Who said that?

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I finally get home after a long day of work like everyday... I go to the kitchen and fill a cup of glass with water. I'm so tired... I take off my clothes and I throw myself to the bed not pulling the covers because since it's very hot there's no need to.

*     *     *

The morning sun raises again I immediately get off bed thinking I overslept. Until I look at the clock just to saw I still have enough time to get ready to work. I go on the bathroom and as soon I check myself on the mirror, I come across with lots of hickeys around my neck and some crying marks from yesterday...

"Oh no..." I think to myself.

This is bad. I can't show up in work like this people will think I was raped or something...
I still don't know what to do about Bryce... I don't even know if I like him... Like really like him. Yesterday something told me to kiss him, but I'm still so confused of everything. But now I cannot think of that too much. I need to get myself ready before I don't have time to.
But... How am I going to remove these hickeys of my neck before going to work. I'll probably will need to use a scarf of something... But it's burning hot today! People will think I'm a psycho!

You know what. Screw it.

Nobody will care. Yeah... Nobody will care...

I get myself ready to work like always. I drive to the building that I'm already familiar with. The sun it's shiny today! I love this type of days when the sky is clear and everything it's so clearly visible.

I enter on the building picking the closest elevator to my floor. I check in.

On time.

"Hey Newbie." Bryce says suddenly. Appearing out of nowhere 

I jump up as soon as Bryce speaks on my back

"- The hell!?..." I sigh as soon as I see him "Oh... Hi there"

"You liked the marks I left on you huh?"

"Shut up... Just don't... talk about it..."

"Anyways... I forgot to ask you yesterday since we were... so busy... I got this ticket for vacation yesterday. It appeared on my desk... Maybe was Staff team"

Of course he got it too.

"Yeah, I saw it too... They were sweet not gonna lie... I'm so happy I've always wanted to visit Portugal. Well, it seems now I'm finally going to be able!

"We should get our seats together!"

"That's not how airplane system works... Well, I think..."

He then gives a sadder look

"I wanted to sit next to my Boyfriend"

"Sorry? Who said that?"

"Aren't we dating!?"

"NO!.. I-I mean... I'm not sure... And I don't know how to propose so..."

He then gives a more amused look

"Oh, so I'll make sure to do the sexiest and romantic proposal of all time."

"Yeah, bet."

Work shift begins so we say goodbye to each other. Well Bryce almost kissed me, but I didn't let him. I mean. It wouldn't be a bad idea, but people were there, and it would be a bit weird. I go to my cubicle and start with working.

*     *     *

Work shift ends so I'm finally able to go home. I go to my car and drive back to my small apartment. I'll probably will search for some luggage that I might have on my closet or something.

As soon as I step on the apartment, I go to my closet see if I have a luggage or something for vacation. I still need to get the ticket but since Bryce won't stop annoying me for us go together, I'll probably will discuss that with him.

I search further on my closet and yes! I found a luggage that doesn't look so bad, so I won't need to get a new one. But I will need to get some new clothes because I don't have much hot-days clothes. Maybe tomorrow I'll pass throw mall or something so I can see if I get something.

I put the luggage aside and prepare myself to eat something until the phone starts ringing. I answer it waiting a voice.

"Hello? This is Chris..."

"Hi umm... Have you already eaten? This is Bryce by the way."

"Bryce? How... Why... Where did you get this number?"

"My sources."

"Yeah... Right. Your sources"

"Anyways... Have you already eaten or not."

"Why do you ask?"

"I wanted to take you out for dinner..."


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