na and me switch places.,, I nod so he knows I listened to him and after a while Jin and Namjoon bring the food. We all eat together and chatt, but between me, Tae and jk is an uncomfortable silence the whole time. We finnish eating and it seems like Hobi and Jimin were making a plan earlier when I talked with Namjoon and Jin, because they really made it that I can sleep in the bts Dorm. I text Stacy so she knows everything that happend the day and that I won't come to her tonight. She called me and she said I can eat breakfast with them tomorow and that I should make a selfie with them bevore I go. I have to say Jimin and Hobi are the cutest ever. They discussed in witch room I can sleep and we ended up saying I stay in Jimin's room and he sleeps in the living room. I brush my teeth and want to go out the bathroom when Tae comes in. "Hey Y/N, we have to talk.,, He says and I really don't want to and say:"Tae, I promise you that we talk tomorow when we wake up. I am really tired. Today happend so much and I can't keep my eyes open.,, "Okay, don't worry. We talk tomorow then. You have to promise. Pinky promise okay?,, he says and I smile at his cuteness. We do pinky promise and say good night to each other. I lay down in Jimin's bed and J-Hope comes in to wish me a good night. We give a goodnight hug and he goes. Jimin does the same and I feel bad, so I tell him he can sleep here too. He Actually agrees and we decide to lay on the each other side of the bed so nothing will happen. Jin makes sure I feel good and that Jimin won't do anything than sleeping. They are truly my everything and I can't be happier then now.

That's it for part three. I am littery writing this at midnight and just hope it's not boring for you guys. See ya'll in the next Part. byeee Sarangheo

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